Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gays Versus Normality

Gays Versus Normality

Except for the deep satisfaction that comes from being demonstrably correct, there’s no upside to criticizing certain groups and people in America.

Say something negative concerning African-Americans or the president and you’re immediately branded a racist no matter how true and verifiable the critique. Say anything critical of homosexuals and you’re castigated as a hateful, homophobic Neanderthal despite the accuracy of the criticism.

However, the truth shall set you free so I’ll say and write it anyway: Gays despise normality.

Virtually everything I’ve read and seen about the homosexual community in the gay-friendly MSM depicts homosexuals as an oppressed minority who simply seek acceptance and recognition as normal people with different sexual proclivities who are misunderstood by heterosexuals.

Nothing could be farther from reality, at least for leaders in the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgendered (LGBT) movement who dictate the gay agenda.

If gays simply sought acceptance and recognition, why would they actively recruit, stage outrageous displays, and try to stifle straights when they voice their disagreement?

For example, why does the LGBT sponsor annual days of silence in schools and gay weeks where kids are encouraged to try the gay lifestyle? Why do they promote annual gay parades and other festivities where homosexuals exhibit themselves in half-naked costumes and engage in outrageously gross behaviors? Why do they push for gay days at amusement parks where they intentionally make themselves a seperate minority?

(See previous posts on all of the above.)

Such activities only accomplish shock and disgust, not acceptance and inclusion in the mainstream of society. They serve to reinforce common perceptions that gays are far from what they assert, namely just a variation on the norm.

Long before President Barack Hussein Obama’s sudden, election year “evolution” on same-sex marriage, gays had been making huge inroads within the entertainment, mass media, and other very public industries. Representing an infinitesimal 2% of our population, for some reason, homosexuals are disproportionately represented in every field from sitcoms to politics to cable news.

As for very plausible reasons? Think political correctness and gay dominance in the entertainment industry.

It may have taken his daughters to convince Obama of the moral and societal rectitude of men marrying men and women marrying women . . .


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Gramp's Wake-up Call on Obamanomics

Gramp's Wake-up Call on Obamanomics

Originally received as a email, the following is a slightly-edited re-print of an article posted here long before President Barack Hussein Obama began implementing his socialistic schemes to, as he said during the 2008 campaign, “spread the wealth.” After three years of his “spreading,” of bailing, of stimulating, of obamacaring, of indebting us and our children and grandchildren for the rest our lives, the article is more pertinent today than it ever was.

If the reader has read this before, read it again and forward it to anyone still contemplating voting for the man dedicated to bankrupting and destroying the nation we love. With the presidential election just five months down the road, it makes sense to know thine enemy.

(John is 63 years old and owns his own business. He is a life-long Republican and sees his dream of retiring next year is now all but gone. With the stock market crashing and all the new taxes coming his way, John knows he will be working for a good number more years. John has a granddaughter. Ashley is a recent college grad. She drives a late model car, wears all the latest fashions, and also likes going out and eating out a lot.

Ashley campaigned hard for Obama and, after he won the election, she made sure her grandfather (and all other Republican family members) received more than an earful on how the world is going to be a much better place now.

Ashley recently found herself short of cash and cannot pay her bills, again. As she has done many other times in the past, she emailed her grandfather asking for some financial help.)

Gramp’s reply:

Letter from a Granddad

Sweetheart, I am replying to your request for more money. Ashley, you know I love you dearly and am sympathetic to your financial plight. Unfortunately, times have changed. With the election of President Obama, your Grandmother and I have had to set forth a bold new economic plan of our own, the ‘Ashley Economic Plan’.

Let me explain. . .

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Postscript

Memorial Day Postscript

In “Memorial Day 2012″, I committed a serious error of omission as well as what liberals would characterize as a grievous blunder in word usage.

In calling for renewed recognition of the meaning of Memorial Day honoring the 1,343,812 men and women who have died in the service of our country, I neglected to mention the tens of millions of veterans of America’s wars who honorably served. I also made the mistake–according to the Left–of calling our war dead “heroes.”

Americans often confuse Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, with another national holiday, Veterans’ Day, originally referred to as Armistice Day.

Memorial Day honors our war dead whereas the latter commemorates the official conclusion of World War One on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918. The purpose of Veterans’ day was later changed to celebrate all who have served in America’s military.

In fact, all veterans should be saluted as heroes and remembered in our prayers. The only difference between them and our fallen heroes is that they survived.

Consider showing your appreciation and support for our hero vets by contributing to the very worthy Wounded Warrior Project.

Then, again, are they really “heroes”?

Chris Hayes thinks not.

The leftist weekend host and fill-in for Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, and Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC, the cable “news” adjunct of Barack Hussein Obama’s Democrat Party, believes his parents are “totally amazing, heroic figures” because they are far-out liberals. But he thinks referring to America’s fallen as “is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war.”

What Jesuitical gibberish!

In honor of Memorial Day, Hayes felt compelled to demean our military and those who gave their lives for us. He said he feels “uncomfortable” in describing fallen American soldiers as “heroes.”

In a stuttering, semi-articulate attack on those brave men and women, an attack with which his liberal guests fully concurred, Hayes uncomfortably explained his discomfort.

In his own rambling words, Hayes said that ”Thinking today and observing Memorial Day, that’ll be happening tomorrow. . . Um, I, I, ah, back sorry, um, I think it’s interesting because I think it is very difficult to talk about the war dead and the fallen without invoking valor, without invoking the words “heroes.”

Apparently, valor is as evil as heroism to America’s nasty, confused libs.

If that insightful observation were not sufficient to demonstrate Hayes’ insensitive ignorance of the meaning of a hero and their ultimate sacrifice, he added, ”Um, and, ah, ah, why do I feel so comfortable [sic] about the word “hero”? I feel comfortable, ah, uncomfortable, about the word because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war.”

Perhaps realizing his grossly irrational insult of those who died and to give him more opportunity to make an ass of himself, Hayes babbled on: “Um, and, I don’t want to obviously desecrate or disrespect memory of anyone that’s fallen, and obviously there are individual circumstances in which there is genuine, tremendous heroism: hail of gunfire, rescuing fellow soldiers and things like that. But it seems to me that we marshal this word in a way that is problematic. But maybe I’m wrong about that.”

