Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Rising of La Raza

The Rising of La Raza

La Raza is on the rise.

Wait, you’ve never heard of La Raza and don’t give a hoot whether it rises, falls, or turns purple?

That’s understandable if you don’t live in America’s southwest or out on the Left Coast. There, people are very familiar with at least the name “La Raza” even if many don’t understand the movement or its goals.

La Raza, “the race” in Spanish, doesn’t refer to a marathon or a sprint but rather to the National Council of La Raza, the NCLR, and the Movemiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, MEChA.

What? You’ve never heard of Aztlan, the NCLR, or MEChA either?

Fear not, you soon may, although it’s doubtful you’ll hear or read much in the mainstream media about the plan of the radical, revolutionary La Raza to re-claim huge swaths of America’s southwest for Mexico to re-unify it under the mythical Mexican kingdom of Aztlan.

You soon may because President Barack Hussein Obama has just named former La Raza Vice President, Cecilia Muñoz, to the post of White House Domestic Policy Director. After serving for three years as Obama’s point woman on legalizing illegals, Muñoz will now be in charge of administering and executing the nation’s domestic policies.

She will also serve as a high-profile Latino during an election year in which the president is desperately seeking the Latino vote to put him over the top in November.

What’s wrong with this picture? Tons!

Aztlan or Aztatlian never existed except in Mexican legend yet La Raza is unabashedly dedicated to waging war on what it calls the “northern front” to seize lands allegedly stolen with the 1848 signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.

That treaty concluded the Mexican-American War won by the United States and stripped Mexico of a full 55% of its territory.

Considering that La Raza is waging its vindictive and mindless war under the banner of a myth, its ambitions are breathtaking: Those lands now encompass the entirety of the states of Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon, parts of Washington, and would increase the size of Mexico by a full third, not to mention converting tens of millions of Americans into Mexicans.

It’s doubtful Cecilia Muñoz will be able to win the second Mexican-American war or accomplish that re-unification in her new role as National Domestic Policy Director.

Those scenarios are as doubtful as the probability that a previous vice president of La Raza will be fair and objective in conducting the domestic affairs of the country that made Mexico a Third World nation. . . (Read more at

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