Thursday, February 9, 2012

Clarifications on Voter Fraud, Polar Bears, Clint Eastwood, God, and Obamacare

Clarifications on Voter Fraud, Polar Bears, Clint Eastwood, God, and Obamacare

Anyone who believes life is simple and uncomplicated, who believes our world and national news and events aren’t always in flux, who believes the status quo will always be the status, must also regularly tune into Comedy Central liberal comedians Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart to find out what’s happening on our planet and its import.

Believe it or not, based on admittedly anecdotal experience, many moronic people do turn to Colbert and Stewart as well as to Barack Hussein Obama’s MSM for their news.

For those among us who are not brain-dead, a few clarifications:

. Allegations that Hillary Clinton’s vast right wing conspirators are dedicated to exposing extremist left wing electoral turpitude have been proven correct in the swing state of Florida. In a single district, amost a hundred illegal aliens were registered to vote in the general election in November. Lee County Supervisor of Elections Sharon Harrington said, “It could change the whole complexion of the election.”

Considering which candidate is the principal supporter of illegals’ “rights,” guessing they were planning to vote for Barack Hussein Obama would be a safe bet.

. Claims that polar bears have been suffering during our era of alleged global-warming and shrinking ice caps have, once again, been proven false. Actually, those bears are thriving and the ice caps have been frozen in place even in the Himalayas, despite experts.’ contentions in 2009 that they wouldn’t exist in 2035.

In lieu of those realities, we can be certain the purveyors of climate panic will soon revert to their seventies’ warnings of a new Ice Age as a fear-substitute in order to keep the world terrified and Al Gore’s wallet stuffed . . .

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