Friday, February 3, 2012

War, Religion, Politics, and the Super Bowl

War, Religion, Politics, and the Super Bowl

Two centuries ago, the English poet William Wordsworth wrote that “the world is too much with us,” essentially meaning that even in the early 1800′s humanity was too consumed with material things and the affairs of the day to smell the roses.

The alternative is escapism, ignoring what’s going on in the world around us, which can be worse than materialism.

Some subjects like war and peace, politics and all its ramifications, religion and all its controversy, politics and all its dirt, and the Super Bowl with all its manic craziness just can’t be avoided. Hence, I’m offering a few random, unsolicited commonsensical solutions for current issues. They are admittedly far from original but are thoughts worth repeating.

IRAN: Except maybe for some Iranians, few sane people believe the Islamic Republic of Iran is developing a nuclear program at the same time it’s developing short�and long-range missile technology in the interests of providing nuclear-generated electricity in a land with more oil resources than indoor toilets.

As they stall for time to execute�their avowed plan to eradicate Israel from the face of the planet and ignite a worldwide cataclysm to bring about the End Times, Iran’s president and ayatollahs must be chuckling in their hummus as America’s president continues his asinine quest for dialogue with maniacs in lieu of confronting the reality that Islam is thirsting for the Apocalypse.

COMMON SENSE SOLUTION: Not that they need it, but Israel should forget waiting for a green light from America’s Waffler-in-Chief and launch a pre-emptive strike to eliminate the Iranian threat sooner rather than later. More stalling will only make the job harder and the US will be blamed no matter what happens.

War sucks but it sure beats Armageddon.

POLITICS: The inherently dirty business of politics has gotten dirtier by the week in the past year with the president’s attack/slime machine in overgear and Republicans engage in internecine warfare which only serves to furnish campaign fodder for Obama and to enhance the egos of the GOP candidates.

The president’s billion dollar re-election effort, ably-assisted by his mainstream media, has already dismantled Michelle Bachmann, Herman Caine, and Rick Perry and is prepared to destroy whomever is eventually nominated to oppose him. The remaining hopefuls can only bring on greater damage to themselves and to the GOP if they allow the bloodletting to persist.

When the Muslim-tainted Obama resorted to citing Jesus Christ and the Golden Rule as inspirations for class warfare and Obamacare at the National Prayer Breakfast, they had to realize he will stop at nothing in order to get the opportunity for four more years to drag the nation into oblivion. . . (Read more at

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