Friday, December 12, 2008



It never seems to end.

I’m not referring to the Governor Blago–Chicago–Obama–Rezko affair(s), which won’t end for months and which may be concluded with more resignations and indictments than just Illinois Governor Blagojevich’s.

I refer to Gays in the News.

First, we have the LGBT set, (that’s the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered set, for those not in the know), which is up in arms over President Bush’s and America’s silence on the U.N.’s statement calling for decriminalization of homosexuality.

It has not yet been set in stone, but the United States is the only Western nation that has not endorsed the proposal:

The entire European Union is on board but some 80 or 86 other nations still regard homosexual activities to be illicit and 5 impose the death penalty for such intercourse. One gay activist stated, “Washington will lose ever more respect and credibility if it fails to endorse this statement of support for LGBT human rights.”

This “gay friendly” website,, points out that the only nation in the Middle East that supports a U.N. declaration is Israel.

I say kudos to Bush and our United Nations team. I think executing gays for acting out sick, gay behavior is extreme and unjust but I also think we shouldn’t endorse such perversity.

Second is this story about the Vatican’s opposition to that same U.N. declaration which, in effect, declares that homosexuality is fine and dandy and which opposition gays consider “grotesque”:,2933,464245,00.html.

With that disapproval, Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican are simply adhering to time-honored and Biblical proscriptions against the “abomination” that is homosexuality.

Times may change and agitators may agitate but if the Church ever becomes influenced to change its fundamental precepts by changing times and protests it will no longer be the Catholic Church. It will become the equivalent of Imus’ “First Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship.”

In that eventuality, the Catholic Church will not deserve to survive so I therefore accord encouragement, and more kudos, to my Church.

(Read the rest of this article at

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