Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bloomberg Bristles!

Mayor Bloomberg and the Impertinence of Probing Questions

Serving as mayor of New York City has been called the second toughest job in the country, second only to the presidency.

That description of the Big Apple before it was the Big Apple was coined forty years ago by then-mayor John Lindsay, probably the city’s second-worst mayor in the twentieth century after Jimmy Walker.

Oddly for such a tough job, people seem to fight like hell to set up residence in Gracie Mansion. The current mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has declined to live there for reasons of his own, probably because it would be beneath his dignity.

A lifelong Democrat, zillionaire Bloomberg switched parties in 2001 and ran as a Republican, defeating the hapless Mark Green to succeed Rudy Giuliani, one of the best mayors in the city’s history. The new mayor effectively bought the mayoralty, the only way a candidate with an “R” after his name could hope to win in today’s NYC.

Giuliani was legally prohibited from running again due to New York’s term limits law. Such legalities posed no obstacles to Bloomberg.

Bloomberg was as much a Republican as Arlen Spector . . .
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Teachers Are At It--Again!

(As preface, please see my five-part series, “Teachers Gone Wild I-V” [August 20-24, 2008]. Part I can be found here:

Well, they’re at it again, as if they ever stopped.

WCBS-TV reported that yet another dedicated professional, a female teacher in a New York City intermediate school, Marissa Weber, was caught in flagrante delicto with a 14 year old (male) student. It’s alleged that 27 year old Ms. Weber trysted the afternoons away with the kid on some seven occasions between April and mid-May.

Had she not been apprehended in one of her acts, Marissa probably would have had a blissful summer with a kid half her age which, in itself, says a great deal about Marissa.

It’s not quite the rule but no longer even approximately the exception that, as can be seen from that 5-part series, school teachers are increasingly abusing their positions of authority and former respect by sexually abusing children. The practice can’t be said to be rampant but likewise it can no longer be considered rare.

Ms. Weber, it seems, was very aware of the consequences if not the iniquity of her assignations with a minor, cautioning him, “Don’t tell anyone. I could get arrested and I could lose my teaching license.” She apparently had no concern with losing her self-respect nor with taking carnal advantage of the boy.

Her final contact with him, after his mother discovered hundreds of messages from her on his cell phone, was a tad cryptic: “Erase your phone:”

Here’s a clue for Ms. Weber: You have a helluva lot more to lose than simply your license to teach. Try a few years in the slammer.

Few say it nowadays, but in our sexually-charged culture, underage male victims probably didn’t perceive himself as victimized. Obviously, police didn’t divulge the name of the boy nor specifics as to precisely what went on in Ms. Weber’s second floor classroom at IS/MS 8 in Queens, N.Y. aside from saying she had “sex with the teen seven times from mid-April to mid-May, all after school.”

The teen is no doubt feeling like the King of the May and is being lionized by his buddies. However, a quick look at the video of Ms. Weber being ignominiously hauled out of her school would suggest she had to have gotten the better end of the sick deal. Marissa looks like she’ll have a tough time finding a girlfriend at the Riker’s Island jail.

Across the Hudson, in Frankford, New Jersey, she may have had a comrade in the arms of another middle schooler. Lindsay Massaro, 23, is alleged to have had a week-long “relationship” with one of her students.

Massaro, a student teacher and a student at Centenary College in Hackettstown, N.J., “is traumatized by the charges and maintains her innocence,” according to her attorney:

No mention is made of any victim trauma and maintaining her innocence is more than Weber maintained so we should withhold judgement in this case. It could be a matter of a kid annoyed with his grades. It could also be retaliation for being rebuffed by Ms. Massaro. Kids sometimes read the papers, too. But she was arrested, which is indicative that the cops have some basis for charging her.

Back in New York, upstate this time in Binghampton, comes this sordid tale . . .
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Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Day In Obamaland

The GITMO Dog and Pony Show: A Day in Obamaland

This is an incomplete and un-edited transcript of a conversation recorded in the Oval Office. It cannot be termed an official transcript since the recording device was somehow secreted under the carpet in the wee hours of January 19th, 2009 by a person who shall remain unidentified. As can best be determined, the participants were President Obama, (BHO), Attorney General Eric Holder, (EH), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, (NP), and DHS Secretary, Janet Napolitano, (JN). A staff member suggested it be called, “A Day in Obamaland.” We report, you decide.

BHO: So, what do we do now, bro?

EH: I dunno, man. I told ya this was gonna cause problems. We could send them out to Murtha’s district or maybe San Quentin, Sing Sing? I just dunno. If . . .

NP: I want to say again, I was never told about that waterboarding and I refuse to discuss it any further.

BHO: Umm, Madame Speaker, that’s old news and we weren’t talking about waterboarding, anyway.

NP: Oh, we weren’t? I thought since the topic was that despicable place, Guantanamera, that . .

EH: Nancy, it’s Guantanamo, but can we just get on with this?

NP: Oh, well, if that’s how I’m to be treated, I won’t say another word!

BHO/EH/JN (in unison): Good!

JN: Mr. President, I simply don’t understand the problem. We’re only talking about people the Bushies said were bad guys but none of them have ever been convicted in a court of law. For all we know, they could be fine upstanding citizens of their various countries. Legally, we have no right to be holding them at all . . .

EH: I handle legalities, remember, Jan?

JN: Now there’s no need to be snotty, Mister Attorney General! I just thought I could interject my two cents and besides, those Right-to-Lifers and those returning vets pose a much greater threat than some alleged terrorists. I’ll have you know, those vets know quite a good bit about guns and some have actually shot and killed people.

BHO: It’s called a war, Madame Secretary.

JN: I know, but still . . .

(Knock on the Oval Office door; unknown female voice is heard.)

Unknown: I’m very sorry to interrupt, Mr. President, but Vice President Biden is still waiting. He’s been here all morning. He asked if he could come in.

BHO: Tell him, umm, ah, tell him I’m trying to fix my teleprompter.

Unknown: Sir?

BHO: He’ll get the point.

Unknown: Yes, sir, I’ll tell him.

(Muffled voice, apparently saying “I’ll be good,” then sound of door closing, gently)

BHO: Ok, people, time’s a wastin’. And, Eric, we all know Murtha shoots his mouth off and if we dumped terrorists, (sorry, Janet, suspected terrorists), on his doorstep, he’ll scream bloody murder that his district is being dumped on. He’s gonna have a hard enough time fooling those people again and getting re-elected.

EH: Good point, Barry, oops, Mr. President. And we prefer to call them “detainees.” Did you hear Mueller said it would be risky if we shipped, er, relocated any of them stateside? . . .

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009


An article in the latest edition of The Economist bemoans the paucity of comic material for mocking President Barack Hussein Obama, suggesting he is just too perfect–and slick–to serve as a target for a comedy routine. Almost in passing, it mentions that, “His race makes some cautious.”

Ya think?

Actually, there are tons of such material available for Jay Leno, Dave Letterman, Conan O’Brien, and all the other comedians on cable such as Bill Maher and Jon Stewart for whom nothing was off limits when it came to former President George W. Bush or even his daughters. Indeed, at every opportunity they still lampoon Bush and if no opportunity avails itself, they will simply invent one.

They and their writers simply choose not to use readily available and copious comic material about Obama for a variety of reasons, not least of which is his race.

They dare not go there nor do they dare to target his missteps, misspeaks, and misinterpretations since, as Obama only half-jokingly said at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, most supported his candidacy and voted for him. How would it look, less than 5 months into his reign, if they now made fun of him?

In point of fact, they never will subject Obama to the unrelenting, scathing “humor” to which George Bush was subjected. You simply don’t ridicule a guy with his messianic aura, and complex.

The Economist article, “Read It and Weep” by “Lexington,”, inadvertently says far more about the reasons for the lack of comedic coverage than it does about the reticence of leftists to dare to criticize its living icon, that same President Barack Hussein Obama.

The closest the article gets to a Bush-like assault is this accompanying cartoon depicting a wild onion bouncing across the president’s Oval Office desk and his addled facial expression:

The onion is a reference to the satiric website,, which is “unencumbered by any obvious party loyalty” and so continues to hurl barbed headlines and stories including, “Black Man Given Nation’s Worst Job,” which is more a poke at the presidency than at the president.

To suggest that only Onion spoofs can ridicule him with patently-absurd headlines and stories has to be a spoof in and of itself.

“Lexington” goes on to quote various comics on the comedic issues they face with Obama.

Letterman shamelessly lauds him as “cogent, eloquent, and in complete command of the issues” and sighs: “What the hell am I supposed to do with that?” No more clips of “Great Moments in Presidential Speeches” for Dave. After all, that ongoing series contrasting well-rehearsed speeches by FDR, et al. with impromptu George W. remarks, or pauses, or a clip showing Bush trying to exit through a locked door were really, really funny.

Bill Maher complains that Obama is “not fat, not cheating on his wife, not stupid, not angry and not a phoney [sic].” Obesity, although not Oprah’s, is hilarious to Maher as are John Edwards’ screwing around with some bimbo while his wife battles terminal cancer, . . .

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Angels, Demons, Dan Brown and the Vatican: Oh, My!

Angels, Demons, Dan Brown and the Vatican: Oh, My!

I honestly don’t know what to think about Tom Hanks’ new conspiracy flick, “Angels and Demons,” a prequel witten prior to his earlier blockbuster, “The DaVinci Code.”

I’m not crazy about Hanks to start with, although I must be admit he’s a talented actor. As for director Ron Howard, I still can’t get past the image of Opie of years ago but he seems to know how to direct movies. He was cuter as a kid but losing his hair seems to have sharpened his directorial expertise.

