Friday, January 7, 2011

That New Black Panther Party Holds AG Holder in its Spell

That New Black Panther Party Holds AG Holder in its Spell

. . . Which brings us full circle, to the ideological successors of the old Black Panthers, the New Black Panther Party and its spell over AG Holder. The NBPP may never be tried and convicted of breaking any federal laws mainly because the Holder-Obama DoJ sees them as exempt from prosecution.

There has been widespread, smoldering resentment against the attorney general for his Department of Justice’s dismissal of the open and shut case against the NBPP’s videotaped voter intimidation by uniformed, armed thugs in Philadelphia on Election Day, 2008.

That resentment was deeply exacerbated last summer when former DoJ attorney J. Christian Adams and current Justice attorney Chris Coates exposed the culture of black racism that prevailed at America’s DoJ which was reflected in its gutting of the intimidation case strictly on racial grounds.

Not surprisingly, the mainstream media largely ignored Adams’ charges and Coates’ sworn testimony to that effect, blockbuster charges and testimony substantiated by numerous others at Justice that should have brought down the attorney general, if not the entire Obama administration.

For more detail on what happened last summer, since it can’t be read in the MSM, see “The MSM, the DoJ, and the Death of Integrity,”, and similar articles in this space.

J. Christian Adams has now revealed how Holder is utilizing–pimping might be a better word–the Democrat Party’s Paper of Record, the New York Times, to push his misleading propaganda about the DoJ’s breach of duty with regard to the NBPP case and other issues. . .

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