Saturday, May 2, 2009

Gays on the Warpath!

Gays on the Warpath!

I rarely disobey my bride of 41 years.

Well, that’s not actually true since I don’t feel I have to obey her, nor she me. Like the newspaper comic strip, “Pickles,” we have achieved a detente of sorts, meaning I do what I want and she does likewise.

She did request that I cease and desist with articles about our gay brethren since they were getting redundant and because homosexuals tend to misinterpret undue attention as subliminal interest in their activities and lifestyle. When that attention is invariably of a very negative cast, that’s as logical as interpreting attention paid to alien life forms suggesting innate desires to relocate to Uranus. Yet they persist.

Thing is, in the last year or so especially, homosexuals have shown they haven’t given up or let up in their various campaigns. To avoid referencing what they’re up to implies, to them, a craven cowardice which only encourages them to pursue their strategy of intimidating heterosexuals in order to achieve their goals of not just acceptance but endorsement and all that such acceptance and endorsement entails.

Rather than reiterate my views on their multi-faceted campaign of intimidation, their strategies, and goals, I suggest readers of this article type in “homosexuals” and/or “gays” on my website’s “Search” box to avail themselves of my dozens of well-researched, fully-documented, and brilliantly-written opinions on this topic.

Warning: Many of those articles are not for the faint of heart nor do they cater to that element in our society which adheres to the credo of “live and let live.” That philosophy would be fine and dandy with an adversary–and the Gay Lobby has indeed evolved into a potent and unrelenting adversary– which is capable of compromise and rational discussion. However, the Gay Lobby is fixated on a total, take no prisoners, victory.

If gays take any offense at that observation or to the content of those articles, then so be it. They should be advised that I take great offense to their agenda.

Some homosexuals get almost as turned on by the cowering of the straight majority as they do by teabagging, which is not a reference to the tea party tax protests of April 15th. No sane males would engage in the aberrant behavior which so attracts gays any more than they would encourage copulation between gays and orangutans. Gerbils seem to be their preferred partners, anyway.

Nevertheless, gays must be commended for their persistance as evidenced by their recent court and legislative victories permitting gay marriage despite overwhelming public opposition to that debasement of the institution of marriage.

Further testimony to their doggedness in pursuit of recruits from the ranks of school kids–something they deny vociferously–was last month’s outrageous “Day of Silence” staged in many of America’s schools.

Without needlessly elaborating on that now-annual event, suffice to say it involves a day promoted by many schools and dedicated to homosexual indoctrination as students are expected to sheepishly listen and learn about the wonders of being gay while being prohibited from commenting or protesting with objections.

The stated purpose of “Day of Silence” programs is to abolish bullying of homosexual students, which I would wholly endorse–if that were all the day entailed. See “Day of Silence”–”Day of Gay Seduction,”

As I said, grudgingly to their credit, the new breed of homosexuals never gives up. Even a year ago I would have bet all I own that their chances of ultimate success didn’t have a chance in Hell but now I’m not so certain. They seem to have the bulk of the liberal mass media, virtually the entirety of the entertainment world, and an indeterminate but significant number of national and state legislators, and now the President of the United States, in their camp.

See here for a very favorable lesbian take on Obama’s pro-homosexual positions:

Not able to read minds, I can’t unequivocally delineate the motivations of gay advocates among the media and politicians although a reasonable surmise is that many closely identify with the gay agenda and, with politicos, also want their votes.

Absent a crystal ball as well as functioning powers of telepathy, I’m unable to predict the future with a great degree of accuracy. However, as of May, 2009, all indicators are pointing to an eventual, possibly imminent, smashing victory for the homosexual agenda and a crushing defeat for the forces of tradition, morality, and common sense.

Residents and churchgoers in downtown Boston can attest to the bitter scent of defeat in the air. Last Tuesday, they were harrassed by a phalanx of 30 extremely noisy gay . . .

(Read the rest at

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