Saturday, April 3, 2010

Rules? Who Needs 'Em?

Rules? Who Needs 'Em?

Kids generally don’t like rules whether they’re spelled out by parents or whether they’re dictated by custom yet most also generally conduct their lives according to the rules if only to avoid the repercussions for breaking them. Most kids innately understand that without rules life as well as the games they play would be chaotic.

Congressional Democrats don’t seem to understand what kids do and trample on rules established in order that congressional business is conducted in a fair and judicious manner.

Last month during the non-debate over Obamacare we witnessed an obscene disregard for the rules set forth in the Constitution and the written and unwritten laws of deorous behavior attendant on lawmaking.

Repeatedly, various Democratic congresspeople voiced doubts about facets of the Obamacare bill that they felt were unconstitutional–for example, forcing Americans to buy health insurance. However, almost to the man or woman they voted for it anyway.

Time and again they departed from the bounds of moral behavior–such as publically bribing Senator Mary Landrieu in order to secure her vote–in the monomaniacal interest of passing their leader’s legacy law.

Usually, people are discreet about breaking the rules and manufacture stratagem, and lies, to hide their brazen behavior. However, that wasn’t the case with two Democrats recently, Reps. Alcee Hastings of Florida and Phil Hare of Illinois, both of whom flouted the rules and seemed proud about it. . .

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