Saturday, February 18, 2012

Prepping for Apocalypses

Prepping for Apocalypses

Preparing for an apocalypse can take on various forms. They can range from building elaborate, underground structures stockpiled with enough provisions to last an individual or a family for months or more to digging a hole in that same ground and covering yourself with a tarp.

Both approaches make as much sense. Besides being much cheaper, the hole technique would in all probability be about as effective in securing one’s survival as the million dollar building.

However, in no way is that analysis intended to diminish the magnitude of the multiple threats to Americans’ safety–and sanity.

From the dangers of nuclear terrorism that could result in widespread devastation to the perils of economic policies that endanger the foundations of society to natural catastrophes which have frequently wreaked havoc in the world to pandemics that could claim the lives of millions, it’s perfectly understandable that many people are getting nervous.

That nervousness is compounded for those who subscribe to the alleged prediction by ancient Mayans that we shouldn’t make plans for December 22nd, 2012 since the Earth will almost literally be turned upside-down on December 21st, which would make Christmas shopping a silly effort.

It should be noted the Mayans also made predictions for 2017 and 2025 and their culture is long extinct.

Still, the nervousness is being translated into a rebirth of survivalism, a phenomenon dating back to the fifties when fearful people began constructing bomb shelters to shield them from a thermonuclear attack by the Soviets and we schoolkids practiced hiding under our desks to save our lives.

Alternately known as preppers or suvivalists, . . .

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