Friday, April 30, 2010

SB 1070: Arizona's Illegal Alien Law

SB 1070: Arizona's Illegal Alien Law

With the continuing and worsening uproar over Arizona’s new immigration law, SB 1070, it might be worthwhile to actually read said law before demonstrating or rioting over it.

Aside from the incongruity of the spectacle of illegal aliens protesting against a public law not scheduled to go into effect for months, a look at the text of that statute might alleviate some of their overreactive concerns.

It’s a simple law, really, as far as laws go, and largely devoid of the legalistic jargon that often obfuscates what politicians write. The section titled, “Article 8. Enforcement of Immigration Laws.” and subtitled, “Cooperation and Assistance in Enforcement of Immigration Laws; Indemnification,” represents a straightforward piece of legislation: . . .

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