I’m embarrassed to admit that I have a number of things in common with Hayes, including being a Catholic, Jesuit-educated Bronx native of Irish extraction who also graduated from Fordham University although I don’t share either his liberal family background nor Hayes’ radical leftism.

Nevertheless, I completely understand Hayes’ discomfort. . .

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day 2012

As with some other American holidays, the significance of Memorial Day has been largely forgotten and seriously diminished.

Today, the Fourth of July is rarely recognized as our celebration of independence from England after a long, bloody revolution. It has become a day to socialize with friends, neighbors, and relatives, scarf down burgers, hotdogs, and potato salad, attend a parade with lots of firetrucks, and watch illegal fireworks.

Christmas, a national holiday in observance of the birth of Jesus Christ, has devolved into a national shopping frenzy culminating in extravagant gift-giving, another eating orgy, and then figuring out how to pay the credit card bills.

Aside from Martin Luther King Day and Thanksgiving, little notice is given by too many people as to why we are able to sleep in and not go to work on holidays.

Memorial Day, formerly Decoration Day, is now the kickoff to forthcoming summer pleasures rather than a somber recognition of the tens of thousands of men and women who have died in service to our country over the past 223 years.

There’s certainly nothing wrong in celebrating but being festive while ignoring the fundamental purpose of the festivities is unseemly, if not un-American.

On Memorial Day 2010, President Barack Hussein Obama chose to show his contempt for America’s war dead . . .

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Does Bill Clinton Really HATE Barack Obama?

Does Bill Clinton Really HATE Barack Obama?

In 2008, a conservative website headlined a story, “Why Bill Clinton Hates Barack Obama AND Hillary” which posited the theory that Bill hated Obama because the latter was everything he was not and his wife because she posed a threat to his legacy.

“Hatred” and “hate” are powerful words, almost as potent as “racism.”

Did George Zimmerman hate Trayvon Martin when he shot him, or was he merely defending himself? Did Rev. Jeremiah Wright hate the United States when he screamed “God damn America,” or was he simply angry? Do investors hate Facebook for Zuckering them? Does Barack Hussein Obama hate our country, or does he just act that way?

Does Bill Clinton, deep-down, hate Barack Obama?

The effects of the word “hatred” can be mitigated by using euphemisms such as “dislike,” “antipathy,” even “disenchantment,” none of which carry the gut impact of “hatred” and none of those alternatives adequately describes the feelings of politicians who despise an adversary yet must create an aura of amity toward members of their party if they want to remain in its good graces.

Former President William Blythe Jefferson Clinton, who has expressed deep regret that he couldn’t be president for life, has frequently demonstrated his disdain for the current president, though that disdain has rarely seen the light of day in Obama’s mainstream media.

We’ll probably never know for certain Bill’s true feelings about Barry since pols are notorious hypocrites who can smile at you while plunging an 8-inch stilletto into your back and Clinton is especially adept at smiling and plunging simultaneously.

Bubba sure does seem to like Obama. After all, he publicly supported him and campaigned for him four years ago–after then-Senator Obama beat Hillary in the Democrat primaries. Following that bitterly-fought contest, Bubba uttered nary a single negative (mainstream-published) word against the new chief executive.

However, things are not always what they appear in the smarmy world of political intrigue. . .

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Do George Zimmerman's Witnesses Have NBPP Willies?

Do George Zimmerman's Witnesses Have NBPP Willies?

We already know the New Black Panther Party does an excellent job intimidating voters. Have they now branched out to intimidating witnesses in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin shooting case?

On Election Day, 2008, the NBPP stationed troopers with billy clubs outside at least one Philadelphia polling location and scared away white voters. One member punctuated the intimidation by declaring, “Now you see what it’s like being ruled by a black man, cracker!”

The Bush administration’s Justice Department indicted two Panthers for their criminal actions calculated to help elect Barack Hussein Obama but, despite the fact the DoJ had an open and shut case, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed all charges.

Emboldened by that precedent and with the attitude that Obama owed them one for helping put him in the White House, is it beyond the pale to believe the NBPP would try to intimidate George Zimmerman’s witnesses? It certainly seems that someone spooked them since four have now altered their eyewitness accounts of what happened in Sanford, Florida on February 26th, 2012.

Of course, eyewitnesses can sometimes be wrong and it was getting dark the night of the incident but for four to radically change their recollections of the events suggests something is very fishy.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, one young woman originally stated she saw “two guys running” and a “fistfight.” A month later she changed her story to “I couldn’t tell you if it was a man, a woman, a kid, black or white. I couldn’t tell you because it was dark and because I didn’t have my contacts on or glasses. . . I just know I saw a person out there.”

Another eyewitness, a young mother, initially claimed it was too dark to determine who was on top in the fight but she was certain later: “I know after seeing the TV of what’s happening, comparing their sizes, I think Zimmerman was definitely on top because of his size.”

A third neighbor saw Martin pumeling Zimmerman “throwing down blows on the guy, MMA-style” but on reconsideration couldn’t determine if Martin was throwing any punches.

A fourth spoke to the bloodied Zimmerman immediately after the shooting and told Sanford police Zimmerman simply told him that Martin “was beating up on me, so I had to shoot him” and only subsequently recollected the shooter acted ”like it was nothing.” (

As television’s Columbo might have opined, “Hmmm, that’s interesting.”

One eyewitness first sees two figures fighting who later transmogrify into one person fighting? Another says she . . .


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baptists Versus Homosexuals

Baptists Versus Homosexuals

 President Barack Hussein Obama’s recent, election year, reversal of his long-standing attitudes on marriage, his “evolution,” has once again raised a religious issue which has resulted in even Baptists weighing in on whether men should be legally entitled to marry men and women marry women.

I’m not an adherent of the 400 year old Baptist faith but over a hundred million other people are worldwide with 33 million residing in the United States of which half are members of the Southern Baptist Convention.

With such formidable numbers, differences of opinion are expected.

However, on one particular issue, homosexuality, Baptists used to be virtually unanimous in agreement. The vast majority unapologetically believed homosexuality is a choice, that gays recruit heterosexuals, that homosexual behavior is intrinsically evil and disordered, and that same-sex marriage is a destructive abomination.

