Monday, May 4, 2009

Cringe/Wince-Liberal Tales

Wince-inducing Liberal Tales

Feds, Booze, Sex, Gays, and Argentina: In his proudly-proclaimed “re-making of America,” our new president has seen fit to re-make our anti-abortion policies among other re-makes but hasn’t seen fit to save Americans a few hundred thousand bucks by ending an Argentinian boondoggle.

That boondoggle wasn’t even Obama’s initiative since it began under the Bush administration but it’s entirely within his power to end it now. I’m betting he won’t since it involves a major constituency, homosexuals.

Someone in the National Institute of Health thought it would be a great idea to launch a study into the relationship of bars, booze and homosexual sex, in Argentina. Six “researchers” will be dispatched to sleazy gay bars in Buenos Aires and by August 2010 are expected to reach a conclusion.

As outlined by the NIH in inimitable gov-speak, “Targeting public venues in Buenos Aires where men meet, alcohol is consumed, and sexual behavior occurs, the goal of this two-year exploratory study is to understand the various factors that contribute to the creation of a high-risk sexual space.” (

I can save the NIH and the taxpayers a bunch of money since the conclusions are already foregone: Gays go to gay bars because there are other gays there; they drink and toke; they go do gay things; they may or may not contract AIDS that night. Voila! Case closed, so cancel the six junkets and save at least $200,000!

If the NIH really wants to slow the spread of HIV and AIDS, shutter all gay bars and other venues of gay ill-repute and re-institute prohibitions against homosexuality. Another Voila!

Doc Specter’s Retroactive Prognosis: New Democrat Arlen Specter has extensively studied the matter of Jack Kemp’s recent illness and has determined the 1996 Republican VP candidate would still be alive if not for those wascally Republicans.

Cancer is no joke and Specter is a cancer survivor so it’s even more appalling that he would resort to absurdities such as this: ”If we had pursued what President Nixon declared in 1970 as the war on cancer, we would have cured many strains. I think Jack Kemp would be alive today. And that research has saved or prolonged many lives, including mine.” (

The senator was suggesting that the Republicans dropped the research ball, which is untrue, but more to the point is that since Republican Nixon first proposed that war almost 40 years ago, we have had Democrats in power most of that time including Carter and Clinton as presidents for 12 years.

For Specter to even hint that Jack Kemp died because Republicans failed to follow through on cancer research is beyond contempt, for most people. For Arlen Specter, wallowing in the contemptuous is par for the course but even he should have more respect for the truth and more respect for the dead than to spread self-serving canards.

Tony Leaves His Head in Frisco: Singer Tony Bennet just loves Barack Obama. He loves him so much that he has decided that whatever Barack wants, Barack should get because Barack deserves it, based on his exemplary accomplishments in his first 100 days. . . .
(Read the rest of Tony's Obama-gushing and other tales from the liberal crypt at

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