Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Day in the Life of the Drudge Report

A Day in the Life of the Drudge Report

(Non-disclaimer: I have no affiliation and have never had any contact with anyone associated with the Drudge Report–and I damned well haven’t been paid for what follows.)

Matt Drudge began the internet Drudge Report in 1996 and over the ensuing sixteen years has published both original articles and news items from a wide variety of sources, mostly stories which the MSM either ignores or downplays because, well, because they’re the mainstream media.

Drudge first gained widespread notoriety in 1998 by going where Newsweek and other mainstreamers dared not go, publicizing the sleazy details of the Monica Lewinsky–Bill Clinton sexcapades in the White House. Since then, Drudge has posted links to hundreds of stories that rattle liberal cages almost as much as Rush Limbaugh does.

Today, many conservatives regularly visit the Drudge Report to keep up on the news the public is not supposed to know about, information considered by the MSM as damaging to their liberal darlings, and some off-the-wall pieces rivaling The Onion, the difference being they are real.

Liberals probably drop by as often, although they’d never admit it, in order to check out the lies they’ve been caught in and news they had hoped would never be reported.

For those unfamiliar with what the Drudge Report reports, a brief sampling from late Saturday, June 9, 2012:

“Obama girl won’t endorse Obama.”

Amber Lee Ettinger, who strutted her stuff for candidate Obama in 2008, won’t even say if she will support or vote for President Barack Hussein Obama in 2012. See the story and Ms. Ettinger strut and sing her faded idolatry here:

Apparently, even idols tend to lose their luster after they lose their credibility.


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