With that admittedly cursory summation of Baptist beliefs on the subject as background, two Southern Baptist leaders recently spoke out with vastly different perspectives.

Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, while supporting biblical injunctions against homosexuality, nevertheless thinks Christians are guilty of “our own form of homophobia.”

On the other hand, Pastor Charles L. Worley of the Providence Road Baptist Church in Maiden, N.C., thinks homosexuals should be confined within an electrified fence to insure they couldn’t reproduce.

Aside from the apparent inconsistencies in Dr. Mohler’s position that the Bible is right yet being wary of gays is wrong and Pastor Worley’s obviously illegal, drastic measure of sequestering gays in prisons, their radical differences demand clarification. . .


Squelched Trayvon and New Black Panther Party Videos

Squelched Trayvon and New Black Panther Party Videos

As often noted in this space, the mainstream media frequently censor news items they deem politically incorrect or politically damaging to their favorite Democrat politicians. Sometimes, a story makes it on the air, onto cable, or into print that doesn’t fit the MSM mold but that’s as rare as transparency in the Obama administration.

Two subjects accorded lamestream P.C. indulgence are Trayvon Martin and the New Black Panther Party.

In their quest to convict if not hang George Zimmerman of something, anything, negative information concerning the late Trayvon Martin is usually buried by the MSM who prefer to depict the teenager as an innocent young man unjustly stalked and brutally murdered instead of as the pothead, thieving, violent gangbanger he actually was.

One detail about Trayvon Martin has recently surfaced that clearly demonstrates the real Trayvon. Don’t expect Diane Sawyer and her buddies to even mention it.

It seems the young Trayvon had maintained a YouTube account on which he proudly featured his photo with the middle finger of both hands raised in contemptuous salute. He also posted videos including one showing him engaged in a brawl with a white or light-skinned hispanic kid.

Understandably, with lawsuits and monetary compensation in their minds, Martin’s family has vehemently denied the boy in the video is Trayvon and family lawyer Ben Crump dutifully denounced it as nothing more than another attack on Trayvon’s character.

However, someone calls out his name, yelling, “Watch out, Trayvon!” 5 seconds into the 66-second vid, the tattoo on Martin’s right arm is clearly visible, and the fight takes place outside his mother’s home.

Now, kids tend to fight, even if they don’t post a videotape on YouTube accounts for all the world to see the violent, amateur Fight Club exhibition.

Trayvon Martin, though, was not your average teen, according to the family and their attorney.

To them, and to Barack Hussein Obama’s/Eric Holder’s Justice Department intent on turning his killing into a hate crime, he was a sweet, mild-mannered boy who couldn’t possibly have pummeled George Zimmerman into the ground before Zimmerman was forced to shoot him in self-defense.

The video was available on YouTube until it was scrubed, allegedly because it was too violent but not before screen captures and the video itself were saved revealing Martin as something less than a flower child.

No one has ever accused members of the racist New Black Panther Party of being flower children.

Heirs to the notorious old Black Panther Party founded by black domestic terrorists Huey Newton and Bobby Seale who thankfully dissolved into nothingness after being exposed for what they were, the NBPP initially presented itself as different from the old BPP.

In fact, the New Black Panthers are just as treacherous, if not more so, as their forebears. The NBPP simply pretends to be more civilized and law-abiding than the oldies, and they consistently fail. . .
(See the videos and

Monday, May 21, 2012

Tyler Clementi and Trayvon Martin: Justice Gone Awry?

Tyler Clementi and Trayvon Martin: Justice Gone Awry?

There are tragedies soon forgotten and there are tragedies which become iconic moments in American life because pressure groups and the media want them to be. The suicide of Tyler Clementi on September 22nd, 2010 and the shooting death of Trayvon Martin on February 26th, 2012 are two such moments.

Both resulted in miscarriages of justice due not to the incidents themselves but due to gay and black agitators and the media campaigning for unjust punishments of those deemed responsible for Clementi’s and Martin’s untimely deaths.

Eighteen year old Tyler Clementi hurled himself 250 feet off the George Washington Bridge into the Hudson River after discovering his Rutgers University roommate, Dharun Revi, and a hallmate, Molly Wei, had videotaped two of his homosexual encounters in the college room he shared with Revi.

Following endless demonstrations staged by sympathizers in the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgendered (LGBT) Movement, Ravi was indicted, tried, and convicted on 15 counts of invading Clementi’s privacy, bias intimidation, tampering with evidence and witnesses, and interfering with his apprehension and prosecution.

Ravi chose to stand trial. Wei copped a plea, testified against him, and was rewarded with a slap on her wrist.

Now 20, at sentencing on May 21st, Ravi faces ten years in prison on the bias-hate crime charge alone and deportation to the land of his birth, India, upon his release.

Few would dispute that what Dahrun Ravi did, particularly Twittering for his friends to view his webcam recording of Clementi’s graphic second tryst, was reprehensible. However, alleging his spying and advertising the tryst constituted a ”hate crime” meriting extended prison time and deportation is ridiculous.

Dahrun Ravi is clearly guilty only of gross indiscretion–and of acting like a college freshman.

No substantive evidence was ever introduced to demonstrate hatred toward Tyler Clementi because he was gay, which nowadays is a widely-accepted lifestyle especially on collegiate campuses, and Ravi was never even accused of contributing to Clementi’s decision to end his life.

Aside from the absurdity of the whole concept of a hate/thought crime, various gay rights groups contend the prosecution went way “overboard” in going after Ravi. The admittedly “self-absorbed” Ravi refuses to accept responsibility for Clementi’s suicide and believes his roomie “had bigger problems in his life.” 

He’s absolutely correct. A talented, young, gay violinist with virtually his entire future ahead of him was undoubtedly struggling with more significant issues than a webcam exhibition in order to motivate him to dive into the Hudson.

Should Ravi be sentenced to prison for what was essentially a stupid, teenage prank, it will be a major victory not for justice but for the power of fringe groups and the media to dictate American justice.

A more recent instance of agitators and the MSM falsely determining what’s right and what’s wrong in America is the tragedy that occurred in Sanford, Florida on February 26th, 2012.

