Monday, July 23, 2012

Rancid Muslim Odors Permeate the Case of Major Malik Nidal Hasan

Rancid Muslim Odors Permeate the Case of Major Malik Nidal Hasan

Many things stink in President Barack Hussein Obama’s administration and some of them stink to high heaven.

The major stinkers include the sneaky passage of Obamacare under a Democrat cloak of secrecy and everything associated with that socialistic monstrosity, the blatant black racism in the Department of Justice, the stonewalling on the Fast and Furious debacle, and the president’s abject failure to lead us out of an endless recession in lieu of which he speechifies us into numbness.

Obama’s misbegotten “cash for clunkers” scheme which cost taxpayers $24,000 per clunker qualifies as a relatively minor stinker but the matter of Nidal Malik Hasan has to be up there in the stinks to high heaven category and may yet evolve into the most obscene of all obscene Obamian travesties.

Without mitigating the seriousness of the other political stinkers, an odoriferous smell permeates the case of US Major Nidal Malik Hasan, soldier, psychiatrist, Muslim–and alleged mass murderer who slaughtered more men and women at Fort Hood on November 9th, 2009 than James Holmes did in Aurora, Colorado on July 20th, 2012.

Major Hasan must be referred to as an “alleged mass murderer” under the American military justice system despite dozens of witnesses to his summary execution of 13 innocent victims, 14 if we include a pre-born baby, and wounding of 29 others at Fort Hood, Texas.

Had Hasan been charged, tried, and convicted of such horrific crimes in a kangaroo Islamic court, he would have long since been beheaded, hanged by his privates, then disemboweled with his carcass tossed into pit filled with ravenous, rabid wolves.

However, this is America.

With the aid and comfort of the Obama administration which cowed Hasan’s superior officers into turning deaf ears and blind eyes toward their underling’s terrorist ties for fear of being accused of anti-Islamic bias, Hasan has been milking our justice system for all it’s worth.

At the same time, he and his free, government-appointed lawyers supplemented by volunteer Muslim sympathizers have been delaying justice as well as affording an alleged mass murderer extended time to plead an indefensible case.

The Hasan fix is in and it stinks to high heaven.

Our president laid the foundation for Hasan’s defense with his adamant refusal to admit that America is enmeshed in a decades-old war with Islamic terrorists as shown in his memorial speech following the Fort Hood massacre. He attributed the shootings to wartime stress even though Hasan had never served a day in armed battle.

Besides, since a war against Muslim terrorists doesn’t exist, how could Hasan be a Muslim terrorist?

Subsequently, Obama’s Department of Justice, America’s Department of Justice, provided Hasan with another out when it chose to describe his unprovoked mayhem at Fort Hood not as a clear instance of domestic Islamic terrorism but as an example of “workplace violence,” the equivalent of an overpaid USPS letter carrier going postal because his route was changed and he now had to deliver mail from a satchel instead of a truck.

Echoing Mohammad Atta’s war cry “Alahu Akbar” (Allah is great) as he crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center’s North Tower on September 11th, 2001, Hasan, whose business card identified him as “a soldier of Allah,” delivered murderous mayhem upon his victims in that “workplace violence.” . . . (Read more at

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