Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our "Scary" President

Our "Scary" President

Less than four months into the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, Lou Pritchett, a former vice president of Procter and Gamble, posted an open letter to Obama on his blog which began, “Dear President Obama: You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.”

The original missive had been sent by the legendary corporate legend, noted public speaker, author, and teacher to the New York Times which chose not to print it although less distinguished publications did. It was subsequently accorded the seal of accuracy by leftist-leaning Snopes.com and only now has gone viral.

In retrospect, it’s understandable why the Times, a principal MSM Obama lackey, wanted no part of Pritchett’s letter but Obamians predictably came out in force to condemn Pritchett for his stupidity, ignorance, inaccuracies, and venom for daring to express his viewpoints on their Anointed One.

The letter reflects the author’s early and insightful realization that America was in serious trouble with our new leader and commander-in-chief.

Just months into Obama’s tenure, Pritchett noted Obama was unfit for office by virtue of his murky background, lack of experience and qualifications, radical past associations, arrogant sense of omnipotence and omniscience, his demonization of all opponents, and his extreme spending and health care plans which have since come to fruition.

In what is easily the scariest feature of Pritchett’s alarm was citing Obama’s mainstream media for its failure to vet candidate Obama as it had always done with previous presidential hopefuls and, since his election, has given him a free ride, never questioning his motives, never investigating his claims, never doubting his sincerity.

The remainder of Lou Pritchett’s letter follows: (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=15150.)

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