The media and black agitators seized upon and made that tragedy a national farce. Fortunately, the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case should finally be nearing an end with Zimmerman exonerated.

As detailed here in various articles, the reporting of and reactions to George Zimmerman shooting and killing Trayvon Martin on a darkened, rainy street in Sanford have developed into a racial travesty unrivaled for decades. . .

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Race War and the P.C. Media

Race War and the P.C. Media’s Friday headline, “Race Related Hate Crimes Up, Coincide with Obama Presidency”, seemed to confirm what most people who follow the news already knew, that since the election of Barack Hussein Obama, incidents of blacks attacking whites had increased wildly, maybe exponentially.

Not so.

First of all, it’s difficult to determine numbers since the MSM rarely notes the race of the alleged criminals, a description that could aid in their apprehension. Secondly, much of the media don’t bother to report black racist crimes at all.

In any event, the linked article from ABCNews referred to the reaction of “white supremacist groups” to Obama’s presidency, not to the proliferation of black violence.

Indeed, ABC never saw fit to mention that proliferation, instead focusing exclusively on the increase in the number of white militias–from 150 to 1,274 over three years–who are incensed over “changes in demographics” and resort to violence, while never citing a single instance of that violence. (

Correction: “what most people who follow the news already knew” should read, “what most people are oblivious of” since the mainstream media, often with the complicity of law enforcement, has long been engaged in a concerted effort to conceal the extent of black hate crimes.

There are various reasons for the MSM’s failure to fulfill their fundamental journalistic responsibilities to the public of reporting news objectively and honestly.

Some in the media claim they are striving to avoid stirring up dissension, although they had no problem distorting facts related to the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case and causing nationwide upheavals with their proven misrepresentations.

Others claim black on white crime isn’t inspired by hatred of Caucasians but by poverty and discrimination which, in turn, somehow inspires blacks to attack whites in droves even though worse poverty and discrimination existed years ago and didn’t effect the mayhem we see today.

What most of the lamestreamers won’t admit is that they tailor much of the news to benefit Democrats and, especially, Barack Obama.

Featuring story after story involving black people assaulting, robbing, maiming, and murdering white people might awaken Americans to the reality that there is a one-sided race war in progress in America which could negatively impact Obama’s re-election chances.

Of course, First Lady Michelle Obama is on record as saying that every negative critique of her husband must incorporate a racist component, an odd opinion in light of Obama’s proclamation of a “post-racial America”, and an opinion that puts a damper on any implied criticism and automatically labels the critic a racist.

Lady O’s tactic is a variation on the theory that a great offense trumps any defense.

Noted African-American economist/philosopher/professor/prolific author Thomas Sowell is a keen observer of social trends in the United States. He is also fully cognizant of our race war and often goes on the offensive to illustrate the perils of that ongoing conflict. . .

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Romney's Strategy for Losing the Election

Romney's Strategy for Losing the Election

With Barack Hussein Obama’s candidacy on the ropes thanks mainly to his ineptness and far-out ideology, Mitt Romney could very well be America’s next president if he really wanted to be.

Apparently, he doesn’t.

Our economy is stuck in the doldrums, the unemployment rate stands at 8.1%, Obama’s “evolution” on homosexuals marrying other homosexuals alienated what remained of his support among Christians and other traditionalists, and now it’s been reported that his former literary agent said he was “born in Kenya” and his old spiritual adviser has ratted him out.

Had Mitt Romney written the script for his becoming the 45th president of the United States, he couldn’t have done any better.

Yet, Romney is on the verge of blowing it by taking the high road, the same road to ignominious defeat travelled by Sen. John McCain in 2008.

Four years ago, McCain opted against winning the presidency by telling it like it is about the character of his Democrat opponent and instead ran an ultra-principled race devoid of any references to Obama’s character or his toxic past.

He thereby removed the most potent evidence that the junior senator from Illinois was an extremist who would cause great harm to the country. That evidence, combined with Obama’s lack of experience, qualifications, and moral rectitude, could have resulted in an implosion of the presumptuous Obama campaign and given the U.S. a war hero and seasoned statesman as president in lieu of a “neighborhood organizer.”

McCain chose to ignore Obama’s tainted background, his close associations with extremist domestic terrorists such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and his 20 years in sitting in the pews of black racist Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright’s Trinity United Church while Wright spewed his hateful venom against white people and our country.

McCain lost, America lost, and the United States was saddled with the most left wing, most divisive, most incompetent, most pro-abortion, and the most disastrous leader in our history, Jimmy Carter not excepted.

2012 is shaping up to be what Yogi would have called déjà vu all over again. . .


Where is Room 101? Where Are the Rats?

Where Is Room 101?  Where Are the Rats?
There are many obvious and unsettling parallels between life in America under Barack Hussein Obama in 2012 and life in Oceania under Big Brother in George Orwell’s 1984.

The deification of Oceania’s omnipresent leader, the overbearing intrusion of a socialistic government into the private lives of its citizens, the thought control implemented by the Inner Party, the denial of individual freedom and liberties in favor of collectivism, the propagandizing, etc. all have parallels in America today.

The mindless worship of The Anointed One, his socialistic obsession, his belief in hate (thought) crimes, his collectivist outlook on life, his commitment to an all-powerful pervasive central government are scarily reminiscnt of 1984.

The only features missing from Obamaland are incessant wars, which may be in progress, and “the thing” in Room 101, “the worst thing in the world” for Winston Smith: rats.

Rats may be on the agenda in Obama’s second term along with implementation of other horrors he pledged to effect when he has more “flexibility,” as he promised Medvedev-Putin, after he is re-elected in November.

The president and his henchmen have been tirelessly working on the propaganda aspect of their version of Oceania. . .

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

America 2012: A Nation at Risk

America 2012: A Nation at Risk

“Stuff” is happening in America today that our country has rarely witnessed in our 224 year old history and none of it is propitious for our future.

True, we have suffered through other major crises, but never so many at the same time.

We survived the Revolution and early wars and revolts against our nationhood; we weathered a bloody Civil War; we eventually overcame the Great Depression; we struggled through the upheavals of the Civil Rights Movement the Viet Nam War protests; we mostly recovered from the horrors of September 11th, 2001; we lost thousands of our brave troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and some believe we actually won those wars.

