Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hot Enough for Ya?

Hot Enough for Ya?

Everyone talks about the hellish hot weather but only liberals know what ‘s causing it: climate change, aka global warming, of course!

The 3,215 record daily high temps set in the month of June and 4,500 new heat records during the last 30 days must incontrovertibly prove Planet Earth is roasting almost to the boiling point.

And, maybe not.

The fact is, those record highs were all set in the U.S. while the rest of the northern hemisphere is just experiencing summertime. It would seem Mother Nature has it in for America since she is wreaking heat havoc only on us.

In almost unprecedented numbers, Mom Nature has caused wildfires, droughts, tornados, and floods, everything but hordes of locusts in the United States–and she has yet to unleash the brunt of her hurricane season!

As Jonathan Overpeck gloated, “This is what global warming looks like at the regional or personal level.”

That professor of geosciences and atmospheric sciences at the University of Arizona breathlessly elaborated, ”The extra heat increases the odds of worse heat waves, droughts, storms and wildfire. This is certainly what I and many other climate scientists have been warning about” and the head honcho of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, Kevin Trenberth, dutifully chimed in by claiming he had predicted the same disasters. (

So there, you climate-change-naysaying nitwits!

The chief problem with Overpeck’s, Trenberth’s and all the other “expert” observations that Earthlings are doomed to being toasted, fried, and fricaseed is that they are as wrong in their doomsaying assessments as their fellow phonies who believed a mere few decades ago that we would soon be encased in blocks of ice when global cooling and a new Ice Age enveloped the planet.

Science magazine, Science Digest and a host of other seemingly-reputable publications and scientists were then warning of ”extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation,” shorter growing seasons, cooling oceans and similar catastrophic events.

It never happened, anymore than polar bears starving and stop making baby polar bears, anymore than melting glaciers will end the Alaskan tourist trade, anymore than rising seas will flood our front yards, etc. will come to pass in the near future.

Those apocalyptic visions could be realized down the road as the Earth and our sun do what they’ve been doing for eons but they won’t be the fault of mankind’s activities–unless we assume cave people built filthy, carbon dioxide-spewing, coal-fired power plants we don’t know about and accept the hypothesis that dinosaur farts polluted the atmosphere.

Times, and weather, have changed radically as they always do and ultra-resilient climatologists have shown they can switch sides faster than Chief Justice John Roberts.

Fast forward to the eighties and beyond. Now, due to historically-normal, cyclical climate changes, the fear-mongerers have amazingly converted their baseless freezing scam into a preposterous warming hoax.

Gone are the days when Hollywood cashed in on the orchestrated freezing panic and politicians were elected based on pledges to save their constituents from wearing overcoats in August.

Those days have been supplanted by Tinseltown producing ridiculous movies such as “The Day After Tomorrow” which senselessly theorized that global warming will result in global freezing and Democrat pols warning that North American women had better vote for Obama or be prepared to wear bikinis in January. . .

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