Sunday, July 15, 2012

When Is a Baby Not a Baby? Never!

When Is a Baby Not a Baby?  Never!

Some newborns emerge from their mother’s womb all scrunched-up, some scratched by forceps or by their own, delicate fingernails, all covered in amniotic goo, most with a cry, a rare few looking as if they were ready, willing, and able to take on the world.

However they make their grand entrance, their moment of birth, all babies have one important feature in common: They have been babies for about 280 days, from the moment of conception, a fact abortionists choose to ignore in the interests of maintaining the illusion that they aren’t baby murderers.

Among many other pro-abort liberals, DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) has said that contending human life begins at conception is “extreme and radical,” an opinion now vividly shown to be extreme and radical, assuming human appearances are not de-facto proof of humanity.

The truth that libs are terminating a human life has been confirmed once again in a BBC first, amazing time-lapse evidence of the development of the human face.

See first ever still pictures and a 43 second video, as well as the first ever MRI footage of twins’ activity in the womb and another of an actual birth at

Notably but not at all surprisingly, the BBC narrator refers only to the face of an “embryo,” not to the visage of a human baby. Too much reality would probably upset the BBC audience if they came to understand abortion doesn’t simply involve the removal of a blob of tissue.

Some blob!

Something else neither the BBC nor the American mainstream media never feature are reports that abortionists, as liberal as they are, often engage in markedly illiberal violent assaults on pro-lifers as sick complements to their violent assaults on the pre-born.

For example, soon after Newsweek and The Daily Beast profiled Personhood USA leaders Keith and Jennifer Mason and a Beast commenter posted . . .

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