I didn’t want to go see “Angels and Demons” mainly because it was awarded a mere 2 stars by most expert critics and 3 stars is my criterion to lay out bucks to go to the local movie house instead of waiting for the DVD. However, I listened to the wife for a change who had reminded me that “Benjamin Button” had earned 3 stars, wasn’t all that special, and which was entirely too long.

So, we went to view ”Angels” on a semi-big screen. At 135 minutes, it too was much too long but I was glad I did. I think.

Granted, like “Button” and “DaVinci,” “Angels” is largely a fantasy thriller although, as with “The DaVinci Code,” author Brown swore it was factual which causes one to wonder what he considers fact as opposed to fiction.

Had F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of the 1921 short story on which “Button” was based, had read the screenplay and heard any suggestions that the film was based on fact, both he and Zelda would have retched, and then would have quaffed a few more martinis.

In “DaVinci,” Brown fabricated a plot postulated on age-old and long-discounted conspiratorial slanders against the Catholic Church, such as Jesus Christ being a family guy who wed Mary Magdalen. He invented obtuse anagrams and silliness about the Priory of Sion, which dates to the 1950’s, not to the 1600’s: Brown also cites the ancient Knights Templar and the relatively new Catholic organization, Opus Dei, (est. 1928), as conspiratorialists and vicious murderers.

The author brings to mind the truism that even paranoiacs have enemies. If true, Brown has tons of enemies, all somehow associated with Catholicism.

In “Angels” he ranges even farther afield from reason with some anti-matter nonsense and an attempt to vaporize the Vatican with an anti-matter experiment run amok, which may have been wishful thinking on Brown’s part.

You see, many hundreds of years back the Church was supposed to have slaughtered a bunch of Illuminati in order to suppress scientific advancement, . . .
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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day, Obama Style

Memorial Day: What It’s All About, Obama-Style

President Barack Hussein Obama devoted his Saturday radio address to the nation to the subject of Memorial Day and he, his writers, and his trusty teleprompter delivered a touching, patriotic speech intended to gladden our hearts and stir our emotions.

He jabbered on about the “sacred trust” he felt toward our armed forces, about never sending them unnecessarily “into harm’s way,” adding that, “it is time to remember the mission that the military serves.”

And why? Because “That is what Memorial Day is all about. It is about doing all we can to repay the debt we owe to those men and women who have answered our nation’s call by fighting under its flag:”

All fine and good and any decent American would concur that we all owe the deepest expression of heartfelt gratitude to our troops and veterans. Most of us don’t need reminders not to forget the mission of our defenders.

The one flaw in that wonderful address is that it reflected a shameful exhibition of the abysmal ignorance, the dearth of demonstrable patriotism, and the lack of a fundamental knowledge of American tradition and history which even a sixth-grader in years gone by would have known.

Obama, his speechwriters, and his faithful teleprompter evidently weren’t aware that as great a debt as we owe to our troops and war vets, that, Mr. President is not what Memorial Day is all about. That is what Veterans Day, not Memorial Day, is all about. There is a difference.

FYI, Mr. President, although efforts have been made to change the date of Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, it still commemorates the signing of the armistice that ended World War One, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month on the calendar.

May isn’t even close to November, Mr. Obama.

Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day,. . .
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our "Values" President?

Our “Values” President?
Specifically, what “values” our president holds dear to his heart are difficult to define or divine.

Are they the “values” of what he called, “sharing the wealth” and redistributing America’s wealth with those who have done jacksquat to earn it while stripping hard-working Americans of the fruits of their many labors?

Are they the “values” of aborting as many pre-born babies as he can get away with while professing an oh-so-sincere desire to make aborting the innocent a “rarity?”

Are they the “values” of subverting America’s military–and our schools–with homosexuals, undermining our economy with debt that our grandkids will be paying off until they are grandparents, and instituting “green” policies that are as functional as teats on a bull?

Nah, they are the values of his concept of “national security.”

In Obama’s commencement address to the graduates of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, young men and women who couldn’t walk out or extend a middle finger if they wanted a career in our Navy, our president said, “When America strays from our values, it not only undermines the rule of law, it alienates us from our allies, it energizes our adversaries and it endangers our national security and the lives of our troops:”

That pronouncement was as true as rain and as misleading as only this president can mislead.

Message to Obama: You have demonstrated repeatedly that you have no clue as to America’s true values. You have demonstrated with your silvery tongue that you are adept at talking the talk but when it comes to walking the walk you talked you are inept but supremely confident that your mainstream media lackeys will never expose either your ineptitude nor your true, malevolent purposes.

Our supposed allies are committed to their own survival and prosperity, not ours, except as it serves their purposes. Our known adversaries don’t need to be energized with you in office since you seem to have far more empathy for them than for America. As for our national security I do have to wonder which nation’s values and security you have in mind since they are obviously not ours.

With every day and with every utterance of this president it becomes clearer that 53% of voters made a serious mistake on November 4th, 2008. Whether our nation will ever recover from that error is very questionable.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Teen Sex Revisited

Teen Sex Revisited

AOL “News” often features stories about teens and likes to perk up its ratings and hits with tales of teenage activities and, when possible, reports on bizarre teen sexual behaviors.
Three teen sex stories made AOL News the same day, one distinctly bizarre, the second sickening, the third actually pretty wholesome.

Teen Sex–Bizarro World: Things are tough all around nowadays what with the worldwide recession, mortgages gone bad, and Obamaians making things worse in Washington.

One enterprising 18 year old girl came up with her own unique solution for her personal economic malaise, which is not suggested here as an alternative to getting a job at Burger King or redeeming soda and beer cans at a nickel per.

Alina Percea, a Romanian-born and very entreprenurial student in Germany, decided to sell her virginity online to the highest bidder and, no, she didn’t use Craig’s list.

A 45 year old Italian businessman laid out $13,937 or about £9000 for the privilege and for a weekend romp with Alina. She flew to Italy, they had to chat in English since she spoke no Italian and he spoke no Roumanian, and they romped in Venice. What with the language of love, or sex, not much talk was needed anyway and it turned out to be a variation on the old un-rhymed, Italian standard, “Whama, bama, gracia, signoritta.”

For more details on their rendezvous, the reader will have to refer to the article in the London Daily Mail,–prostitutes-Germany-taxed-50-earnings.html.

The biggest bummer for Alina is that the German taxman cometh. Even though the assignation took place in Italy, the deal was sealed in Germany and with an economy in worse shape than ours, the Germans want their cut.

The German government considers Alina’s profitable romp to be tantamount to prostitution, which is fine and dandy there. But after all is said and done, a VAT surcharge could be tacked onto her tax bill and, in the words of the Daily Mail, “the sale of her virginity could land her with just over £3,000 in the end.”

Teen Sex–Lost Boys: There’s nothing about Warren Jeffs that a few years in his Utah State Prison cell with Vito No-Neck wouldn’t cure. Maybe.

Jeffs is serving 10 years to life in Utah for rape and if he ever is released Arizona gets its crack at him for rape, sexual conduct with minors and incest charges.

He maintained and literally grew his own private harem of underaged girls who were then married off to his resident adult buddies/child molestors/polygamists. As grand poobah of the sacrilegiously-titled Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the FLDS, he ruled as the official FLDS “Prophet, Seer, and Revelator” and unofficial Pedophile-in-Charge.

For the curious, features his grotesque story and pictures here: The pics aren’t X-or even R-rated, unless you object to photos of a 53 year old perv embracing and playing tonsil hockey with girls who are young enough to be his granddaughters.

The only thing going for Jeffs and his cohorts is that they don’t crave boys, as shown in this video of a young man, Jeffs’ nephew who he raped at age five. Along with other males, he was banished from Jeffs’ house of horrors when they approached puberty: . . .

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

America 2016 II: Disarmament?

Here’s a mouthful: The Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and other Related Items.

Politicos get turned on by long titles such as that one which refers to a treaty never ratified by the United States Senate and which more commonly goes by its Spanish acronym, CIFTA. If you haven’t heard about it, you will soon enough since President Obama is now pushing it as is Republican Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana.

It’s no surprise Obama is on board but Lugar, the most senior Republican in the Senate, is a major shocker.

CIFTA fits very nicely with Obama’s obsession with internationalism. (See “America in 2016,”, which discusses the un-American scheme for the ”use of international law in interpreting the Constitution of the United States.”)

The seventy-seven year old Dick Lugar, however, is generally considered a pretty conservative guy so his support for a treaty for which there is very little enthusiasm in the Senate is indeed a surprise. The CIFTA treaty has been gathering dust there for 12 years ever since Bill Clinton proposed it but made little effort to get it ratified.

I can’t figure why a conservative Republican would advocate for a treaty which, among other features, would provide all available United States’ governmental information on every gun owner in the country to bureaucrats in foreign nations.

Catch the video on the subject with CNN’s Lou Dobbs, who says, “We’re fools” to buy into this farcical treaty, here: Dobbs added that “We will have only ourselves to blame” if the Senate ratifies it.

Speaking of fools, the far left wing The Nation . . .

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America in 2016

I’m taking bets on the probability of whether the United States will still be a free and independent nation at the end of Obama’s first term. I think it’s a toss-up at this point, 50-50 odds. Should he win a second term and hold onto the presidency through 2016, it’s a no contest. We won’t have a chance.

It would be a sucker’s bet anyway since the handwriting is all over the walls and all over the Obama administration and anyway it’s supposed to be immoral to bet on a sure thing.

By 2012, America’s national integrity will have been so undermined by internationalism, at the bottom of which is always the ungentle hand of the United Nations, that we will be gasping for air; by 2016, our nation will be unrecognizable.

