Sunday, June 24, 2012

Obama-buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?

Obama-buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?

During the Great Depression, “Brother [Buddy] Can You Spare a Dime” could have been the theme song for that miserable era in American history. It could also serve as the theme of Obama’s endless Great Recession, which is not to suggest I worry about the future.

You see, I’m a member of the president’s in-crowd and I’m convinced they’ll take care of me no matter what, if you know what I mean.

My buddy, Barack Hussein Obama, and my other buds on the Obama-Biden re-election team such as campaign manager Jim Messina and deputy campaign manager Jennifer O’Malley Dillon email me regularly, usually asking for donations, although not in dimes. Sometimes they email just to fill me in on how things are going.

I think that’s very nice of them. I know they consider themselves my buddies since their emails are so darn friendly and they always address me by my first name, which I think is an extra-special touch that enables me to refer to Barack by the first name he used when he was a pothead, Barry.

The president himself contacted me on May 31st all but begging me to help him out. As Barry wrote,

“Gene — Think about this: Today, our opponent is facing the same fundraising deadline we are. But the people I’m counting on at this crucial moment could not be more different. He’s relying on high-powered special-interest groups and a TV personality who’s spent the last week questioning where I was born. Our campaign is built by millions of ordinary Americans chipping in what they can, when they can. Will you help out before midnight? Make a donation of $3 or more right now.”

As requested, I thought about his plaintive request–for almost a millisecond.

I thought much longer about why Barry presumptuously referred to Mitt Romney as “our opponent,” I wondered where Barry was really born, and why he considers multi-billionaire George Soros, wealthy labor union goons, and virtually all of Hollywood’s elite as “ordinary Americans.”

Now, I fully understand that my boy Barry is in desperate straits, what with so many 2008 financial backers backing out and with young people and his African-American constituencies less than enthused over almost four years of hopey-changey which have resulted in more despair than hope and changes that most never wanted.

His campaign is so strapped for cash . . .

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