Friday, June 15, 2012

Unfortunate Updates on Civility, Homosexuality, and Education

Unfortunate Updates on Civility, Homosexuality, and Education

The following are selected updates on the sad states of civility, homosexuality, and education in America:

CIVILITY. Last year, when President Barack Hussein Obama issued his plea for greater civility in America in the wake of the Tucson shootings, there was a naive hope that liberals–to whom civility is a foreign concept–would heed his impassioned request.

That was not to be, as amply illustrated over the past year by such foul-mouthed reprobates as Bill Maher, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, and their ilk.

Now, it’s been revealed that HBO still harbors such an irrational, uncivil hatred toward a former president of the United States that it featured George W. Bush’s head impaled on a stake in “Game of Thrones.”

Said an HBO writer, banking on the usual liberal contempt for American intelligence, “It’s not a choice, not a political statement!” Yet, when caught in its political viciousness, HBO apologized profusely. (

Liberal darling, Joy Behar, never apologizes for anything, least of all when she engages in one of her snarky attacks on conservatives. However, she out-Behared herself Tuesday when she erupted with a show of uncivilized contempt for Mitt Romney and his religion.

Newly chosen as a commentator on Al Gore’s un-watched Current TV, Behar sputtered in a Mediaite interview, ”I’d like to see his [Romney's] house burn, one of his millions of houses burning down,” adding, “Who’s he going to call, the Mormon fire patrol?”

Then, as if that remark didn’t adequately prove she weren’t a nasty bitch, in her usual classy fashion and in a desperate quest for an audience, Behar hurled a challenge to conservatives to come on her show, “If they have the balls.” 

Aside from the fact her gracious invite would exclude dozens of beautiful, conservative women like Sarah Palin, S.E. Culp, Michelle Malkin, et al., her remarks were just a tad extreme even for Joyless Bahar.

HOMOSEXUALITY. Gay people generally seem like joyless people, stuck as they are between normality and abnormality and unable to establish a viable connection with the former.

James Clementi, the gay brother of gay teen Tyler Clementi who leaped off the George Washington Bridge after he was videotaped at Rutgers University engaging in flagrante delicto activities with a homosexual paramour, thinks society failed Tyler.

In a whining critique of bullies and bullying on, Clementi conceded he himself went along with bullying in order to get along but nevertheless concluded, “The responsibility is on each of us to make it clear that bullying is not acceptable in our schools, our workplaces, our homes, or anywhere else that human beings might find themselves.”

Nice lecture but had James Clementi practiced what he now preaches, Tyler might still be alive.

Over a decade ago, the Supreme Court decided the Boy Scouts of America acted within their First Amendment constitutional right when they restricted membership as scouts or scout leaders to people who abided by the BSA moral code. That code meant that openly-homosexual individuals were not permitted to join in any capacity.

A 20 year old (?) Eagle Scout with two lesbian mothers, Zach Wahls, . . .


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