Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obama's United Nations Is Gutting Our United States

Obama's United Nations Is Gutting Our United States

Bar none–Jimmy Carter, Warren Harding and Millard Fillmore not excluded–Barack Hussein Obama is clearly the worst president in the history of the republic.

Repeatedly exposed as an overachieving fraud, a liar, a Chicago-style thug with established ties to terrorists and other reprobates, none of which ties have been investigated by the mainstream media, Mr. Obama incredibly still expects to win re-election in November.

Just as obvious, it’s evident that our 44th commander in chief has one sincere commitment.

He may have no respect for America’s Constitution, no interest in the future of the United States, and is a proven, gaffe-plagued incompetent but Obama does have a deep and abiding love–an affection not for his lovely wife but for the institution that promises to serve as one of his primary vehicles for accomplishing his ultimate goal of destroying America as we know and love it: the United Nations.

And the slew of socialistic, dictatorial Third World members of the U.N.–the majority membership–are busily, shamelessly working to achieve Obama’s aim.

The United Nations, that last, best hope of mankind has evolved into a power-hungry, anti-Western, anti-American blot on humanity and has long been out of touch with American interests.

The UN now wants to “find resources to finance development needs and address growing global [Third World] challenges, such as combating climate change and is “suggesting various ways to tap resources through international mechanisms, such as coordinated taxes on carbon emissions, air traffic, and financial and currency transactions.”

In other words, just like Obama, the UN wants to tax the bejesus out of those evil rich bastards who create jobs and prosperity to artificially lift third-worlders out of the eighteenth century.

Why bother struggling as Americans did to accomplish what we have when you can legally steal what you need via international taxes on the world’s successful, entreprenurial, capitalist pigs?

And those taxes are just the beginning. . .

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