Friday, April 2, 2010

Westboro Perversions

Westboro Perversiona

I believe that homosexuality is a perversion of nature and that practicing homosexuals pervert the timeless principles of Natural Law.

I believe the ongoing drive of the homosexual lobby and especially the effort to seduce children into its sick web of degradation should be stopped at all costs.

I believe homosexual attacks, physical, intellectual, and moral, on American individuals, society and institutions should and must be recognized and prosecuted where possible.

That said, I believe the actions of the Westboro Baptist Congregation are obscene and repulsive and virtually as perverted as homosexuality.

The Westboro congregation is as far removed from Christian aims and principles as the most vile organizations in the country.

Wrapped in the flag, Westboro fanatics traverse the country to stage demonstrations at the funerals of fallen soldiers to protest against homosexuals in the armed forces. . .

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