Friday, May 8, 2009

Notre Dame Shame Continues--on Video

Notre Dame Shame: The Saga Continues on Video

Megyn Kelly this morning on the Fox News Channel was the only one who kept (relatively) cool during a knock-down, drag-out debate between Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League and Robert Boston, representing Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

The two articulate gents were discussing the ongoing scandal surrounding the invite to President Obama to deliver the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame and to receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree next Sunday. To say that decision to invite and to confer an award on a proud, outspoken proponent of every conceivable method of extinguishing human life in the womb has caused an uproar would be massive understatement.

With Megyn acting as referee, Donohue and Boston went at it tooth and claw. Had they both been in the studio together without a ref, it would have ended in a true donnybrook.

The most salient point scored in the confrontation was Donohue’s very valid analogy that giving Obama ”an honorary degree, would be like Howard University giving David Duke a degree in racial politics,” to which Boston responded, “That’s offensive,” to which Donahue retorted, “No, what’s offensive is you.”

They verbally beat one another over the head and shoulders over an issue which is really pretty cut and dried: Should any institution, in this case a renouned Catholic university, abnegate a fundamental principle, in this case a foundational belief that the act of aborting a pre-born infant is morally and ethically repugnant and unacceptable, reward with honors and recognition an active advocate who promotes said immoral and unethical abortions, no matter who he is?

In this case the advocate just happens to be the President of the United States but should any individual be exempted and any moral principle be sacrificed for expedience or for any other reason?

I say, Nay, and so too did Bill Donahue say, Nay!

See here for the video of the debate: and here for more background on the “controversy:”

For anyone who professes to believe in the sanctity of human life or who believes that firm moral principles take precedence over all else, even in South Bend, Indiana, there is no controversy.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke
Irish orator, philosopher, & politician (1729 - 1797)

I will only add that all that is necessary for Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins to redeem himself and endorse good over evil is for him to rescind his invitation to Barack Obama. By so doing, he will also be redeeming the honor and good name of Notre Dame.

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