Thursday, April 22, 2010

The October/November Surprise Part One

The October/November Surprise Part One

. . . There’s another story out there which, on face value, seems preposterous in our two-century old democratic republic. However, given the recent unconstitutional actions of our congress and given Barack Obama’s demonstrated disdain for our constitution as well as his contempt for solemn pledges and promises, I’m coming to believe the unthinkable is both thinkable and possible.

We’ve been hearing much of late of the probability of major Democrat losses in the coming off-year election in November. Almost always, those predictions are accompanied by a caveat framed as something like, “Those losses are inevitable–barring some national or international event, some catastrophic event, which would cause Americans to unite behind the president and his party.”

The mind boggles and speculation as to the nature of that event runs rampant: a terrorist attack or attacks, a war on our soil, a natural disaster of enormous proportions, a dire constitutional crisis, something yet unimaginable?

How would this administration react to such an eventuality? . . .

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