Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ripleyan News

Robert Ripley made his fortune with “Ripley’s Believe It or Not,” a newspaper and later a radio and television series which featured freaks and other oddities he presented as facts to be marvelled at by the public. The following news items may not measure up to Ripley’s weird standards but they are almost equally bizarre.

BURNING BODIES TO HEAT SWIMMING POOLS: In very liberal England, Brits hate waste and have hit upon a unique if offensive method to utilize the dead and, at the same time, to conserve energy and provide comfort to swimmers.

In a ghoulish, green proposal, Sir George Young suggested the 800 degree heat generated by crematoria be used to heat swimming pools and said he would “die a happier man” if he knew his cremation warmed a local pool.

That brilliant idea isn’t too far removed from the governmental practice of using human bodies as nutritional sustenance in the movie “Soylent Green.” Rumors that the Brits will turn to burning people alive for warmth if they run out of dead people are unconfirmed.

PETA KILLS MOST OF THE ANIMALS IT SAVES: The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals bills itself as the pre-eminent savior of all non-human animals and defends animal rights while remaining mute on ethically treating pre-born human beings.

PETA has often engaged in outrageous public displays of its disapproval of wearing clothing made from animal fur yet, when it is “protecting” animals, PETA executes more than 95% of them.

According to documents released by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PETA killed virtually all the animals it was caring for last year including 1,911 cats and dogs and, since 1998, has killed more than 27,000 animals at its Norfolk headquarters alone.

I suppose PETA can defend its actions on the basis that it is saving some of the animals from being eaten in Chinese restaurants. . . (Read more at

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