However, we have never endured so many contemporaneous, dire threats to our national security, our fiscal future, our way of life, our cherished values, and our national character as we are witnessing today.

America made a grave mistake in November, 2008, a terrible mistake which, in the brief span of three and a half years, has served to greatly intensify those dire threats.

To be sure, the election of President Barack Hussein Obama did not incite crazed Muslim terrorists to launch an unprovoked war against the “Great Satan” and the entire Western world; that war has been ongoing for decades and has been smoldering for centuries.

What Obama has done is to minimize the magnitude of the dangers posed by Islam and has catered to, literally bowed to, the very Muslim potentate whose country hatched and financed 9/11.

He declared that a war on terrorism didn’t exist and then announced that the non-existent war was over by virtue of the defeat of al-Qaeda and our supposed victories in Iraq and Afghanistan, neither of which is a valid assumption.

He established domestic security measures which are more smoke and mirrors than actual safety nets. Perhaps the most telling feature of this commander-in-chief’s perspective on Americans’ safety was his 2010 concession to Fareed Zakariah that we are “resilient” enough to “bounce back” after nuclear attacks.

We were woefully unprepared for the Second World War. We are far more vulnerable in this, the Third World War, thanks to our president.

Should we somehow succeed in overcoming Muslim forces intent on destroying the America we love, we would still have to contend with the Great Recession, an economy which began to implode in 2008 and which shows few signs of real recovery.

The Obama administration’s total disregard for fiscal sanity and racking up trillions of dollars in unprecedented national deficits and debt has already cost the United States its long-standing AAA credit rating with no hope of paying our bills in sight.

The administration’s obsession with socialistic social programs such as food stamps, multi-billion dollar boondoggles and bailouts, and oppressive environmental regulations have stifled job growth and fostered dependency among the millions of the poor and the unemployed.

In brief, our economy and our society are a critical mess, a disaster as beneficial to Obama’s re-election prospects due to that widespread dependency as it is destructive of the human spirit.

Wars and rumors of war combined with economic malaise would be more than sufficient to effect America’s downfall. Unfortunately, there’s much more on our dismal plate: The social fabric which is supposed to bind us together and define us as a nation is disintegrating as rapidly as the integrity of our borders. . . .

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Obama Family: Perfecting the Art of Uppity

The Obama Family: Perfecting the Art of Uppity

Emigrating to a foreign land has to be an intimidating experience for the émigré.

Just think of it: Entering a country where you don’t speak the same language, don’t understand the customs or laws, and don’t have many if any friends or relatives to give you a sense of belonging must induce a certain trepidation.

Of course, in America, land of the free, the brave, the swiss cheese borders, and tens of millions of illegal immigrants, those trepidations rarely apply. By contrast, in virtually every other nation on Earth, illegal aliens strive to keep a low profile and avoid detection lest they end up in jail, deported and, in many nations, beaten, and tortured.

Imprisonment and deportation back to whence they came are the fates of relatively few illegals caught breaking our laws. The millions of others pretty much get a pass–until they are apprehended committing a crime–except in states such as Arizona where the citizenry and government believe they are compelled to enforce federal immigration legislation laws since the feds won’t.

Decent foreigners follow procedures and wait their turn to enter America and should be welcomed to our land of immigrants. Then there are people who have contempt for our laws and slither into our country illegally. Some lucky souls are immune from any restrictions providing they have, shall we say, friends in high places.

A prime example of immigrants with connections is President Barack Obama’s “dear Auntie Zeituni,” as he referred to her in Dreams from My Father.

She not only emigrated here illegally but lived on the dole for decades in the Boston area, defied repeated deportation orders, and then bitched about her treatment following a federal judge’s reversal of opinion after her nephew’s coincidental election as president.

Obama’s Uncle Omar is no slouch either when it comes to illegally sneaking into the United States, setting up residence–also in liberal Massachusetts–and avoiding deportation. Charged with a DUI in Framingham, his first words were, “I think I will call the White House.” He beat the rap and is still working in a liquor store.

For all the sordid details on uppity Obama-family illegals, see “Uncle Omar and Auntie Zeituni”,

The Kenyan native Zeituni Onyango, a dead ringer for “SNL’s” Kenan Tompson, full sister of Uncle Omar Onyango and half sister of the president’s reprobate-bigamist father, Barack Hussein Obama, Senior, has asserted herself once again in a memoir, Tears of Abuse. . .

Sunday, May 13, 2012

America's First Gay President

America's First Gay President

We already knew Barack Hussein Obama was America’s first semi-black president. Now, according to Newsweek, he is apparently also our first gay president!

I don’t know whether the editors at the magazine were trying to out our commander-in-chief as a homosexual or whether Michelle Obama was aware all these years that her hubby had been living in a closet.

When the editors featured the president on the cover of their latest edition with his head crowned with a multi-colored halo, they may have been figuratively crowning him with the title of King of America’s gay community as an adjunct to his already well-earned titles of Nobel Peace Prize Winner, “the Anointed One,” “Master of the Universe,” etc.

Unless it’s related to the president’s sudden, truly-miraculous, election-year evolution from being an adversary of same-sex marriage to finally comprehending the moraI and legal rightness of men marrying other men and women wedding other women, I really don’t grasp the editorial rationale of declaring Obama “The First Gay President.”

Perhaps if I read the leftist rag that is Newsweek, I’d comprehend more.

I do know that the rainbow halo is a nice touch beautifully complementing all the other halos superimposed on his head by his mainstream media over the last four years. . .

The Latest United Nations' Absurdity

The Latest United Nations' Absurdity

The absurd, the ridiculously nonsensical, is obviously a staple of absurdist fiction, in the Theater of the Absurd, and in many political speeches. Absurdity, however, is absurdly out of place when it emanates from supposedly reputable international bodies.

The United Nations has long been a prime example of the ridiculous to many Americans who regard that alleged “last, best hope for humanity” as an opulent haven for Third Worlders intent on compensating themselves for their lack of wealth, power, and prestige by stripping the USA and the West of theirs.

Following a fact-finding investigation and tour, a senior U.N. official concluded there is only one clear-cut path to “reconciliation” with America’s Indian population, a reconciliation necessitated by centuries of ”subordination and domination of indigenous peoples in that country.”

