Monday, December 8, 2008

homosexual death wish?


I really think homosexuals have a death wish. It’s not that they’re literally or necessarily wishing for the great beyond but they do seem to tempt fate, in many ways.

Emboldened by their successes over the last few decades in achieving greater acceptance in society, they continue to push for more and more but they seem oblivious to the reality that pushing too much on that envelope could result in a backlash from the vast majority of straights.

Undeterred by the messages of Proposition 8 or by other rejections of their lifestyle on Election Day in America, Dutch homosexuals, instead of retreating to their closets and adopting a lower profile, ramped up their in-your-face tactics with plans for a gay holiday festival in Amsterdam replete with two Josephs and two Marys:

Of course and obviously, the Netherlands is not the United States. However, don’t these people read the papers?

Also, Amsterdam is Amsterdam and operates on its own rules and lack of rules as Europe’s Sin City but the burghermeisters there have recently been trying to clean up its reputation. (Please see previous article, “Dutch Sex City To Clean Up, [Part of] Its Act.”)

Apparently, Dutch gays didn’t read that story either.

Gays don’t seem satisfied with their worldwide gains such as laws banning discrimination against homosexuals, and some nations, and American states, permitting gay unions and marriages. Considering their status of just a few decades ago and the all but universal disdain societies had for them, one would think they wouldn’t go out of their way to avoid needlessly antagonizing people.

Yet, antagonize they do both in America and abroad ...

(Read the rest of this article at

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