Friday, August 19, 2011

Louis Farrakhan Feeds Flash Mobs

Louis Farrakhan Feeds Flash Mobs

Is it racist to report the news truthfully and honestly?

President Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media doesn’t think so, as demonstrated in various articles on this weblog and as attested to by a rare and honorable African-American, Professor Walter E. Williams. Williams frankly acknowledges that the MSM censors and expurgates news by downplaying racial agitation and omitting the racial identities of criminals for a variety of reasons, most of which relate to political correctness dictating what Americans are entitled to know.

Nevertheless, the racial beat goes on.

Good Obamabuddy Reverend Louis Farrakhan, aka Calypso Louie, aka Louis Eugene Wolcott, aka the Prince of Rage, aka grand poohbah of the black racist-separatist Nation of Islam, by all indications is still a good buddy despite having asked the president of the United States, “Who the hell do you think you are?” for ostensibly opposing Libya’s Daffy Qaddafi.

Louie has again crawled out from under one of his palace rocks to stir his anti-American pot.

This time, Obama’s bud is beating the drum for the Fort Hood mass murderer Major Nidal Malik Hasan who, like Farrakhan and his tribe, is really a good Muslim despite having slaughtered 13 people and wounding 30 others as he screamed, “Allahu Akbar!” Farrakhan defends the major since Hasan was only attacking American soldiers who are all raping and murderering Muslim women, and men, in the Mideast.

Never fazed by truth, Calypso Louie ignores the facts that 7 of Hasan’s victims were civilians and that the vast majority of our troops would never go near hygienically-challenged Iraqis and Afghanis unless they had to shoot them in the line of duty.

See Farrakhan’s spittle-ridden, hateful diatribe delivered to hooting and howling supporters here:

Were Farrakhan and the president’s former pastor of 20 years, another reverend–for some reason they all seem to be reverends–Jeremiah Wright, the only black seditionists infesting our land, we could readily deal with and defeat them and their nefarious plots and tolerated conspiracies. However, they have a number of accomplices, some in high positions in our municipalities and even in our police departments.

All are as intent on subverting American justice, our laws, and our sense of equitable treatment of all citizens regardless of race and religion as Farrakhan, Wright, and Major Hasan.

In ”More Riotous Times in Obamaland,”, and other articles, I detailed some of the chaos erupting in our nation, everywhere from Alabama, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Now further upheavals have occurred.

All the incidents have three factors in common: The miscreants . . .

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