Monday, April 12, 2010

The Daily Kos

The Daily Kos

I consider it a variation on slumming to visit liberal websites. It’s like a trip to Calcutta without Mother Theresa holding your hand and making sure you don’t step into puddles of excrement or be assaulted by descendants of the thuggees who would sooner rip out your spleen than give you the time of day, if they knew it.

One of the most rabidly leftist websites out there, if not the most rabid, is the which featured two stories in its April 12th edition which clearly demonstrate the Kosites are at the extreme of American thinking as well as more than a tad disconnected from reality.

(Disclaimer: I was ousted as a commenter by the DailyKos a year or two ago due to my conservative postings which until my ouster seemed to get Kosite regulars excessively agitated and obscene in their rebuttals and cause them to reach for their blood pressure meds.)

The first article, following some unidentified, fantastical poll showing Obama’s national popularity soaring, was entitled, “Nebraska Lawmakers Flip Out on Abortion” . . .

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