Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rick Santorum, Obama's Latest Target

Rick Santorum, Obama's Latest Target

For some very explicable reason, true conservatives give liberals the heebie-jeebies.

Of course, the Obama attack machine consisting of the DNC and all his re-election affiliates and the president’s mainstream media is geared to rip any and all Republicans daring to oppose or speak ill of The Anointed One but their venom really gushes out when the threat is a conservative.

The attack machine mobilized its prodigious forces when Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, and Rick Perry scrambled to the top of the crowded Republican field and shot down each in turn, digging, digging, digging until they could find some dirt on the candidates and, when they couldn’t dirt, simply manufactured the venom.

They scored big time with Cain who seemed to have almost as many lady friends as their living icon, Bubba Clinton, and had to settle for undefined character assassination and baseless abuse of Bachmann’s and Perry’s I.Q.s.

In the week leading up to the Iowa caucuses, former Senator Richard John Santorum gained some traction and moved to the top of the Democrat hit list.

As Iowans trudge off to their caucuses, it’s worthwhile to re-consider the burning question, What is it about conservatives that gives liberals those heebie-jeebies. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=11990.

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