Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving, Wishin' and Hopin'

Thanksgiving, Wishing and Hoping

The following is a re-re-print, with 2011 updates, of an article first posted here a few years ago which I’m trotting out once again since I’m a lazy sonofagun and because certain truths never change–and re-publishing them affords me the time to research and post other articles which highlight the sad reality that Americans should cherish Thanksgivings of yore since we may never see their like again. . .

What we should be giving thanks for this Thanksgiving Day because Navy Seal Team 6 executed the barbarian who executed 3,000 innocent people on September 11th. 2001 even if the terrorist threat is still alive and well.

We should be thankful that the Mad Dog of the Middle East is gone even if his replacements may be as bad or worse.

We should thank God for our brave men and women who daily risk their lives and limbs so that the Occupy Wall Street anarchists are free to defecate on police cars and otherwise cause mayhem while the rest of us tolerate them.

We should be thankful President Barack Hussein Obama finally produced a birth certificate even if its authenticity is suspect.

We should be especially thankful for those gifts that are immutable and not subject to the vagaries of personal and national worries.

Most of us have a great deal to give thanks for and those living in America who don’t feel thankful right now should reflect on what their national birthright has afforded them:

. We should give thanks that we are alive and, hopefully, healthy. If not healthy, we should give thanks that we live in the greatest nation on the planet in which to be sick. Our medical system is in the throes of upheaval with Obamacare and was far from perfect even before but it sure beats Bangladesh and it beats Britain’s NHS where the very sick are shuffled off to Bampton.

. We should give thanks even if we disagree with the designation of the United States as the greatest nation on the planet since, unlike your freedoms in many other countries, our borders are wide open and you should feel free to hop the next flight to Ethiopia or Somalia or Moldavia and revel in their attractions.

. We should give thanks that we have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, and food on our tables. If you are jobless at the moment and can’t provide the best of those amenities this year, give thanks that you can afford some and resolve to work harder in 2011 so that you will afford more next year.

. We should give thanks that we have a political system which allows us to alter our government, as we did in part in 2010, and far more radically on November 4th, 2008, without a revolutionary uprising which in other nations frequently results in widespread death and destruction.

. We should give thanks to God Who made all that possible by guiding our Founders to create a free, independent, democratic republic which has served us very well for over 200 years.

Millions on God’s Green Earth can’t give thanks for any of the above. . .

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