Can we all join together and say, “National hari kari?”

One report reinforcing that pessimistic view is this laughable but all-too-factual account:

Harold Koh, President Obama’s nominee to be top political advisor to Hillary Clinton’s State Department, has contrived what superficially is a novel idea, namely that the United States courts, including SCOTUS, incorporate “international laws and customs into domestic law, whether through the legislative process or through federal courts’ use of international law in interpreting the Constitution of the United States.”

Oh, really? Isn’t that just a peachy keen idea?

Koh is another of the muddle-headed aparatchiks that Obama so loves and who is so enamored of European and other international life, laws, and tribunals that they put to shame the legal thought in America.

Lest Harold believes he was proposing a unique idea, sorry to disillusion him but his partner in crime, SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer offered a similar proposal some years ago:

Try to keep up, Harry!

Their subversive and operative thinking is that our legal system is so infested with nationalism that America should scrap 220 years of our heritage and subscribe to the legal philosophies of those who know better than we as to what’s best. We should therefore become legal lapdogs for the far more urbane and intelligent systems of France, Germany, and maybe even India, Tazakhistan, and Zimbabwe.

True, many of American jurists’ opinions of the past few decades suggest that liberal-leftist judges have been more concerned with their interpretations of social justice, civil rights, etc. than they have been influenced by the meaning and intent of our Constitution and laws but this would be a giant leap backward even for most of them.

Koh’s leap toward “transnational law” would be a leap into an international cesspool and I wish him the best of luck doing the breast stroke. As for America’s adopting his precepts, I wish him only his deserved ignominy.

Why America should go that route Koh doesn’t say, aside from the implication . . .

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Waterboarding Versus Torture

Waterboarding Versus True Torture

I’ve been getting pretty fed up with this whole waterboarding-torture controversy manufactured by Democrats. It’s obvious they knew about it all along and now are attempting to use it to tar and feather Republicans and the Bush administration.

Literally tarring and feathering might in fact constitute torture while waterboarding would not and playing fast and loose with linguistic interpretations doesn’t make it so.

Speaker of the House, Nancy “I Never Met a Lie I Didn’t Like” Pelosi, should take a look at this 5 minute video, provided by the good people at,

A reporter who shall remain nameless, since volunteering to be waterboarded by the American military suggests he was not in full possession of his faculties, underwent that “torture” technique of his own volition. He also demonstrated that waterboarding is something less than actual torture; unpleasant, yes, torture, definitely not.

Torture is something of an art form developed over eons by people far less civilized than Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and our C.I.A. and perfected in modern times by none other than our current allies, the Japanese, and current enemies, the Chinese, the Russians, and by those who profess a deep and abiding faith in Allah.

Torture has now been defined by the eminently-educated and pre-eminently politically-correct scholars at Stanford University, thanks be to God!

They say it incorporates such methods ”as searing with hot irons, burning at the stake, electric shock treatment to the genitals, cutting out parts of the body, e.g. tongue, entrails or genitals, severe beatings, suspending by the legs with arms tied behind back, applying thumbscrews, inserting a needle under the fingernails, drilling through an unanesthetized tooth.”

Those barbarisms all sound quite painful and are not something to be tried at home, or at parties, or even by drunken Democrats.

The Stanford intelligentsia then felt compelled to extrapolate from true torture techniques for the purpose of Republican-bashing, although never mentioning any political party. They appended to their definition, . . .

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Unsettled Dust on Notre Dame's Catholic Plate

Unsettled Dust on Notre Dame’s Catholic Plate

None are so blind as those who will not see.

The crowds have now gone from what must had to have been the most publicized commencement ceremonies in the storied history of the University of Notre Dame.

The graduates are now off to pursue their careers or to a summer break prior to further schooling as their parents’ checkbooks breathe a sigh of relief from tuition payments.

However, the dust hasn’t come close to settling on the issues that clouded what should have otherwise been a sparkling, cloudless spring day.

Dust has a way of settling eventually and has already begun to besprinkle the Catholic plate, in unsettling ways.

Dusty plates may be an image that germaphobes find disquieting but it works in this instance. If that image is suggestive of dirt, all the better. Notre Dame’s Catholic plate became appreciably dirtier last Sunday.

First Place in the Dirtiest Catholic Plate Award for the second week of May 2009 is hereby conferred on the President of Notre Dame and on that formerly-Catholic institution.

The reasons are many for that dusty dirt: for inviting an abortionist to deliver this year’s commencement address, for granting him an honorary award, and for the failure of the 12,000 in the audience to rise up en masse during the graduation ceremony and quietly exit in graphic protest.

A fine public university, Arizona State, had previously shown a greater sense of institutional integrity by inviting the same guest to speak at its commencement but refusing to confer unearned honors on said guest.

That guest jested over the ASU rebuke and still was unworthy of being so honored by May 17th but Notre Dame had no moral qualms over granting him a Doctor of Laws honorary degree.

Apparently, the lure of prestige and a similar ideology superseded all other concerns for Notre Dame President Father John Jenkins who gleefully escorted his commencement guest into the Joyce Center, lauded his guest, and all but gushed over the reciprocated laudatory remarks.

None are so blind as those who will not see.

There were heroes in South Bend last Sunday,...
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Monday, May 18, 2009

The Queen Mum Is Not Pleased

Ok, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, despite the multitude of titles and crowns which perch on her 83 year old head, is technically not the Queen Mum although she is the queen and she is a mum.

She won’t be granted that overly-familiar, unofficial Queen Mum title until she steps down and Prince Charles gets the nod and the crown. That’s not likely to occur soon mainly because she doesn’t seem like to like Bonnie Prince Charlie very much, with good reason, but she does like all those trappings of queenship.

If she ever does decide to abdicate, retire, be put out to pasture, and Prince William or Harry ascends to the throne, will that make Liz the Queen Grand Mum? Then again, Harry is the offspring of Lady Diana and the queen really didn’t like her!

More to the point, does anyone care about all this crap?

Well, not much on this side of the Pond but in merry old England many, not all, care about the queen mumship and all the other folderol surrounding the anachronistic House of Windsor.

Now Liz has gone on record to demonstrate that she cares about the shenanigans going on involving everything from M.P. toilet seats to country homes being charged to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, i.e. the British purse.

Don’t you just love those titles?

An earlier British monarch was said to have expressed her upsetment with the line, “We are not amused,” using that royal “we” as American politicians do to deflect from the egoistical “I” when they actually mean “I.”

Anyway, good Queen Liz is not pleased with the ongoing scandal in Parliament or as she put it to her inept Prime Minister Gordon Brown, she is “deeply troubled:”

Crude Americans would just say they were pissed.

Brown responded that he is “appalled and angered” over the profligacy of some fellow parliamentarians, expressing an indignation comparable to Nancy Pelosi’s over waterboarding when she knew about it for years.

Gordo undoubtedly knew what was going on as well since billing the government had for years been the ruse Brit pols employed to convince the rabble they were not greedily seeking pay hikes and instead merely asked that they be compensated for necessary expenditures. Like toilet seats and country homes.

As Reuters reported, “Britain’s 646 legislators receive an annual salary of almost 65,000 pounds and claimed 93 million pounds in expenses last year, an average of 144,000 pounds each:” For the math-challenged, that’s 210,000 pounds or around $300,000 a year–for blustering.

British commoners are suffering though the same recesssion/depression/fiscal chaos/bank failures/financial upheavals as we are but nothing seems to bother the elites since they are above it all. That sort of rings a bell with regard to America’s overpaid blusterers in Congress, no?

Blimey! Charlie Rangel couldn’t cheat any better. We must admit, though, British pols have centuries more experience with this stuff so they should be better at it even if our guys are rapidly catching up. The Windsor clan doesn’t cheat like that. They don’t have to. They get allowances, and hefty allowances they are!

Even with their allowances, Liz and the other royals don’t seem to be in the same stratosphere as Americans Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, or George Soros, who is an American in name only. Nor do they seem to approach in compensation the likes of British billionaires J.K. Rowling or Richard Branson or Arab oil potentates.

However, allowances are deceiving and a significant difference is that Gates, et al. worked to achieve their wealth; the Arabian kings may have worked at one time even if they are now wallowing in the oily fruits of the Western world’s dependency.

The Windsors, well, they’re just there, at times going through public motions, bloody charades for the most part, of being productive and useful but most often functioning or not functioning, comparable to rarified pieces of old and very valuable unusable furniture but devoid of any practical utility.

They’re just there and for being there Liz sits on a fortune of $650million. On the surface that would appear to be a meager share of the national wealth as contrasted with other world potentates. However, when we scratch beneath the royal patina, the underlying Windsor opulent hoard is mind boggling. . .
(Read the rest at

Saturday, May 16, 2009

News Shockers!

The following, recent stories can best be classified as shocking news, for one reason or another:

On the Pre-Born Baby Front: Most Americans don’t want to kill them!

A Gallup Poll last week shows pro-life Americans leading pro-abortionists by a score of 51%-42%, representing a 7% gain for pro-lifers and an 8% loss for pro-abortionists. It’s also the first time in the history of the poll that pro-lifers constitute a majority of Americans; all of the increase came in the Republican ranks. The Gallup findings are corroborated by the Pew Research Center:

There’s still hope for the babies and for the souls of Republicans. For Democrats, I’m not so sure.

On the Catty Front: Black Supermodel Disses First Lady!

