Sunday, August 21, 2011

Obama's Hopeless, Liberal Change

Obama's Hopeless, Liberal Change

There are liberals and there were liberals.

I’m talking here about American libs, not the British types who are a whole different set who have evolved from beliefs in classical liberalism to free thinkers, whatever that means, to what the new Brit PM calls his “conservative liberal” party, whatever that means.

Until relatively recently, British libs and American libs had one value in common: Without qualification, they cared for the well-being of their respective countries above all else, a sentiment absent today from the philosophy of America’s new liberals as epitomized by Barack Hussein Obama.

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a liberal. So, too, were the Happy Warrior, Hubert Horatio Humphrey, and a whole slew of other Democrats in the past half century, not inclusive of Lyndon Baines Johnson who governed by consensus until Dems turned against him for waging the Vietnamese War and conservatives rebelled because he refused to win that war.

Liberals in days gone by differed in many respects from their more conservative, Republican, opponents but they shared with that opposition a fundamental patriotism, a love of country which superseded base partisanship and the opportunings of special interests groups whose demands were contrary to the best interests of the country.

Not anymore.

That idyllic era came to an abrupt conclusion with Barack Hussein Obama although the end was presaged by Jimmy Carter’s inept politics of malaise and fearsome attack rabbits and Bill Clinton’s governing from the vantage points of what Dick Morris advised would best get him re-elected and how Monica Lewinsky could best service him.

Today, our president, elected despite his dubious credential of being the most liberal senator in the United States Senate during his remarkably brief two-year tenure in that august body, is locked in a death struggle.

His is certainly not a personal death struggle, to be sure, since he will no doubt outlive most of us thanks to his penchants for repetitive relaxation excursions to golf links, a multiplicity of family vacations in opulent locales, and a studied nonchalance as to the domestic and foreign perils the nation faces.

Obama’s stuggle primarily relates to the questions of whether to succumb to his instincts to abjectly cater to the insistent demands of his most restless constituencies or to head to the middle and again sucker a majority of 2012 voters into thinking he isn’t as radically liberal as he actually is.

He has many choices on his overflowing plate, including:

. Should he stay his economic course and promote additional monetary stimuli which fail to stimulate, advance job programs which only increase government employment, add even more regulatory constraints which strangle businesses, and allow the EPA to cripple any recovery with its mindless obsession with inconsequential environmental issues?

. Should he strive to win what he called the Afghanistan ”war of necessity” or bug out and abandon that country to Taliban repression and a return it to a terrorist haven? . . .

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