Thursday, May 7, 2009

Randall Terry and the Shame of Notre Dame

Randall Terry and Alan Keyes are more than a bit overly-dramatic for my tastes, which is not to suggest they are wrong in their current quest to be arrested again on or outside the campus of Notre Dame University.

The days dwindle down to a precious few until that formerly great Catholic institution publically surrenders its moral integrity and its Catholic soul on May 17th in a vain and needless quest for prestige, which it already has–in spades!

ND president, Father John Jenkins, must truly believe that welcoming and offering accolades to a virtually fanatical abortion advocate will add some lustre to his career whereas this will be remembered in Notre Dame’s annals as the day his beloved university pimped for Obama.

Terry was arrested for trespassing on May 1st and posted bail; his court date is set for May 19th in South Bend, two days after the scheduled commencement.

Excerpts from Terry’s May 4th statement on his arrest and incarceration.

"Six of us went to Notre Dame on Friday, May 1, to make a visual statement about child-killing and ND’s invitation to President Obama to speak at the ‘09 graduation. We pushed baby carriages with dolls covered with stage blood, and a bumper sticker stating:

Obama ‘09 One Dead baby at a Time Notre Dame . . .

I was taken alone to a cell on campus where I prayed the sorrowful mysteries. . . We were transferred to jail – at Notre Dame’s order – for our peaceful, visual defense of the babies; meanwhile Notre Dame plunges ahead with her plan to honor the premier child-slayer of the western hemisphere. . . .

(Read the rest at

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