Iman, an immigrant from Somalia who has achieved fame and fortune says Michelle Obama “is not a great beauty.” While I agree with Iman on that, it’s still surprising that she would say it, even if she did temper her critique by adding, “But she is so interesting looking and so bright.” That’s tantamount to saying Michelle looks like something the cat dragged in but it sure is a smart cat. Iman went on to offer her well-thought-out opinions on “our [American or Somalian?] ideals of beauty. For lack of a better term, it becomes what it was like during slavery. One had the field nigger and the house nigger. . . I did not like being thought of as the house nigger.” (

I thought use of the N-word was verbotten and I did not understand what the hell she is talking about!

On the Cheap Thriller Front: Obama gives Chris Matthews another “thrill up his leg!”

(Read more shockers at

Friday, May 15, 2009

Last Call for the Notre Dame Protest Special!

The time is nigh in South Bend and the last 48 hours have been tempestuous, a non-violent tempestuousness but nevertheless a tempest in that Indiana college town.

On Sunday, May 17th, President Barack Hussein Obama will be introduced to the 2009 commencement audience at Notre Dame to address the graduates and those gathered to honor them. It will be the 164th commencement in the history of that iconic institution and Obama will also be presented with an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by Notre Dame President, Rev. John Jenkins.

The inappropriateness of both his giving the commencement address and receiving an award from an ostensibly-Catholic institution have been the subjects of a number of articles here, notably in ” . . . the Shame of Notre Dame,”, “Resignation Letter . . . ,”, et al.

Most of us who take strong issue with that choice of commencement speaker and the conferral of an award on an active advocate for aborting innocent, pre-born babies have taken little or no action to demonstrate our objections. The time for signing protest petitions which have registered those objections is past. The time for action is now.

Recent convert to Catholicism and long-time pro-life activist Randall Terry has been on the protest and action frontlines for weeks and in the waning hours before Notre Dame commits its acts of apostasy now requests backup.

That assistance can be in the form joining him and Dr. Alan Keyes and others voicing pro-life opinions outside the hallowed walls of the university. Or, it can be in the form of contributions to help defray the costs of the demonstrations and of bail for those arrested, including Terry and Keyes, who have surrendered their freedom in the cause of the constitutional right to life of the pre-born.

Also on the picket line this weekend will be Norma McCovey, she of “Jane Roe” notoriety who later withdrew her support for abortion:

Notre Dame students have been granted permission by school authorities to stage protests, “starting with an all-night prayer vigil starting Saturday night, a rally Sunday afternoon and another prayer vigil for students choosing not to attend the commencement,” Hopefully, the South Quad will overfloweth.

The time is short, the cause is great, and the risks are many this Sunday. May God bless and save America, may He bless Notre Dame, and may He save Reverend Father John Jenkins, C.S.C.


A Parable for 2012

Reflections on 2012 Part One: A Political Parable for Our Times

I’m aware it’s very challenging to reflect on the future so this could more aptly be called Prognostications on 2012, which isn’t quite true either since my crystal ball is on the fritz. It could be called Hopes for 2012, although that doesn’t fit either since they are more than wild Wishin’s and a Hopin’s for 2012. So, we’ll stick with Reflections on 2012.

That’s a presidential election year, by the way, the first chance the 53% of Americans who voted for Barack Obama will have the opportunity to repent the error of their vote and the consequences it has had.

There’s a ton of reasons for their repentance already, from the president’s tax and economic policies which will put our kids and grandkids in hock up to their elbows, to his social policies pushing homosexuality, abortion, and socialized medicine, to his international policies of grovelling and apologizing to a world which should be thanking us for saving its sorry arse from tyranny and subjugation.

America will have its first shot at rectifying the grave errors of 2008 in the congressional elections of 2010 and it’s a very good shot. Obama’s approval ratings may still be high, 62% according to some polls but a CBS/New York Times poll two weeks ago gave Congress a 28%. More significantly, every poll shows that rating slipping further into the toilet.

There will be no coattails to hang onto in 2010.

Of course, there are the leftist hardliners and union people blinded by Obama’s flickering light who would vote Democratic if he wanted their daughters served up to him to provide lewinskys, as long as Dems continued Obama’s current efforts and continued to pay those unions back for their support last November. Then there are the overlapping 40%+ of the electorate that pay no income taxes and want their gravy train to keep on rolling.

That doesn’t leave an awful lot of the pie left for hungry conservatives and untainted Republicans, but it’s enough, especially considering new brides.


This first reflection on 2012 isn’t claimed as original. I believe I first heard it from Rush Limbaugh and it centers on what could be called the “New Blushing Bride Theory.” Let’s call that bride Suzie, for no special reason. I offer my elaboration on said postulation in the form of a political parable:

Suzie wasn’t exactly the shiniest crayon in the box but she was essentially a good and caring person, even if she were a tad on the flighty side. She had been disillusioned by her first love, let’s call him Bubba, and had generally been unhappily in love for a number of years.

Then she met a new guy way back in 2000, a new heart throb, let’s call him George, who swept her off her feet. However, he didn’t work out and she felt neglected, if not abused.

Suzie had married George and all seemed wondrous for a number of years. A major crisis arose in 2001 and he dealt with it professionally and admirably. Even her buddies who had never cared much for George conceded that and Suze was extraordinarily proud of him.

They renewed their vows four years later and all was going along relatively swimmingly even if George had this penchant for profligacy. On top of that, it seemed that everything she heard about him was bad, that he was stupid, insensitive, and a bully. The fact he always seemed to mangle what he was talking about at first seemed cute but came to weigh on her.

When George started playing games with her bank account, spending her money as if it were his, Suzie gradually lost confidence in him. And the couple’s financial situation worsened.

By 2008, she had lost her job, their finances were in an atrocious mess, and Suzie and George were spatting constantly. As noted, she was a bit flighty, fickle, in fact, and she began dreaming of being rescued by a knight on a white horse, or something like that.

A veritable miracle then occurred: That knight in shining but tarnished armor did came along, let’s call him Barry.

She didn’t personally know much about Barry but everyone was saying how great he was and whenever she saw him her heart again went all pittypat, just as it had with George but with even more intense pittying and pattying.

Long story short: . . .(Read the rest of this parable and its meaning at

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Popes and Jews

The young Bavarian, Joseph Ratzinger, must have been in a quandary. He had just hit 14 and all 14 year old boys in Hitler’s Germany of 1941 were automatically drafted into the Hitler Youth, a paramilitary unit of the Nazi Party obligatory for all future Nazis. The Third Reich was designed to last a thousand years and it needed regular recruits to perpetuate its “Master Race.”

His older brother, Georg, was already enrolled even though their Catholic father was strongly opposed to der Feuher and all that godless Nazism represented. However, Joseph’s and Georg’s options were severely limited, unlike the largely-fantasized lives of Austrians, Maria Reiner and the von Trapp family in The Sound of Music. Their hills were alive with more than music and flight was unrealistic.

Besides, Joseph wanted to be a priest, even a cardinal, so his planbook didn’t include marriage and propagating. He retaliated by not bothering to attend required Hitler Youth meetings in a silent protest. Joseph was again drafted at 16, after entering the seminary, this time into the German anti-aircraft corps and he briefly trained for the infantry.

As World War Two was ending, he deserted from the German military, briefly became an Allied POW, re-entered the seminary, received Holy Orders, and went on to become a liturgical scholar, bishop, archbishop, and a cardinal.

In April, 2005 Joseph Alois Ratzinger succeeded Pope John Paul II when he was elected 265th Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XVI became sovereign head of the Vatican, Bishop of Rome, and leader of the world’s 1.13 billion Catholics.

Fast forward four years, which is where this article is going. It required a short intro just as a personal admission is in order.

As a Catholic, I have major issues with my Church, especially but not limited to its infestation by homosexuals who have disgraced and all but impoverished the Catholic Church with their perversions.

My other issues range from disagreements with the Second Vatican Council to ordaining women as priests to permitting priests to marry, marry women, that is. Such changes would go a long way toward cleaning up the mess the Church is in.

As for regretting the excesses of the Crusades and the Inquisition, they are such old news they don’t merit regrets or apologies in A.D. 2009. Others should follow suit in burying the past.

I should also add that I am of Irish extraction with no known connections or relatives in Germany, Austria, or in any of the neighboring Benelux countries. Point is, I don’t have a national dog in the fight between Pope Benedict and Israelis and, unfortunately, there is a very mean fight in progress.

This pope, in my estimation, is a good man, a man who has experienced and dealt with life up very closely and very personally. He has seen and resisted evil incarnate in Hitler and Nazism and what he witnessed has clearly colored his life and thinking.

I would not sanctify him as a future saint, as I would his predecessor, Pope John Paul II. Sainthood requires far more proof of holiness and more longevity in his current position.

He also is a peace-loving man, as most popes and other spiritual leaders have tended to be in the last 500 years or so. In that role as peace advocate, if he were to “take sides,” any hopes for accomplishing any true peace on Earth would be dashed against the rocks of divisive political sectarianism and nationalistic bluster.

And, so, Pope Benedict XVI went to the MidEast, to a Holy Land that has been immersed in violent turmoil for 6 decades, if not for 2000 years. To an objective observer, based on the reactions of some to his journey, it would seem this 82 year old holy man took this road trip for the sole purpose of stirring up trouble.

He was received well enough in Jordan on what the Vatican termed a ”journey of faith,” of peace, and renewal, a pilgrimage intent on avoiding political intrigues and entrapment: xx

In Israel, he encountered what can best be described as a cool welcome, something shy of wild enthusiasm. At worst, he was received with outright condemnation.

Israel is still steeped in a seething, unrelenting anger against Germany for the Holocaust, three generations and more since Hitler’s war was ended by Allied troops and after those Allies freed the concentration camp survivors. Sixty-four years may not be sufficient time for Jews to consign memories of the Holocaust to an awful era of their history.

