Thursday, January 19, 2012

Vote Early and Often!

Vote Early and Often!

The City of the Big Shoulders didn’t originate the idea of voting early and often, that is, subverting the electoral process by voters assuming false identities and casting numerous ballots to inflate final election tallies to help insure the Democrat candidates’ victories, but the Windy City perfected the scam.

Fifty-two years ago, Democrat Mayor Richard Daley’s Chicago succeeded in electing John F. Kennedy president of the United States with the help of thousands of dead people who amazingly found their way to the polls to vote for Jack and every other Democrat on the ballot.

This is not to suggest dirty politics is a phenomenon confined to the Democrat Party nor that it began in the twentieth century.

Dick Nixon is up there with the best in the dirty pantheon although, to his credit, he chose not to precipitate a constitutional crisis by challenging the 1960 election results and some have suggested that even Thomas Jefferson circulated incriminating pamphlets to trash his political opponents.

Being devious by nature, politicians have historically used other underhanded, unethical, and technically illegal electoral tricks of the trade including forgery, slander, libel, and payoffs to supplement ballot stuffing and elect their favorites, rarely resulting in legal consequences since the opponents had lost and authorities weren’t much interested in pursuing the guilty.

Even more rare is a pol not only admitting to voter fraud but brazenly claiming the practice is ”a normal political tactic” employed by Democrats and Republicans alike.

Taking their cues from Chicago, Troy, New York Democrats Anthony Renna, already found guilty of second-degree forgery, and Anthony DeFiglio, found guilty of falsifying business records, are now accused of ballot fraud but claiming, ”Voter fraud is an accepted way of winning elections, and faking absentee ballots was commonplace.”

Despite the fact there is no evidence that Troy Republicans have been engaged in any fraud, Renna and DeFiglio are obviously arguing that their conduct is defensible on the basis that besmirching the opposition will exonerate them.

And I always thought the childish defense of, “Mom! Everyone is doing it!” expired with puberty.

Notwithstanding that two of their fellow Democrats have pled guilty and that a total of eight Democrats have been indicted in the case centering around alleged fraudulent attempts to get Democrat candidates on the ballot for the Working Families Party, the WFP, in 2009, . . .

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