Thursday, November 17, 2011

Smile! It's Transgender Awareness Week!

Smile! It's Transgender Awareness Week!

No one really knows who first said, “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad” but, if there’s any validity to the sentiment, there are clear signs of madness in society today. One proof is this week, “Transgender Awareness Week.”

For a change I’m not referring to the Occupy Wall Street loonies or sex-addled Penn State coaches or Nancy Pelosi but to people who decide they don’t like their penises or vaginas and either have their male members lopped off or female parts supplemented with male organs.

They’re called “transgenders.” They can also be called disturbed. When their enablers are parents of young children, they should be prosecuted for child abuse as surely as PSU’s Jerry Sandusky.

Transgendering seems to be all the rage in some, fortunately limited, quarters but perhaps the worst feature of the anomaly is the support and encouragement granted them by the mainstream media and Democrat politicians.

Forty-two year old Chaz, (formerly Chastity), Bono is only the most recent instance of MSM lionizing transgenders. However, Chaz/Chastity was an adult when he transformed himself from female to male and even if he can’t dance very well he was entitled to enjoy his self-mutilation to his heart’s content.

Sarah and Bill Tyler were adults as well though they didn’t act that way when they succumbed to the pressures exerted on them by their four year old, Danaan, born Dana.

When he was all of two, Dana began insisting he wasn’t really a boy, by four he was denouncing God for burdening him with a penis and threatened to cut it off. By six, he talked about hanging himself and told his parents, ”I don’t think God is so great because God made a mistake when he made me.”

Little Dana claimed he was being bullied at school, although his parents sending him to school lugging a princess backpack and lunchbox may have been a factor in that teasing. When he insisted on wearing high-heeled slippers, they bought him high-heeled slippers.

Isn’t that what all parents do, give their children everything they demand?

To the Tylers’ rescue came none other than the biggest flamer on cable television “news,” Anderson Cooper, famously known for his lasciviously-gay remark denigrating the Tea Party movement and relating it to his own homosexual practice of “teabagging.”

Well, Cooper isn’t exactly known for that comment since CNN accepted his apology and rewarded him with his own show.

In any event, Cooper featured the Tylers on his newest show in a special edition titled, “Children & Teens Caught in the Wrong Bodies,” a subject to which Cooper could probably relate.

Diagnosed with “gender identity disorder,” a disturbance newly-concocted to explain situations shrinks can’t explain, Danann is now living her life as a girl and her mother feels, “I have a little girl that needs to be a little girl.”

It’s good that everyone’s happy. Let’s see what they think ten or twenty years from now when the Tyler’s spoiled, indulged child confronts the real world and discovers she can’t always get her own way, or that being a boy wasn’t all that bad.

In view of the facts the Tylers were distraught and confused, consulted their homosexual friends, and hailed from Orange County, California, they can almost be forgiven for permitting a very young child dictate decisions that will affect the rest of her life.

Less forgivable are the actions of Massachusetts Democrats who rammed a bill through that state’s legislature which will affect every school, workplace, accommodation, and institution in the Bay State. . .

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