A radical activist with the lofty title, U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya met with various Native American tribal leaders as well as White House big wigs before arriving at his condemnation of America’s “oppressive” history and his plan for rectifying it.

Anaya will soon officially propose his scheme to his U.N. bosses. It essentially boils down to America paying reparations for its wrongdoing.

Anaya specifically focused on returning the South Dakota Black Hills, home to the revered Mount Rushmore tribute in granite to four, great American presidents, as recompense to Sioux tribes who hold the land sacred.

If this U.N. brazen intrusion . . .

Friday, May 11, 2012

Two Teen Terrors: Mitt and Barry

Two Teen Terrors: Mitt and Barry

I don’t know about you but I was neither a perfect child nor an exemplary teenager.

I did well academically but I was often disciplined by elementary-school nuns who thought my childhood antics were inspired by the devil or by a devilish new invention, television. When I became a teen, I was even worse and engaged in activities which today would be deemed typical but in the fifties were somewhat beyond the norm.

Kids and teens say and do the darnedest things, even future presidential candidates.

According to a new Rasmussen poll, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney is currently running 7 points ahead of President Barack Hussein Obama and the president’s mainstream media is running scared, so scared that they are manufacturing absurd issues in an attempt to discredit Romney’s candidacy.

Granted, the MSM didn’t just launch their smear campaign; they have been attacking the former Massachusetts’ governor ever since they perceived him as a serious threat to their hero.

They have suggested Romney’s Mormon religion is nothing more than a cult, they have impugned his character, they have characterized his career in business as rapacious, they have misrepresented his political positions, they have gone so far as to demean his wife.

Now the MSM has dredged up the dumbest accusation yet–that the teenage Mitt sometimes acted like a teenager.

While ignoring Obama’s horrific teenage history, the mainstreamers ran with a story concerning Romney’s high school penchant for pranks and allegedly demonstrating Romney was a homophobic teen bully. His “crime”? He forcibly cut off the bleached-blond locks of a classmate who may have been a closeted homosexual–during an era when gays were rarities mostly ignored by heteros.

Though Romney had forgotten about the unwelcome haircut, he apologized anyway after the muckraking Washington Post, figurative sharpened hatchet in hand, rooted out the story by contacting an old Mitt buddy almost half a century later.

As ABC News subsequently pointed out, Stu White hadn’t even been present during John Lauber’s hair trimming and has no recollection of it any more than Romney or the now-deceased Lauber’s sister do. Yet, WaPo‘s Jason Horowitz was able to somehow delve into White’s mind and write that he “has long been bothered by the Lauber incident.”

Bothered by an incident he didn’t witness and didn’t recall?

After being exposed for its phony exposé, the Washington Post printed a correction, sans explanation or apology, for its outrageous lie.

The 5400-word WaPo hit piece, published Thursday and corrected on Friday, most likely was composed long before Obama suddenly “evolved” into a supporter of same-sex marriage on Wednesday and was obviously shelved pending an opportune time to bash the Republican. . .

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama's Phony Evolution

Obama's Phony Evolution

Now that President Barack Hussein Obama has emerged from his political closet and announced he has resolved his long-standing confusion, indecision, and lack of surety regarding the morality–and practicality–of same-sex marriages, his motivations should be examined.

Republican low-lifes will no doubt attribute the president’s sudden, radical flipflop as concrete evidence that he has no core values and he “evolved” only because he needs both gay money to supplement his campaign coffers and gay votes to supplement the ballot box in November.

They will say he has long favored men marrying men, women marrying women, and undermining the religious institution of marriage and was being coy about it all until he had “more flexibility” in his second term.

They will say Vice President Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan shamed Obama into his alleged epiphany by indicating they would be “comfortable” with gay marriage.

They will say North Carolinianians forced his hand when they voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to join 38 other states in opposing same-sex marriages and civil unions.

They will say that since Obama’s Democrats have already repealed the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy and his DoJ secretary announced his administration would not defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, the president would logically have to endorse homosexual marriage.

And they would be absolutely wrong. . .

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

An Apocalylptic Profit Primer

An Apocalyptic Profit Primer

There’s a ton of money in doomsaying, predicting an apocalypse, naming the date for Armageddon, warning of the end of the world, identifying the Antichrist, describing the nature of The Rapture.

Just ask Tim Lahaye or Jerry Jenkins, authors of the Left Behind series of 16 best-selling novels and beneficiaries from the receipts of 3 movies, videogames, and recordings all dealing with such subjects.

Many Americans are currently all abuzz because the ancient, semi-extinct Mayans calculated that December 21st, 2012–not the 20th or 22nd, and not November 6th, 2012 but precisely 12-21-12–would be the last day of mankind’s existence on the Earth as we presently know it.

The primitive Mayan calendar, based on very subjective and disputable data, may have been one of the earlier recorded prognostications of worldwide cataclysm but it was hardly the last.

Michel de Nostredame, the 16th century French apothecary, (a pharmacist, druggist), better known as Nostradamus, is the world’s best-known and most prolific prophet of doom. Among his 6,000 mostly apocalyptic prophecies, he allegedly predicted everything from Napoleon’s defeat to world wars to JFK’s assassination.

For all we know, he may have foretold the invention of Bisquick and Rubik’s Cube since no one knows for certain exactly what he was foretelling due to the mysterious complexity of his cryptic quatrains. They all could have been inspired by his interest in the occult, by sniffing too many of the potions he concocted, or a combination of both.

Chances are he was as insane as Timothy Leary and Charlie and Marilyn Manson.

Although the Mayans didn’t profit monetarily from their calendar and Nostradamus didn’t earn any francs from his doom and gloom, Messrs. LaHaye and Jenkins have grown wealthy as a result of their revivification of a worldwide angst that has scared people for millennia and hundreds if not thousands of others have handsomely capitalized on the Mayan and Nostradamus folderol.

The History Channel could barely exist without them.

Most recently, out of a sense of civic-planetary duty, an 80 year old, retired New York MTA train engineer, Robert Fitzpatrick, called on expertise culled from many decades of operating trains and blew virtually his entire life savings to place a thousand ads on NYC subways and bus shelters to alert the city of the impending Apocalypse on May 21st, 2011.

