Sunday, December 14, 2008



It struck me a long time ago that our leaders in America almost blithely go about our business with such little concern for our well-being, most specifically with regard to future attacks by terrorists on our soil.

They’ve put us in a defensive posture with such tactics as airport screenings and patdowns and with all sorts of other defensive measures which are supposed to make us feel secure and to continue travelling, shopping, attending various sporting events and the like but we’re about as secure as we were on September 10th, 2001.

It’s all a charade, a deadly charade, as evidenced by the recent report on the probability of some sort of WMD attack by the year 2013:

Not by 2012 or 2011, mind you, and not in 2009, but by 2013 and not by 2014.

I can’t believe I’m the only person in America who perceives the absurdity of such a report, absurd not because it was written and given to President Bush by the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism but that the United States of America felt the need for such a commission.

We are not India, we are not Pakistan, we are not a banana republic which should be sitting back and saying, as this report does, “Our margin of safety is shrinking, not growing:” And and other media simply post the story as if it were the equivalent of another bloody murder or more news on Governor Blago’s scandals.

CBS asks the question: Are we ready? Are we ready for a nuclear or biological or any other mass attack on our nation.

I say that if we have to ask the question, we are not, and the fact that our “margin of safety is shrinking” attests to that. Of more relevance is the question, Why are we not doing something about it?

Why are we sitting back and in effect saying, Well, we’ve done what we can to insure our national security but we know it’s not enough so just bring it on and let’s see what happens? Is that not the same defeatist approach that France adopted with its farcical Maginot Line?

An ounce of prevention is said to be worth a pound of cure. That hackneyed maxim is fine advice for avoiding the flu but has no application when we are discussing our future and, conceivably, the national survival of the United States. In our current situation as we await another devastating attack or attacks, an ounce of pre-emption is worth a ton of phony, misleading security efforts which that commission admits are useless.

I’m not proposing that we attack all or any of our many enemies, enemy nations or groups within ostensibly friendly nations. That would enhance our security but would be far beyond the pale of civilized response even to this grave threat.

What I propose is outlined in my book, An Immodest Proposal for Ending and Winning the War on Terror. In a nutshell, my proposal is to put our enemies, is to put the planet, on notice that America will just not tolerate attacks on our soil. That’s it, pure and simple. I obviously flesh out that notice in great detail in the book as well as detailing the repercussions of such attacks.

Is this alarmist? Is issuing an ultimatum that no enemy had better try to mess with us, to tread on us, to attack us, alarmist? You’re damned right it is! Is the book alarmist, again damned right it is, but before condemning that alarm, consider the alternative of waiting patiently and stupidly to be hit and maybe pummeled into the dust of history.

This is not a pitch to sell said book, which is available on and at other outlets. In fact, I will be more than happy to provide a complementary copy, at my expense including shipping and handling, to anyone who sincerely wants to read it and who will promise to try to do something about the peril our country faces.

If I’m wrong, if the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism is wrong, then you get a free book to use to light a fire.

I hope we’re wrong.


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