The matter of Jewish antipathy toward the papacy is more complex. It should have been so consigned years ago since the initial disdainful and rude reaction to Benedict’s visit is rooted in a misconception, namely what they regard as Pope Pius XII’s inadequate response to Jewish refugees during the Second World War.

That canard has long been floating around but the best recent Jewish recognition of its inaccuracy is this grudging, almost sarcastic, report that Pius XII saved 24 Jewish refugees, “just weeks after German occupiers rounded up about 2,000 Roman Jews on Oct. 16 and deported them to Auschwitz.” (

A far more exhaustive and objective article refuting the charge of Pius’ disregard for the Jewish plight and his designation in one book as “Hitler’s Pope,” can be found here:

A more pertinent question may be, If Pope Pius XII is to be condemned, why should not the United States, and FDR, be condemned for failing to rescue Jewish refugees in the 1940’s? After all, FDR turned back a boatload of them and had far less compassion, although . . .

(Read the rest at

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Obama: Antichrist, Messiah, or Both?

There has been precious little writ of late about the campaign talk of Barack Obama and his messianic complex and/or of Barack as the incarnation of the Antichrist: Both were innuendos widely circulated in the months leading up to his election and both had more than some bases in fact.

His expansive, soaring rhetoric, the studied demeanor he and his handlers cultivated, his redemptive promises, his portentous warnings, but chiefly the complicity of the mainstream media, were all factors in creating the positive aura that still surrounds him.

Whatever Obamian negatives do crop up that can’t readily be spun into positives are simply ignored. Or, if they are so egregious they are beyond avoidance, the press will grudgingly cover them, then bury them.

Cases in point since his inauguration would be his failed European tour, his ridiculing of the Special Olympians on national TV, and his giddy amusement last Saturday night by 9/11 jokes and death wishes made by alleged comedienne, Wanda Sykes.

Just as with Obama’s statement that he had visited all 57 states during the campaign, rest assured you won’t be hearing much about those stories from the mainstreamers since they tend to damage their version of a flawless president.

Newsweek infamously bestowing a halo on Obama a year ago, a cover shot demanded by the editor’s wife,, was but one of many overt and subliminal media efforts made to suggest the candidate’s messianic personna:

And Obama is not on record as ever objecting to that media worship.

The same factors that created that aura also serve to provoke an extreme antipathy in those who opposed his candidacy and not only from Christians who took offense at comparing any politician with the Christian Savior.

Such hyperbolic descriptions as messiah and Antichrist are not mutually exclusive either. Anyone assuming or accepting suggestions that the mantle of a new messiah can readily be interpreted to be the Antichrist as well. What better platform than the former to launch the insidious evil of the latter?

Nor are such descriptions unprecedented in recent American politics.

George W. Bush was certainly never considered godlike by his venomous detractors but he was often demonized and characterized as the Antichrist, and worse, by America’s leftist extremists, as evidenced by this tee shirt which must have been very popular at N.O.W., NARAL, and NAMBLA conventions:

Shocked reactions of revulsion by the Obama camp today as to mean-spirited commentary on Obama reflect ludicrous, hypocritical examples of selective memories after eight years of their heaping toxic criticism on Bush, and on Dick Cheney. . .

(Read the rest at

Monday, May 11, 2009

Some Are Finding It Rough in California

As if budget cuts, possible state bankruptcy by July, teacher layoffs, pay cuts of 10%, now comes what may be the most unkindest cut of all, a move back to two-ply from four-ply toilet tissue in the Riverside County section of the once-great State of California.

It’s sad but true. It must be true since the story was reported by the Old Gray Lady, the imminently-defunct New York Times:

Last year, the county laid out $270,000 just for that lavatory essential and finally decided, No mas! That third of a penny extra per sheet for the four-ply extravagance for the hundred or so execs out of the 18,500 county employees must now cope with the rough life endured by the other 18,400 county workers.

In a statement explaining why the Elite 100 had unilaterally upgraded from two to four-ply, county spokesman Tom Freeman said, “There was a texture test, and then the Facilities Management Department decided that Angel Soft would be utilized for elected officials and their guests. The remainder of the county facilities would be using two-ply.”

It’s unreported whether Freeman smirked when he made his statement.

You got a problem with that? After all, all civil servants are created equal but surely some are more equal than others when it comes to “texture tests” conducted by the Facilities Management Department.

The focus on the nether regions is not unprecedented for Californians. A few years back, environmental zealots, songstress Sheryl Crow and buddy Laurie David, had a terrific solution for the blight of global warming and it too centered on toilet paper.

In what I referred to in my book as “The One Square Rule” to save the planet, a variation on the “Two Ply Rule” to save Riverside County, Crow and David devised our salvation.

An excerpt from pages 31-32 of An Immodest Proposal for Ending and Winning the War on Terror:

“A little comic relief is always welcome, especially amid all the global warming gloom. To the rescue, armed with the most ridiculous suggestion yet for saving Planet Earth, comes Laurie Lennard David. Former talent scout, estranged wife of Seinfeld’s Larry David, jet setter, owner of sprawling estates on both coasts, producer of Gore’s documentary, global warming activist, and Savior of the Planet, she proposed a brilliant scheme. Teaming with a fellow unheralded enviro-expert, pop singer Sheryl Crow, they recently unveiled their well thought out plan to slow down the warming of the globe. Their proposal: a limitation of one square of toilet paper each time we have to skip to the loo.


Seriously, folks, you cannot make this stuff up.

Neither Laurie nor Sheryl said whether they endorsed a Corps of Potty Police to insure adherence to the One Square Rule. There is no need anyway. When that which could not be cleaned up by one square of Charmin hit the fan, Ms. Crow had to eat some of her namesake bird. Following widespread mockery, she passed it off as a joke.

Her joke was forthwith forgiven, unlike Don Imus’ ‘nappy-headed ho’s’ witticism.

Sheryl is in the same league as Babs Streisand, an empty-head warbler . . .”


Barack the Magic Roaster

Our president is such a card! He had them rolling in the aisles at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner Saturday night. He ripped everyone from Rahm Emanuel to Hillary Clinton to Dick Cheney to Joe Biden to himself with jokes supplied by his most avid constituency, Hollywood, delivered to an audience comprised primarily of his “journalist” lapdogs.

It doesn’t get any better than that for a jokemeister.

Immanuel Kant defined laughter as “an effect that arises if a tense expectation is transformed into nothing.” Judging by the belly laughs evoked by the professional jokes Obama told with panache, any tension in the Washington Hilton ballroom dissipated into nothingness as soon as he told his first yuk.

The nature of jokes can say a great deal about the tellers and about the hearers.

Of course, this was an affair usually characterized by zingers from all sides of the political spectrum but this also was the Obama Show and how he zinged his subjects revealed a lot about him and about what’s on his mind these days.

Being able to pick and choose from all the best comic material Hollywood writers had to offer, he no doubt passed on some amusing anecdotes that were lamers and probably some that were politically over the top, even for the Left Coast crew. Off limits, for example, would be any innuendos that Helen Thomas and Hillary Clinton were closet lesbians as well as any comic references to Michelle’s overbite.

One of the better admissible digs took aim at Obama’s Chief of Staff and his background in the rough and tumble life of Chicago politics: “This [Mother’s Day Eve] is a tough holiday for Rahm. He’s not used to saying the word ‘day’ after ‘mother.’ “ Rahm’s mom would have been so proud with the suggestion that her son customarily followed the word ”mother” with “f****r.”

He quipped on the new closeness he now had with his primary opponent Hillary by saying, “The minute she got back from [swine flu-infested] Mexico, she pulled me into a hug and said I should go down there myself.” That crack probably wasn’t too far from the truth. However, the rumors that Hill still sticks pins into her Obama voodoo doll are absolutely unsubstantiated.

Playing on his messianic, god-like aura in some quarters, he delivered this ostensibly self-deprecating line, “My next 100 days will be so successful, I will complete them in 72 days. And on the 73rd day, I will rest,” after “building a library dedicated to my first 100 days.”

Actually, word is that his 100-day library is all but completed and that he has vowed to complete the next 100 by Thursday, providing his teleprompter agrees.

(Quotes but not the editorial comments were taken from

Obama’s recognized his media buddies in this deferential genuflection posed as a jibe: ”Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me. Apologies to the Fox table.”

That particular reference was less a joke than it was Obama’s expression of appreciation for the mass media idolatry and his gut antipathy toward the only network that sees him for what he is, reports what he says and does, and lets its viewers make a final determination of what it all means.

So, was Saturday night’s Correspondents’ Dinner all in good fun? Maybe in Obama’s mind, aware as he was of his appreciative audience who were virtually hysterical with laughter. Nothing less was expected from the White Press Corps and the invited non-correspondents.

The audience was overflowing with Tinseltown’s elites such as Glenn Close, Robert De Niro, Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck, Natalie Portman, Stevie Wonder, Sting, John Cusack, Demi Moore, Alicia Keys, Eva Longoria Parker, Forest Whitaker, “Ludacris,” George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg.

All are said to be close observers of the political scene, even if their journalistic credentials are a tad incomplete. All would probably opt for a revified Leon Trotsky over any Republican should Leon ever be declared an American by birth.

Actors Gary Sinise, Sly Stallone, Kurt Russell, Clint Eastwood, Dennis Hopper, James Woods, Stephen Baldwin, and Jim Caviezal were conspicuous by their absence. Apparently they weren’t invited.

Hey, we all have missed out on invites, no? But have we missed out on an invite to a major dinner/roast in which a speaker has hilariously advocated for someone’s death and used the 9/11 attacks as a prop for humor?

