Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dumb and Dumber: Newsweek and Andrew Sullivan

Dumb and Dumber: Newsweek and Andrew Sullivan

It may be childish and immature to call someone or some groups dumb although most of us, myself included, have hurled the dumb epithet at one time or another. Personally, lately I've mainly confined my allegations of dumb, stupid, inept, incompetent, etc. to politicians and their lackeys and always with bases in fact.

It’s one thing in casual conversation to call someone or some group dumb when they have acted or spokenly stupidly–Barack Hussein Obama and the Occupy Wall Streeters come to mind. It’s quite another when a formerly-respected journalist and national periodical label an entire political movement “stupid.”

The author of the "stupid" label in this week's Newsweek, which the magazine changed to "dumb" in its headline, was Andrew Sullivan, the conservative turncoat and exceptionally hate-filled homosexual and unabashed Obama-idolator known for his vituperative language. Sullivan is known, too, for his committment to the hackneyed Blame-Bush ruse, pinning all this president's failures on the previous administration.

Still, for Newsweek to publish its weekly featuring the headline, "Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?" subtitled, "Andrew Sullivan on the Man with a Plan," is so far beyond the propriety pale that it suggests Sullivan has succumbed to dementia and that one of Obama's prime MSM publications has succumbed to bankruptcy and doesn't give a rat's ass what the public thinks of it.

Actually, Sullivan's dementia speaks for itself and Newsweek is on the verge of going belly-up. . .

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