Monday, February 20, 2012

Gays on the Attack and under Attack

Gays on the Attack and under Attack

Few people would contest the fact that homosexuals have made enormous strides over the last forty years in gaining both acceptablility in America’s straight world, advances unimaginable prior to the Stonewall Riots in 1969.

Those upheavals in New York City’s Greenwich Village in turn led homosexuals to promote the misnomer “gay” and emboldened them to successfully intimidate the American Psychiatric Association into changing its long-standing diagnosis of homosexuality as a deviant mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to a variation on the norm.

Forced re-definitions rarely result in alterating realities.

Still, especially in the last decade, gays have succeeded in changing reality and making themselves very visible, if not normal.

. They have become virtual staples on television sitcoms and have evolved into an almost-obsessive subject on crime shows such as NBC’s “Law and Order.”

. They have won the right to marry in six states and have been integrated into the United States military.

. They have won the right to adopt babies and young children in some states despite evidence those kids are often sexually abused.

. They have a president who has vowed to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and who has filled his administration with more outed gays than you could shake a feather boa at.

. They sponsor Gay Pride Weeks and gay parades in a number of cities, weeks and parades filled with obscene public exhibitionism and campaigns to seduce young people into their aberrant lifestyle.

(All of the above have been detailed and documented in earlier posts on this blogsite.)

When Barack Hussein Obama’s Justice Department announced last Friday that it would not defend a case involving a constitutional challenge to same-sex mariages, the DoJ virtually assured the nation that DOMA will be repealed should Obama win a second term. . .

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