President Obama was tickled pinkish by the witticisms of Wanda Sykes, a “quickwitted” nonentity and fellow black comic. He all but fell out of his chair guffawing at Sykes’ riotously funny routine in which she said Rush Limbaugh was the 20th highjacker on September 11th, 2001 and was guilty of treason for not being an Obama camp follower.

What really brought the house down was her hope that Limbaugh should die of kidney failure. . . .

(Read the rest at

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Nancy Pelosi and the Cult of the Left

There’s nothing wrong with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that a pre-frontal lobotomy, wouldn’t cure. That may be wishful thinking, however.

The first woman Speaker in America’s history, the first Italo-American, and the first Californian to serve in that post, in her first 3 1/2 months in office Pelosi has set back for decades the causes of women, Italian Americans, and Californians to be recognized as rational human beings.

Hold the brickbats! I was just trying to slur Pelosi half as much as she has slurred Americans in her short tenure. I firmly believe that it is far better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt but even if she stood mute, Pelosi could as well hide her Botox-addiction as she could hide her foolery.

I’m trying to rationalize What Makes Nancy Tick.

It could be due to her vainglory at presiding in the prestigious position as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America which has gone to her head. It could be her cockiness arising from the fact she is one of the richest politicians in the land and yet a Democrat, a member of the “Party of the People.” It could be her awareness of the very scary thought that she sits two heartbeats from the presidency and that realization has warped whatever grey matter she started out with.

Whether due to her hubris, her personal wealth, terror, or sheer stupidity, Pelosi continues to outdo herself in craziness and lies. She must meditate on those lies on her long flights home to her palatial pad on Pacific Heights. As a pro-abortion “Catholic,” she must also reflect on that incongruity.

Or, maybe not.

Referred to by her many merciless but accurate detractors with such epithets as “Lady Crazy Eyes,” ”dumb as soap,” “Bella Pelosi,” and other less laudable and unprintable descriptions, Speaker Pelosi is now trying to deny she ever knew anything about waterboarding as a method to induce terrorists to spill their guts on which American cities will next be attacked. Now she wants a “truth” panel to clear the air:

The air is already as clear as it was when the Obamanians sent an Air Force One lookalike . . .
(Read the rest at

Friday, May 8, 2009

Notre Dame Shame Continues--on Video

Notre Dame Shame: The Saga Continues on Video

Megyn Kelly this morning on the Fox News Channel was the only one who kept (relatively) cool during a knock-down, drag-out debate between Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League and Robert Boston, representing Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

The two articulate gents were discussing the ongoing scandal surrounding the invite to President Obama to deliver the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame and to receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree next Sunday. To say that decision to invite and to confer an award on a proud, outspoken proponent of every conceivable method of extinguishing human life in the womb has caused an uproar would be massive understatement.

With Megyn acting as referee, Donohue and Boston went at it tooth and claw. Had they both been in the studio together without a ref, it would have ended in a true donnybrook.

The most salient point scored in the confrontation was Donohue’s very valid analogy that giving Obama ”an honorary degree, would be like Howard University giving David Duke a degree in racial politics,” to which Boston responded, “That’s offensive,” to which Donahue retorted, “No, what’s offensive is you.”

They verbally beat one another over the head and shoulders over an issue which is really pretty cut and dried: Should any institution, in this case a renouned Catholic university, abnegate a fundamental principle, in this case a foundational belief that the act of aborting a pre-born infant is morally and ethically repugnant and unacceptable, reward with honors and recognition an active advocate who promotes said immoral and unethical abortions, no matter who he is?

In this case the advocate just happens to be the President of the United States but should any individual be exempted and any moral principle be sacrificed for expedience or for any other reason?

I say, Nay, and so too did Bill Donahue say, Nay!

See here for the video of the debate: and here for more background on the “controversy:”

For anyone who professes to believe in the sanctity of human life or who believes that firm moral principles take precedence over all else, even in South Bend, Indiana, there is no controversy.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke
Irish orator, philosopher, & politician (1729 - 1797)

I will only add that all that is necessary for Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins to redeem himself and endorse good over evil is for him to rescind his invitation to Barack Obama. By so doing, he will also be redeeming the honor and good name of Notre Dame.

Good News, Bad News for Gays

The news is good and bad lately for the homosexual community. Unfortunately for most of us, it is mostly good.

Good Gay News: On Wednesday, a California State Senate committee voted 6-2 to designate May 22 as “Harvey Milk Day,” with 6 Dems voting in favor and 2 Republicans voting nay.

Randy Thomasson of called the “Gay Day Bill” one of the worst bills in the history of California” while gays lauded it as one of the greatest things since the American Psychiatric Association stopped referring to homosexuality a mental aberration.

Thomasson went on to say, “If signed into law, SB 572 will mean an official day commemorating homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality in California government schools, without parental permission.” He added that the bill would “encourage public schools to positively portray to children any and all facets of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality, and anything else that’s ‘in the closet.’ ” (

The bill would mesh very nicely with a bill before the U.S. Senate that would make violations of the rights of pedophiles and 546 other lovers of perversion federal “hate crimes:”

(See below for bad news about Harvey Milk and Milk. )

More good gay vibes came from none other than 16 year old Miley (Hannah Montana) Cyrus who profoundly twittered on Twitter an apologia to Perez Hilton. Perez is the flamer who ripped into Miss California, Carrie Prejean, calling her ”a dumb bitch” and almost loosing the C-word because Prejean had dared to articulate her Christian view in favor of normal marriage:

Summoning all the wisdom that God bestows on teenagers, Miley twittered, ”God’s greatest commandment is to love, and judging is not loving. That’s why Christians have such a bad rep. Jesus loves you and your partner and wants you to know how much he cares! That’s like a daddy not loving his lil boy cuz he’s gay and that is wrong and very sad! Like I said everyone deserves to be happy. I am a Christian and I love you - gay or not. Because you are no different that [sic] anyone else! We are all God’s children!”

Miley Cyrus seems like a sweetie but then again I thought Britney was a sweetie. So, what do I know? Well, I know gays would appreciate Miley’s take on theology, as would Perez, one of Miley’s version of ”God’s children.”

Bad Gay News: In a rare smattering of bad news for our gay brethren, House Speaker Nancy “Wild-Eyes” Pelosi has announced that Congress is so darn busy with other momentous issues that same-sex marriage legislation is not a congressional priority.

What with that hate-crime legislation in the works and the fact that New England states, plus Iowa, have been leading the charge to placate homosexuals with legalizing unnatural marriages, Speaker Wild Eyes is in no rush.

Nancy well knows that gays . . .

(Read the rest at

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Randall Terry and the Shame of Notre Dame

Randall Terry and Alan Keyes are more than a bit overly-dramatic for my tastes, which is not to suggest they are wrong in their current quest to be arrested again on or outside the campus of Notre Dame University.

The days dwindle down to a precious few until that formerly great Catholic institution publically surrenders its moral integrity and its Catholic soul on May 17th in a vain and needless quest for prestige, which it already has–in spades!

ND president, Father John Jenkins, must truly believe that welcoming and offering accolades to a virtually fanatical abortion advocate will add some lustre to his career whereas this will be remembered in Notre Dame’s annals as the day his beloved university pimped for Obama.

Terry was arrested for trespassing on May 1st and posted bail; his court date is set for May 19th in South Bend, two days after the scheduled commencement.

Excerpts from Terry’s May 4th statement on his arrest and incarceration.

"Six of us went to Notre Dame on Friday, May 1, to make a visual statement about child-killing and ND’s invitation to President Obama to speak at the ‘09 graduation. We pushed baby carriages with dolls covered with stage blood, and a bumper sticker stating:

Obama ‘09 One Dead baby at a Time Notre Dame . . .

I was taken alone to a cell on campus where I prayed the sorrowful mysteries. . . We were transferred to jail – at Notre Dame’s order – for our peaceful, visual defense of the babies; meanwhile Notre Dame plunges ahead with her plan to honor the premier child-slayer of the western hemisphere. . . .

(Read the rest at

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



Nice work if you can get it: The Los Angeles Unified School District is hurting for money and is laying off teachers yet pays some 160 “employed” teachers to do nothing because of union agreements. Awaiting disposition of various misconduct charges ranging from “sexual contact with students, harassment, theft or drug possession . . . they collect about $10 million in salaries per year — even as the district is contemplating widespread layoffs of teachers because of a financial shortfall.” Two million dollars has already been expended in salary and legal fees on a single teacher. And we thought the UAW has it good! (,0,6604006.story?track=rss)

Mahmoud and Bashar and Barack: Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Syrian President Assad had a little conference after which “Ahmadinejad boasted that ‘those who one day called Iran and Syria part of the axis of evil now want to develop relations with Iran and Syria. Circumstances are changing rapidly in our favor. . . We are on the road to victory.’ ” I do believe Mahmoud was referring to George W. Bush and his administration as “those.” I also believe congratulations should immediately be extended to Barack Obama for dissolving that axis of evil after barely 100 days in office. Great victory, Mr. President! What’s next? Ending blizzards and hurricanes? (

Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow: One particular, mighty rotten little ACORN is making news again. Rumors are afoot that Arthur Sulzberger, Chairman of the soon-to-be-defunct New York Times, is still playing his favorite game of Hide All the News That Doesn’t Fit. It seems . . .

(Read the rest at

The Perving of America

With economic conditions in the nation being what they are, as Somali pirates stalk the high seas, as China threatens to pull the rug out from under our credit markets, as Islamic terrorists continue to plot yet another 9/11, America’s Congress has more important things on its mind: legalizing “philias.”

