Saturday, April 24, 2010

The October/November Surprise Part Three

The October/November Surprise Part Three

Few presidents have found themselves in such a massive pickle barely fifteen months into their first terms as President Barack Hussein Obama.

Beset on all sides by Tea Partiers on the right and gays on the left, with more negative news dribbling out just today that surprise, surprise, Obamacare will cost more than health care did in the past, with smatterings of war protestors complaining that we’re still fighting in the Middle East, with Democrats in Congress bailing out, with a prime constituency, the Jewish vote, increasingly discontent over U.S.-Israeli relations, the president should be stressed over the November elections and his own fading hopes for a second term.

Yet, he shows no signs of worry or concern. Now, why is that?

Could it be because of his well-known coolness that he’s not sweating his own and his party’s future? Or, could it be that Obama feels firmly ensconced in the catbird seat, knowing he has an ace up his sleeve that he can and will throw down when the time is opportune and he has no other cards left? . . .

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