Saturday, December 6, 2008



Jews have taken a lot of flak over the centuries. Okay, that’s hardly news although it is worthy of re-statement.

They have been persecuted and prosecuted for millennia, reviled as “Christ Killers,” subjected to pogroms and to the Holocaust, blamed for everything from recessions to depressions, and, in America, accused of having and exerting excessive power and influence in relation to their percentage of the population.

Just as with discussing Blacks or gays in America, there is a certain assumption of bigotry associated with any non-Jew writing about those of the Jewish persuasion so I must hasten to correct that erroneous assumption with regard to this series.

Neither this article nor this series of articles will represent an exercise in “Jew bashing,” too much of which already emanates from brainless twits known as Neo Nazis and skinheads who wish for a return to a return to the days of Adolph Hitler. You may recall those days, the days and nights of kristallnacht, gas chambers, mass murder of twelve million people, and a war which brought death and destruction to the planet and the loss of seventy one million people in World War II.

That is not to suggest, either, that this article and those which follow will avoid controversy or fail to present both sides of questions, allegations, and opinions on this or any other subject.

The series is intended not to castigate or in any way diminish the Jewish people but rather to comment fairly and evenhandedly on a topic on which many non-Jews hold strong opinions but few dare to speak or write openly.

That in itself is troublesome. We still enjoy the rights extended by the First Amendment and any speech or writing not intended to harm or incite rebellion should be acceptable, even though it often is not.

In researching the subject of Jews in America, I’ve discovered that there are countless websites devoted to “Jews.” Google the word and almost 32,000,000 sites are found, an incredible number considering that less than five million websites pop up for “Protestants” and “Hindus,” eleven million for “Catholics,” and twenty seven million for “Muslims.”

According to the C.I.A. World Factbook, Protestants comprise 6% of the global population, Hindus 13%, Roman Catholics 17%, Muslims some 21%, while Jews make up a scant one-quarter of 1%:

Jews as a subject therefore comprise a miniscule number of believers worldwide yet an inordinate number of websites in some fashion or other make reference to them, at least on the Google search engine.

Those websites and percentages clearly show that there is a great interest in Jews and the question has to be, Why?...

(Read the rest of this article at

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