For the uninitiated, “philias” refers to every perversion known to mankind, including necrophilia and the very popular, internet favorite, pedophilia. Along with some 545 other “paraphilias,” the Senate of the United States is considering incorporating pedophilia in a new “hate crimes” bill:

Presumably, gerbilphiliacs would be afforded the most protection under that bill since it passed in the House of Representatives where doe-eyed Rep. Barney Frank rules supreme over wild-eyed Speaker Pelosi when it comes to matters of bestiality and other perversions.

The bill would effectively create a safe zone for perverts, violation of which would result in more severe penalties for any parent whose child had been raped who subsequently shreds the rapist and scatters his remains in a dung heap. Should such parent in the commission of said “hate crime” utter totally unacceptably negative words, such as, “You sick, perverted bastard!” his punishment by our federal authorities could be consignment to a prison in or near Barney Frank’s congressional district.

Initially, I thought this was just another urban legend. No way, thought I, naive I, could or would America’s ostensible leaders even contemplate such legislation. Then again, not being an Obamian, I must have forgotten that our new presidente preached change and voters bought into that change without Obama’s ever defining the specifics of his change.

I wonder how many of his supporters even contemplated changes that would alter the fabric of the nation’s moral core until it became a twisted mass. I suspect many did understand the changes Obama and his Congress had in store for us. I fear the mass of Obama supporters had no clue and, if not today, then not in the too distant future, will deeply regret their choice.

Then it may be too late and the damage may have already been done. The House bill was rammed though the House and passed by a vote of 249-175:( It now remains for the Senate to vote yea or nay on whether to endorse this call for congressional approbation of perversion.

Before anyone retches at the above and deems this writer a male Cassandra prophesying impending and unavoidable doom, consider more specifics of the Democrat hate crime/pervert-protection bill:

One courageous Iowa congressman, Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, offered an amendment in committee that was very simple: “The term sexual orientation as used in this act or any amendments to this act does not include pedophilia.” Majority Democrats refused to accept it.

Hold onto your hats, people, and hold onto your kids. The Obama-Barney Frank changes are in process. Those of us who believe in morality and normality are under attack. One, perhaps the final hope on this front, is to speak up and tell your senators what you think about all this and do your bit for what you believe and for what you consider intellectually and morally repulsive.

Contact info is here:

If you object to officially-sanctioned perversion and neglect to do anything about it then you are complicit in that perversion.

Try explaining that to your kids in a few years. Decide very soon if these are the changes you can believe in.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

FNC, Tea Parties, Taxes, and CNN

Intertwined: FNC, Tea Parties, Taxes, and CNN

Okay, for the record and lest there be any doubts as to my motivations, affiliations, alienations, sublimations, etc., I hereby issue a disclaimer: I am not now nor have I ever been a journalist nor am I a buddy of Rupert Murdoch nor do I own stock in any Murdoch enterprises, as far as I know.

That said, let’s get real about the constant bashing of FNC, the Fox News Channel, which is (not arguably) the only politically-objective network available on television. As opposed to the former Clinton News Network, CNN, effectively now the Obama News Network and Ted Turner’s fellow travelers, FNC actually does report and lets its viewers decide.

Sure, FNC has right-of-center leanings but nowhere approaching the left-of-center commitments of CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and, as opposed to those “news” networks, FNC features a slew of leftist thinkers and commentators. Try searching for conservatives on the other networks and you would be pushing daisies before you discover more than a handful.

Sure, Fox has the “notorious” Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Neil Cavuto but it also features lefty notables Geraldo, Juan Williams, Ellis Hennican, Eleanor Clift, Bob Beckel, Susan Estrich, Neil Gabler, Susan Estrich, Alan Colmes, until his departure, and a load of others as balancing guests and commentators.

Fox is as fair and balanced as feasible in a news world significantly, liberally, unfair and imbalanced.

Personally, as a news junkie, I try to catch the interpreted news on as many lib channels as possible, given time and interest restraints and as an effort to keep political enemies even closer than friends. Such enemies are capable of doing much more damage to my country and should be watched very, very closely.

What brought all this to mind was the recent flap over those tea parties held on April 15th, the day governments annually and gleefully confiscate Americans’ hard earned money as Americans scramble to either scrape up the funds to pay their taxes or revel in their tax refunds.

The bigger those refunds are, the happier the recipients are. Those generous taxpayers give nary a thought to the fact that they are being refunded monies they had loaned to various levels of government for up to a year, interest free.

The collective public wisdom of those generous citizens is that their returns represent forced savings. The conventional governmental wisdom of those various governments is, “Ya gotta love those suckers!”

None of the above is a divergence from the topics at hand, Fox News Channel, those tea parties, and what Ralph Waldo Emerson called taxes, “the price we pay for civilization.”

Emerson wrote a century and a half ago. If he were alive today, that eminent American philosopher most likely would have attached an addendum to his opinion to the effect, ”Wait, hold on now! I didn’t mean to flush our taxes down sewers!”

Granted he would have phrased that change more delicately. No doubt Ralph Waldo would also have admonished his good buddy, Henry David Thoreau, to stop the chit, forget trying to communicate with ants, and go home to a warm bed.

Ralph didn’t re-phrase and we now have exorbitant, repressive taxation–and good bud Thoreau died of pneumonia after his 2-year sojourn as a camper on Walden Pond, (which is now polluted beyond redemption.)

But FNC is once again getting a bad rap, a reflection of the ascendancy of the Fox network which now is trashing all the others with more viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined in the April ratings:

So, it’s not unexpected for the libs to be ripping Fox, sort of like the, “Let’s get the big guy!” mentality and that ripping has been in progress for almost as long as FNC has been around. Monopolies simply despise upstarts. However, the attacks have evolved into much more than that, as evidenced by the Tea Parties coverage.

The reactions of the monopolists have become positively visceral as CNN, especially, resorts to outrageous distortions and blatant lies to blast the opposition seemingly in hopes of bringing down the news leader.

Actually it demonstrates a palpable fear that not only will the CNNers be hitting the unemployment office eventually but that so many Americans are now getting unadulterated news that the lib stranglehold on TV has been ended permanently. One of many reasons is repressive taxation and we all know how Democrats/liberals love taxes.

Let’s fess up. No one, not even Ralph Waldo, ever likes paying taxes but what conservatives tend to like is that those taxes be used constitutionally, such as paying for the national defense, roads, etc. We also would like the feds to read and adhere to the Tenth Amendment, that last of the Bill of Rights demanded by former colonials which reads, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Farcically and pathetically ignored for nearly eighty years, that amendment to the Constitution was incorporated into our . . .

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Cringe/Wince-Liberal Tales

Wince-inducing Liberal Tales

Feds, Booze, Sex, Gays, and Argentina: In his proudly-proclaimed “re-making of America,” our new president has seen fit to re-make our anti-abortion policies among other re-makes but hasn’t seen fit to save Americans a few hundred thousand bucks by ending an Argentinian boondoggle.

That boondoggle wasn’t even Obama’s initiative since it began under the Bush administration but it’s entirely within his power to end it now. I’m betting he won’t since it involves a major constituency, homosexuals.

Someone in the National Institute of Health thought it would be a great idea to launch a study into the relationship of bars, booze and homosexual sex, in Argentina. Six “researchers” will be dispatched to sleazy gay bars in Buenos Aires and by August 2010 are expected to reach a conclusion.

As outlined by the NIH in inimitable gov-speak, “Targeting public venues in Buenos Aires where men meet, alcohol is consumed, and sexual behavior occurs, the goal of this two-year exploratory study is to understand the various factors that contribute to the creation of a high-risk sexual space.” (

I can save the NIH and the taxpayers a bunch of money since the conclusions are already foregone: Gays go to gay bars because there are other gays there; they drink and toke; they go do gay things; they may or may not contract AIDS that night. Voila! Case closed, so cancel the six junkets and save at least $200,000!

If the NIH really wants to slow the spread of HIV and AIDS, shutter all gay bars and other venues of gay ill-repute and re-institute prohibitions against homosexuality. Another Voila!

Doc Specter’s Retroactive Prognosis: New Democrat Arlen Specter has extensively studied the matter of Jack Kemp’s recent illness and has determined the 1996 Republican VP candidate would still be alive if not for those wascally Republicans.

Cancer is no joke and Specter is a cancer survivor so it’s even more appalling that he would resort to absurdities such as this: ”If we had pursued what President Nixon declared in 1970 as the war on cancer, we would have cured many strains. I think Jack Kemp would be alive today. And that research has saved or prolonged many lives, including mine.” (

The senator was suggesting that the Republicans dropped the research ball, which is untrue, but more to the point is that since Republican Nixon first proposed that war almost 40 years ago, we have had Democrats in power most of that time including Carter and Clinton as presidents for 12 years.

For Specter to even hint that Jack Kemp died because Republicans failed to follow through on cancer research is beyond contempt, for most people. For Arlen Specter, wallowing in the contemptuous is par for the course but even he should have more respect for the truth and more respect for the dead than to spread self-serving canards.

Tony Leaves His Head in Frisco: Singer Tony Bennet just loves Barack Obama. He loves him so much that he has decided that whatever Barack wants, Barack should get because Barack deserves it, based on his exemplary accomplishments in his first 100 days. . . .
(Read the rest of Tony's Obama-gushing and other tales from the liberal crypt at

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Resignation Letter of Notre Dame's President

Resignation Letter of Notre Dame's President

In order to make life easier for Notre Dame’s president to resign his position in disgrace after inviting the avidly pro-abortionist President Obama to speak and receive an award on May 17th at the university commencement, Randall Terry has obligingly drafted Rev. John Jenkins’ letter of resignation.