It’s not known whether Mrs. Fitzpatrick agreed with her hubby’s decision to put their future in the hands of the Social Security Administration either before or after May 21st came and went without incident.

In any event, it was back to the drawing board for the venerable Mr. Fitz and another disappointed negatavist, Harold Camping, who was also sure as shootin’ that the Rapture would occur on 5/21/2001. He hastily changed the date to 10/21/2011, and is presently recalculating. . .

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Saturday Night Live": Obama's Bootlicker

"Saturday Night Live": Obama's Bootlicker

Question: What’s the difference between members of the Democrat National Committee and the cast of “Saturday Night Live?”

Answer: Not much, except that the people on the DNC get paid a lot less than the comedians on ”SNL.”

I used to enjoy watching ”Saturday Night Live.” I mostly liked the bride’s eye-rolling and feigned shock at some of the sketches.

When it debuted on NBC in 1975 featuring ”not ready for prime time players” such as John Belushi, Jane Curtin, Chevy Chase, Gilda Radner, et al., the show was usually funny if occasionally off-color and edgey. ”SNL” was always politically correct back then yet it poked caustic fun in almost every direction.

No more. The show has repeatedly demonstrated it has the same goals as the DNC, re-electing President Barack Hussein Obama. It simply employs one-sided, partisan humor to advance that aim as opposed to directly funding Democrats.

Times and “SNL” have radically changed, especially since the appearance on the political scene of Barack Hussein Obama.

Aside from regularly ridiculing the presumptive GOP nominee for president, Mitt Romney, just as their cadre of late night comedians like Letterman, Leno, Fallon, Stewart, et al. incessantly do, “SNL” has now apparently upped the ante by allowing Obama and Company to censor its content.

In deference to complaints by arch-racial agitator Rev. Jesse Jackson and in conformity with a concerted effort to compensate for alleged discrimination toward African-Americans in the entertainment industry, Hollywood and television producers caved and today blacks are more than well-represented on the silver and TV screens.

They bent over backwards, upside-down and every whichway to assure blacks that the entertainment industry was not only not racist but that they would slander conservatives in the process in order to prove their how liberal they were. revealed that “SNL” has caved again, this time to advance the Obama 2012 re-election campaign.

Last Saturday, Lorne Michael scrapped the show’s planned and written opening skit mocking the president’s shameless efforts to suggest he was primarily responsible for killing mastermind 9/11 terrorist Osama bin Laden last May in Pakistan.

In Obama’s historical revisioning, SEAL Team 6, then-CIA director Leon Panetta, Admiral William McRaven, and a host of other advisors became secondary to his incredible courage in ordering the assault on bin Laden’s Abbotabad compound–after months of indecision.

Truth is usually less humorous than fantasy so “SNL” opted to . . .

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The OWS and the Sin of Presumption

The OWS and the Sin of Presumption

At one time or another, most of us assume and presume too much but few of us ever envision the United States of America collapsing as a great nation. Historically, such a presumption was not uncommon.

The thought of ancient Rome being overrun by barbarians had to have been unfathomable to the average Roman in the street, until it happened.

The idea that Russians would be ruled by Lenin and his Bolsheviks after Czar Nicholas II must have seemed beyond the pale of believability, until it happened.

Most Germans were unaware that Adolph Hitler would initiate one of the most brutal genocides in human history and precipitate a world war leading to Germany’s near-extinction, until it happened.

And, thanks in large part to the complicity of the mainstream media which prefer to liberally slant news and ignore what is the most dire threat to America’s existence since Hitler and the USSR, the presumption that we will survive the insidious Occupy Wall Street movement aimed at undermining the capitalist foundations of our prosperity and success, could very well come to fruition in the not too distant future.

The mortal sin of presumption is a Roman Catholic doctrine which essentially holds that to arrogantly believe and trust in one’s own merits to the exclusion of any divine intercession can lead to salvation is the road to perdition.

Whether or not Americans accept that religious teaching, vainly presuming the United States will exist indefinitely, that we as a country are immune to forces which can effect our dissolution, that we are impervious to external and internal threats, is not only presumptuous but reflects a dangerous ignorance of the history of all great nations and empires.

Those nations and empires have had an average life-span of two centuries. As of 2012, the U.S.A. will be 223 years old.

The reality of presumption, that Americans and America will continue to regard the OWS, the Occupiers of Wall Street and everything else they choose to occupy, destroy, and desecrate as just another protest group, is beyond foolhardy. In fact, they are busily plotting the overthrow of government and institutions which have served us, never perfectly, but satisfactorily, for centuries.

An extreme scenario? Please read on. . .


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Help Save George Zimmerman!

Help Save George Zimmerman!

Anyone who thinks that George Zimmerman is being railroaded, that he is being persecuted for acting in self-defense to save his life by shooting Trayvon Martin on February 26th, 2012, that he is being exploited by black agitators and revolutionaries to stir up racial unrest, that he is far more the victim than the villain in the Martin tragedy, should consider putting their money where their thoughts are and contribute to Zimmerman’s defense fund:

Donations through PayPal will be used to defray Zimmerman’s huge and endless legal expenses, enable him to survive bankruptcy, and put food on his table until he is exonerated.

It’s easy to decry injustice but much more honorable and Christian to financially support an innocent man who was forced to kill a 17 year old African-American with a purported history of drug-dealing, gang-banging, and thievery who tried to take his life.

Please see “Who Is the Real George Zimmerman?” (

Friday, May 4, 2012

More Updates: Joe Arpaio and Lindsay Lohan

More Updates: Joe Arpaio and Lindsay Lohan

Along with Rush Limbaugh, the Fox News Channel, and the Drudge Report, “America’s toughest sheriff,” Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona has to be near the top of President Barack Hussein Obama’s Enemies List, that is, if the president maintains an enemies list ala Trickie Dick Nixon.

He may have a hit list, instead.

For more than two decades, Limbaugh has been the radio bane of liberal existences and Democrat presidents. Fox has handled that chore on cable television for sixteen years and Matt Drudge has been the leading internet critic of those same people for almost fifteen.

Lately, though, Sheriff Joe seems to have taken over the top slot in the pantheon of conservatives causing severe diarrhea for liberals.

