Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Fantastical Wonderland of Barack Hussein Obama

The Fantastical Wonderland of Barack Hussein Obama

. . . Adeptly executing the blame game approach to governing, two weeks after he signed onto the bi-partisan debt ceiling agreement, Obama now calls the pact “a debacle” and blames “partisan brinkmanship” and plain old bad luck from overseas for his abject failures. (http://bit.ly/oexCxK)

A reality check: America’s economy was in the pits long before Europe’s upheavals, long before Japan’s tsunami and earthquake, long before the Mideast exploded, and long before Republicans made a half-hearted effort to effect fiscal sanity.

Next thing you know, our leader will be saying he really did close Gitmo, that he hasn’t really raised taxes, that Obamacare is constitutional, and that his bride has always been proud of her country.

Far more critical than any of those developments is a valid concern as to whether Obama is in his right mind when he contends he “reversed the recession.” That distorted thinking is contrary to all perceived reality and could be emblematic of an unbalanced mind which is significantly more dangerous than economies in upheaval, tsunamis, crazed Arabs, or angry Republicans!
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5219)

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