Sunday, January 2, 2011

Algorean Warming, Cooling, Changing, Whatevering

Algorean Warming, Cooling, Changing, Whatevering

Rational people should feel a deep sense of pity for Albert Arnold ”Al” Gore Jr.

Not that he minds but not only is he Albert Arnold “Al” Gore Jr. but on top of that burden the poor soul has been so humiliated for being so wrong, so reduced to a caricature, so humiliated by reality, so devolved into what he is as opposed to what he once thought he was or may have thought he may have been, that he is now a laughing stock to those rational people.

The poor thing is so self-besotted that he must think that his borderline obscene embrace and liplock with Tipper at the DNC national convention in 2000, his alleged inability to control his sexual urges with massage therapists in 2006, 2007, and 2008, and his wife of 40+ years jettisoning his sorry ass in 2010 all somehow endear him to the public or, more likely, he doesn’t give a damn what the public thinks.

He has his resume’ to keep him all warm and fuzzy.

The guy was an Ivy Leaguer, as is Elena Kagan, he served in Vietnam, as a protected species, he won a Nobel Peace Prize, as did Yassir Arafat, and an Oscar, as did Michael Moore. Why not cut him some slack?

Poor AlGore is to be pitied mainly but not exclusively for his championing and rapacious enrichment beyond his wildest imagining from the pathetic, long-running, long-disproven joke and insidious charade known popularly as global warming, global cooling, climate changing, and now by the all-encompassing creation of John Holdren, global climate disruption.

That last covers just about any and everything that can happen climatologically from record rains to the driest droughts, from blizzards to heat waves, probably even the size and shapes of snow flakes, to the incidents of bedbugs in New York City which, we all know, is caused by the little buggers looking for safe havens from the heat, or the cold, or that general disruption.

Nevertheless, Algore keeps plugging along like those postmen of old whose rounds continued through snow, rain, heat, and gloom of night even if the last postman to deliver mail during the gloom of night actually doubled as a cat burglar. Undismayed by the mutiple changes in climatological nomenclature or by Climategate or by the coldest winter in a century, Big Al still likes ye olde global warming, avid advocacy for which has made him famous and rich.

Gore surely endorses the latest deception borne of the minds of fellow Democrat warmists in Washington, the warmists’ version of death panels decreed by regulatory fiat, greenhouse gas regulations. The obvious federal rationale for both is the theory that, if they can’t get a law to do it, bypassing Congress and the Constitution with some administrative regulations will.

Gore would be very much in favor. . .

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