In a word, libs literally hate influential conservatives for what they are, for what they say, and for what they do and Arpaio is, and says, and does what he believes is morally true and legally right. It can be a dirty job but somebody has to do it since the Obama crowd won’t.

The seventy-nine year old son of Italian immigrants, an Army vet and former D.C. and Las Vegas cop, Arpaio served 25 years with the D.E.A. and was elected five times as Maricopa County sheriff.

When it comes to law enforcement, he evidently knows whereof he speaks and that’s what bugs the hell out of the Obama adminstration and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Over the course of the last four years, Sheriff Joe and his staff have been investigated on at least five separate occasions, accused of abuse of power, bias, illegally accepting gifts, and campaign fraud.

In every instance, Arpaio was cleared and the charges were either dropped or consigned to limbo pending future efforts to bring him down one way or another.

People with experience and knowledge who follow the law tend to bother left wingers.

Sheriff Joe has been dogged with almost every charge imaginable.

Most of those charges were related to his dastardly treatment of prisoners at the Maricopa County jail.

Arpaio had the audacity to dress prisoners in pink outfits to calm them down, served them bologna sandwiches to show them jail wasn’t a Mcdonalds, housed them in tents to disillusion them if they had thought prison was a country club, and utilized volunteer chain gangs to reinforce the concept of payback to society.

In addition, Arpaio has been accused of using common sense–profiling potential miscreants and rounding them up in raids which have netted thousands of criminal, illegal aliens and saved countless Arizona lives.

He has also been the subject of death threats and a failed recall attempt but has regularly trounced anyone foolish enough to run against him.

Testimony to the depth of liberal antipathy toward Arpaio, extreme leftist George Soros has pledged $10 million to defeat him in the next election, all because of two political issues: the sheriff’s perceived unkindness toward a principal Obama constituency, Latinos, and his persistance in trying to prove–or disprove–allegations concerning the president’s eligibility to hold that office.

The good news in all this, today’s update, is that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is the odds-on favorite to win again in November and, God willing, will be able for four more years to enforce United States immigration regulations and statutes the federal government has neglected to enforce.

Of significantly less consequence than a patriot’s determination to do his duty at all costs and at the nether end of America’s societal spectrum is Lindsay Lohan who is emblematic of the state of mind that exists in America today. The ultra-confused, disturbed actress, singer, model, druggie, and ex-con can’t even figure out whether she is heterosexual, bi-sexual, or a lesbian. . .

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Today's Updates: Dan Savage and Obamacare

Today's Updates: Dan Savage and Obamacare

The ancient Chinese proverb, “May you live in interesting times,” is a double-edged sword meaning both good wishes and a damning curse. We live in far more interesting times than any Chinese philosopher could possibly have envisioned and keeping up with our curses is daunting.

It’s virtually impossible in our 24/7/365 news world to keep abreast of everything going on. However, to keep readers updated on recent posts here, I’ll give it a a shot today with updates on recent items posted here regarding twisted heterophobe and a revelation on an historic charade. (More fascinating updates will follow.)

DAN SAVAGE. The aptly-named heterophobe who exploited an invite to address high school students on the hot-button issue of bullying when he quickly veered into an attack on the Bible, Christianity, and straight kids, is now saying he was misinterpreted.

Savage still maintains that “we can learn to ignore the bulls**t in the Bible about gay people” but is offended that anyone would misconstrue that and other vile remarks. As he twittered,xx “an attack on Christianity. Which is bullshhh . . . which is untrue” which is in itself bulls**t and a lie.”

Immediately following those “apologies,” Savage launched into a foul-mouthed tiradexx against the Pope and Catholic doctrine–in a chapel, yet!

In his almost inimitable fashion Savage ranted, “What the Pope is saying is that the only thing that stands between my [expletive deleted] and Brad Pitt’s mouth is a piece of paper . . . that once we’re all gay-married we’re going to go extinct in a generation because . . . we’re gonna forget which hole [expletive deleted] babies.” (

Dan Savage would be amusing were he not so pathetically vicious even as his fellow homosexuals attempt to imply they are normal. Normality implies some conformity with normal values, no?

Evidently, the Obama administration believes Savage and his associates are normal since they and other Democrats have warmly embraced Savage, so to speak. (

OBAMACARE. If killing Osama bin Laden is our president’s most significant foreign affairs achievement, passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is surely his greatest, though disgraceful, domestic accomplishment.

By now, most Americans–75% of whom opposed its passage–are familiar with the shameful machinations Obama and his Democrat congress utilized to foist socialistic medicine on the United States two years ago. . .

"The Man Who Shot Osama bin Laden"

"The Man Who Shot Osama bin Laden"

On this, the day after the first anniversary of the untimely death of master terrorist and mass murderer Osama bin Laden, since we have seemingly escaped Islamic retaliation for that cleansing of the planet, Americans should all rejoice that we have our president.

By now, Osama’s sorry carcass has been consumed by ravenous fishes not very selective about what they eat and it seems altogether fitting and proper to honor the man most responsible for ridding the world of the vermin that once was bin Laden.

While the courageous men of SEAL Team Six may have technically pulled the triggers at the vermin’s slummy compound in beautiful, downtown Abbottabad, every reasonable person knows in their heart of hearts that President Barack Hussein Obama deserves the credit.

Accordingly, for the reader’s listening and viewing pleasure, I am reprising Paul Shanklin’s memorable rendition of “The Man Who Shot Osama bin Laden,” which was first heard on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show last May.

The song had been removed by YouTube due to alleged “copyright infringements” but, thanks to my tireless searching and in the interests of providing a public service, I have been able to retrieve it. WARNING: The presentation is replete with graphic graphics showing the deceased bin Laden in all his inglorious, dead splendor.

False rumors have been circulating that our heroic leader was somewhat less of a hero and failed to provide any leadership at all during the tense hours leading up to his finest foreign policy achievement. They are all poppycock!

Americans should disregard as meaningless multiple reports that our president was so upset over the prospect of killing another human being a year ago that he retreated from the White House Situation Room, went to bed, and left the momentous decision to either then-CIA Director Leon Panetta or Special Ops Admiral William McRaven. . .