Monday, February 27, 2012

Oil Crises and Pond Scum

Oil Crises and Pond Scum

With gasoline and heating oil prices reaching and surpassing $4.00 a gallon and $5.00 and even $6.oo on the near horizon, Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu should be given a nice round of applause for being so insightful in 2008 when he said, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

We’re not quite there yet but we’re on the Chu trajectory.

Chu’s reasoning, if you can call it that, was that high gas prices would force Americans to buy more fuel efficient cars and move their residences closer to their places of employment.

A typically-liberal approach to social manipulation, Chu’s muddle-headed plan didn’t take into account the future fuel efficient Chevy Volt’s tendency to explode, the added cost of buying hybrids, or the impracticality of most Americans switching jobs during a jobs’ shortage.

Never confuse liberals with reality.

They say their ultimate goal is to end American reliance on foreign oil and toward that end Obama and Company refuse to open up ANWR to drilling, refuse to issue off-shore drilling permits, refuse to approve the Keystone XL pipeline due to environmental fears, loan billions to Mexico to fund offshore drilling off California’s coastline, and ridicules Republican demands to ”drill more.”

All are peculiar inactions unless one considers that Obamians are intent on crippling America and reducing us to the level of a Third World nation, an international adjunct of his pledge to share the wealth.

Perhaps the greatest irony in all this is Secretary Chu’s current concern that high oil prices threaten to stifle America’s and world economies.

Just imagine what will happen when United States’ gas prices reach European levels!

As a Nobel Prize winner, Chu must be correct in all he thinks, no? Then again, Barack Hussein Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize and has been warring ever since.

This president, to whom we are shackled until at least January, 2013, has an enviable knack for interpreting realities . . . (Read more at

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