Sunday, January 23, 2011

Premature Sex-ed for Second Graders

Premature Sex-ed for Second Graders

. . . In point of fact and based on preliminary reports, a still-unnamed male teacher at Markham didn’t actually sexually abuse any of the seven and eight year olds in his charge. He, allegedly, was simply ”present” as “two of his second-grade students engaged in oral sex in the classroom and that some ran around without their clothes on.”

As they say, you couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried and only the most deranged child predators would try.

However, unfortunately but still allegedly, that nightmare in the second grade apparently did happen at least twice last week.

Oakland Unified School District spokesman Troy Flint now says, “Acting on early findings, the investigation is leading us to believe that these details have merit.” He added, “Young children have a natural curiosity about the human body, and they’re prone to exploration. But, of course, we have to work with children to make sure they understand that there’s a proper time, place and manner to do so.”

But, of course. However, Flint failed to make clear the “proper, time, place and manner” for second graders to strip naked and explore one another in every possible way.

Markham Principal Pam Booker, with an exceptional degree of self-serving understatement, also defensively weighed in, asserting that her school “prides itself on providing a ‘safe learning environment for all of our children, and the events as reported represent an unacceptable lack of supervision.’ “

She did not clarify precisely who did not acceptably supervise: the unnamed teacher, who was said to have had a heretofore spotless record, his immediate supervisor, or Ms. Booker herself. Her 435 student, K-5 school was far from so huge that she was incapable of personal involvement in what went on in Markham classrooms.

And what did go on, allegedly, boggles the mind and stretches credulity even if the uncle of a student in the sodomy classroom defended the teacher. . .

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