Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Obamacrat Slurs, Snipes, and Smears

Obamacrat Slurs, Snipes, and Smears

The other day, Rush Limbaugh warned whomever eventually wins the Republican nomination for the presidency to be prepared for an avalanche of vicious assaults from the re-elect Obama billion dollar attack machine.

Limbaugh was wrong in one respect: That onslaught began months ago with the only distinction being that the viciousness is mostly emanating from Obama acolytes in his mainstream media rather than directly from the White House.

All this year, we have witnessed every Republican hopeful mercilessly pilloried as soon as he or she gains any traction in the GOP sweepstakes. Pawlenty, Trump, Christie, Bachmann, Gingrich, Cain have each had their turn being attacked. If a day goes by without some leftist guttersnipe taking unsubstantiated pot shots at a candidate, Leno and Letterman are ready to ridicule them at night with nasty derision–all in good fun, of course.

The only Republican to escape leftist castigation, relatively, has been Mitt Romney, leading to conjecture that the left wants him to win the nomination because they expect to whup him, just as Carterites were eager to get at Ronald Reagan.

What was it Obama said about the need for more civility? Evidently, the mainstreamers never got that memo.

One of the leaders of the MSM attack pack, the Washington Post, was apparently running out of ammunition with which to abuse the latest target, Newt Gingrich, so WaPo’s Aaron Blake resorted to the internet to gather more dirt. Blake tweeted for his fellow Twitter tweeps to send him all “outlandish/incorrect predictions and quotes” by or about Gingrich that they could dig up or make up.

Note: Blake was in search of the “outlandish/incorrect” rather than the truth. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=7657.)

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