If hope truly does spring eternal, we can hope Father Jenkins wises up, smells his forgotten priestly vows, and signs it.

If he refuses due to the ravages of his sin of pride on top of turning his back on his Catholicity and the moral foundations of Notre Dame, it would be an even more powerful demonstration of support for the right to life of pre-born babies if the faculty and graduates play hooky on May 17th, stand with their backs to Jenkins and Obama during their addresses, or respectfully vacate the Joyce Center when they take the dais.

One wag wishfully suggested, “Notre Dame has recently redesigned the carved inscription above the side door entrance to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. What used to read “God, Country, Notre Dame” now proudly declares “Obama, Country, Notre Dame:” I would disagree with the country reference, as well.

The Resignation Letter of Rev. John I. Jenkins, CSC

To the Board of Trustees:

When I took holy vows as a priest, I had high hopes and deep desires to serve Christ and His Church with valor, and without wavering in fidelity.

Regrettably, I have failed in my duty as a priest, . . .

(Read the rest of Randall's resignation letter submitted on Father Jenkins' behalf at

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Gays on the Warpath!

Gays on the Warpath!

I rarely disobey my bride of 41 years.

Well, that’s not actually true since I don’t feel I have to obey her, nor she me. Like the newspaper comic strip, “Pickles,” we have achieved a detente of sorts, meaning I do what I want and she does likewise.

She did request that I cease and desist with articles about our gay brethren since they were getting redundant and because homosexuals tend to misinterpret undue attention as subliminal interest in their activities and lifestyle. When that attention is invariably of a very negative cast, that’s as logical as interpreting attention paid to alien life forms suggesting innate desires to relocate to Uranus. Yet they persist.

Thing is, in the last year or so especially, homosexuals have shown they haven’t given up or let up in their various campaigns. To avoid referencing what they’re up to implies, to them, a craven cowardice which only encourages them to pursue their strategy of intimidating heterosexuals in order to achieve their goals of not just acceptance but endorsement and all that such acceptance and endorsement entails.

Rather than reiterate my views on their multi-faceted campaign of intimidation, their strategies, and goals, I suggest readers of this article type in “homosexuals” and/or “gays” on my website’s “Search” box to avail themselves of my dozens of well-researched, fully-documented, and brilliantly-written opinions on this topic.

Warning: Many of those articles are not for the faint of heart nor do they cater to that element in our society which adheres to the credo of “live and let live.” That philosophy would be fine and dandy with an adversary–and the Gay Lobby has indeed evolved into a potent and unrelenting adversary– which is capable of compromise and rational discussion. However, the Gay Lobby is fixated on a total, take no prisoners, victory.

If gays take any offense at that observation or to the content of those articles, then so be it. They should be advised that I take great offense to their agenda.

Some homosexuals get almost as turned on by the cowering of the straight majority as they do by teabagging, which is not a reference to the tea party tax protests of April 15th. No sane males would engage in the aberrant behavior which so attracts gays any more than they would encourage copulation between gays and orangutans. Gerbils seem to be their preferred partners, anyway.

Nevertheless, gays must be commended for their persistance as evidenced by their recent court and legislative victories permitting gay marriage despite overwhelming public opposition to that debasement of the institution of marriage.

Further testimony to their doggedness in pursuit of recruits from the ranks of school kids–something they deny vociferously–was last month’s outrageous “Day of Silence” staged in many of America’s schools.

Without needlessly elaborating on that now-annual event, suffice to say it involves a day promoted by many schools and dedicated to homosexual indoctrination as students are expected to sheepishly listen and learn about the wonders of being gay while being prohibited from commenting or protesting with objections.

The stated purpose of “Day of Silence” programs is to abolish bullying of homosexual students, which I would wholly endorse–if that were all the day entailed. See “Day of Silence”–”Day of Gay Seduction,”

As I said, grudgingly to their credit, the new breed of homosexuals never gives up. Even a year ago I would have bet all I own that their chances of ultimate success didn’t have a chance in Hell but now I’m not so certain. They seem to have the bulk of the liberal mass media, virtually the entirety of the entertainment world, and an indeterminate but significant number of national and state legislators, and now the President of the United States, in their camp.

See here for a very favorable lesbian take on Obama’s pro-homosexual positions:

Not able to read minds, I can’t unequivocally delineate the motivations of gay advocates among the media and politicians although a reasonable surmise is that many closely identify with the gay agenda and, with politicos, also want their votes.

Absent a crystal ball as well as functioning powers of telepathy, I’m unable to predict the future with a great degree of accuracy. However, as of May, 2009, all indicators are pointing to an eventual, possibly imminent, smashing victory for the homosexual agenda and a crushing defeat for the forces of tradition, morality, and common sense.

Residents and churchgoers in downtown Boston can attest to the bitter scent of defeat in the air. Last Tuesday, they were harrassed by a phalanx of 30 extremely noisy gay . . .

(Read the rest at

Good News for America, on Principle

Good News for America, on Principle

News reports filtered through the mainstream media are best read by thinking people with a generous dollop of salt. The salt serves to add flavor and a degree of truth to those reports. There’s been some good news of late for patriotic Americans which, post-filtering, is being cast in a negative light.

Specifically, Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter has finally admitted what most people have long known, that he’s not a Republican. Actually, he has been a RINO, a Republican in Name Only, for decades, ever since he fled to the Republican Party to escape certain defeat as a Democrat.

The other tidbit of positive news is that Associate Supreme Court Justice David Souter has announced his retirement from SCOTUS. He has served for 19 years on the court as a living example of George H.W. Bush’s biggest mistake as president.

Arlen Specter: Specter’s bailout from the Republican Party was long overdue but, of course, he insisted on putting a positive political spin on his decision by suggesting he was making his move based on principle. God forbid that a United States Senator concede the truth as opposed to customary political prevarication which everyone including his plastic surgeons knew was a lie.

Arlen had as much chance of winning the Pennsylvania Republican nomination as Punxsutawney Pete has of escaping his groundhog prison. Arlen was due to get whupped in a primary next year:

Returning from whence Specter came in 1965 when he pulled a similar switcheroo and for the same reason, the probability he was going to lose the next election, Specter is no loss and could very well be replaced next year by a true Republican, former Rep. Pat Toomey.

Much is being made of his giving Harry Reid a filibuster-proof majority, which is all poppycock. With Liberal RINO’s Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins already in Reid’s pocket and John McCain, who doesn’t seem to know what he is, thrashing about for an identity, the Dems don’t need Specter except for bragging rights, bragging that a Democrat has returned to the fold. Good bye, good luck and good riddance, Arlen, and do let the door hit you in the ass as you depart. It hasn’t been good to know ya!

It’s time for a clean sweep of the Republican Party and let the chips and the country fall where they may. Then we can pick up the pieces and un-make Obama’s “re-making of America” in his socialist image. America doesn’t need re-making. It needs a renewing by returning her to traditional values, limited government, and true prosperity devoid of overbearing Obamian bureaucrats in 2012.

David Souter: Before he packs himself off to New Hampshire to live out his days reflecting on how he fooled Bush 41 into thinking he had some Republican principles, David Souter should be given an award for being the greatest flim-flam chameleon of the last two decades.

With the notable exception. . .
(Read the rest at

Friday, May 1, 2009

Feminazis and Feminists

Feminists and Feminazis

The title epithet, “feminazis,” is a word popularized by Rush Limbaugh to describe extremist feminists who have adopted feminism as a last resort to conceal a basic lack of attractiveness and for whom the rite and right of abortion border on the sacramental. Rush is sometimes a tad less kind and, after three wives, he may be a tad jaded so we’ll leave it at that.

I don’t know if Jessica Valenti quite fits that definition; she certainly doesn’t when contrasted with the late Betty Friedan whose book, The Feminine Mystique, had to have been written with a ton of input from women who were endowed with much more feminity and mystique than God gave Betty.

Valenti, however, does add an odd, new fillip to the decades-old struggle for . . . I’m actually not really sure just what modern feminists are struggling for. In apparent frustration, Freud said, “What do women want?” and I’m just as confused as to what feminists want.

Valenti’s stimulating contribution to the feminist evolution concerns virginity as pointed out in ” ‘Today’ Show Feature: ‘There’s No Such Thing As Virginity,’ ” by Warner Todd Huston:

To males, female virginity is a skitchy topic but unless feminazis have banished us to an underclass due to our gender I think we’re entitled to an opinion on the subject. After all, the “myopic feminist” Valenti’s opinion begs challenge. I would only add to that ”myopic feminist” is a clear redundancy.

Ms. Valenti is an ardent left-wing blogger, posting on as well as writing for NARAL Pro-Choice America. NARAL, originally founded in 1968 as the National Association for Repeal of Anti-abortion Laws by that same Betty Friedan and arch abortion apologist, Bernard Nathanson, changed its name after their victory in Roe v Wade in ‘73 and after the number of little dead abortion victims began to grow exponentially.

With her NARAL affiliation, it’s not much of a stretch to say Jessica Valenti is probably an ardent pro-abortionist and also probably a committed lesbian, leftist believer in the sacramental nature of extinguishing the lives of pre-born human beings in the name of feminism.

For that ilk, turkey basters work just fine for procreation and without all the fuss and muss of normal baby-making and if the product isn’t perfect, as in female, they can always just dismember and flush it and start all over again. No biggie.

The thirty year old Valenti, marital status unknown, appeared on the “Today” show to promote her new book, The Purity Myth, How America’s Obsession with Virginity Is Hurting Young Women. . . .

(Read the rest at