Monday, January 17, 2011

Tales of American Miseducamation

Tales of American Miseducamation

There’s nothing wrong with America’s schools that a healthy infusion of common sense mixed with a little patriotism and honesty wouldn’t cure.

The idea of patriotism, of course, has long been passe’ if not considered outright sedition in the liberal establishment that pretends to educate America’s children under the aegis of the ultra-liberal National Education Association which values self-esteem and such policies as diversity and multi-culturalism over actual learning.

Back in November, school officials at the Denair Middle School in California determined that 13 year old Cody Alicea could no longer fly the American flag on his bike which he had been doing to demonstrate his love of country and his appreciation of his grandfather’s service to the nation. Their reasoning? Other students complained and Cody’s showing of the colors could inflame them.

You see, as Denair school superintendent Edward Parraz explained, he was concerned about student safety. He “asked the boy to remove the flag to avoid ‘racial tension’ that he felt would inevitably result from Hispanic students responding to the American flag with their own Mexican flags” which could result in, horror of horrors, “other students bringing even more American flags:”

Before you knew it, students could actually join young Cody in his patriotic fervor!

The good news is that Superintendant Parraz got his comeuppance, along with a reminder of what country he lived in, when protests hit the fan and a horde of flag-bedecked bikers escorted Cody to school. See a video of Cody and his biker supporters here:

Parraz soon rescinded his flag prohibition under duress. He may get an NEA letter in his file.

Would that all American “miseducamation” horrors ended on such a positive note. . .

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