Thursday, December 4, 2008

stalagmites and global warmists


A stalagmite stabs right through the heart of “Global Warming.”

Life is full of valuations and re-evaluations but nothing seems to register with the global warming bunch, not even stalagmites.

This latest Earth news from Reuters, “Climate Change May Explain Empires’ Fall,”, should but won’t shake the warmist’s deluded conviction that nasty, old Homo Sapiens are making Planet Earth much too toasty and may soon make it uninhabitable.

In their rush to a wrongful and a non-scientific political judgement, they’ve ignored every other report and all the other evidence that, yes, the globe has been growing a tad warmer of late but, no, people aren’t causing it.

Global warming is a natural phenomenon which, as with all natural phenomena, such as global cooling, will run its course no matter what we mere mortals say or do about it.

Seems now a couple of geologists have found geological evidence in a cave near Jerusalem that way back–up to two thousand years ago still constitutes way back, I believe–that that region experienced a significant drying out period, accompanied by prolonged drought conditions.

The closest thing to heavy industry at the time was clay pot making so that can’t account for the changing conditions as evidenced by rings on a stalagmite, one more factual tidbit that pierces the heart of the phony hot air balloon that is the global warming charade.

That scientists can keep a straight face...

(Read the rest of this article at

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