Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Uncle Omar and Aunt Zeituni

Uncle Omar and Aunt Zeituni

They keep popping out of the woodwork.

Most of us have relatives we wish were related to other people. Unless we're Hispanic, few of us can claim or want to claim as familial relations people who break the law by sneaking into our country and then add insult to national injury by driving drunk.

Our president, Barack Hussein Obama, seems to have any number of such relatives, only two of whom have been caught. So far.

The latest is Obama's dear Kenyan uncle, Onyango Obama, who joins Obama's dear Aunt Zeituni Onyango as a felon. Uncle Onyango added drunk driving to his resume' whereas Aunt Zeituni has merely lived on the public dole for more than a decade.

Uncle Omar, as Nephew Barack called him in Dreams from My Father, is the half-brother of Barack’s late father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., full brother of Zeituni Onyango, and uncle to George Obama, another Senior offspring and half-brother to America’s president and current resident of a Nairobi ghetto, all of whom are Kenyan natives.

Barack Junior’s is a complicated family.

Omar apparently shares more than his half-brother’s genes; he shares Obama Senior’s propensity to drink and drive though Senior seemed to have done most of his drunk driving in Africa where he wrecked three cars, lost his legs in the second accident, and died in the third.

Somehow, Senior, Uncle Omar and Aunt Zeituni made their way to America, Senior long enough to make a baby in Hawaii. Poor George hasn’t gotten here as yet and subsists on a buck a week in his hovel.

Uncle Omar, 67, was charged with DUI, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and failure to yield the right of way when he rolled through a stop sign in Framingham, Massachusetts. The police noted his speech was slurred and he tested with a blood alcohol level of 0.14%, 0.6% over the limit. He denied he had been drinking, then admitted to imbibing two beers, a pretty unlikely quantity unless each brew was half a gallon.

The plot thickens.

Police subsequently discovered that Uncle Omar Obama had a valid driver’s license and Social Security identification but wasn’t supposed to be in the country in the first place. He’s an illegal alien and is currently being held on an immigration detainer, usually a prelude to deportation by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Apprised of the incident, Deval Patrick, the African-American governor of the Bay State, responded with a typically-unresponsive, politicly-motivated comment unrelated to the issue, “You know my stance: Illegal is illegal. We need comprehensive immigration reform.”

Don’t bet on Onyango Obama being shipped back to Kenya, though. He has a few aces up his sleeve, a nephew in D.C. and a sister in Boston.

Asked by police whom he would want to contact, Uncle Omar said,”I think I will call the White House,” which usually doesn’t accept collect calls and had no comment on the situation.

No doubt he will also drop a dime and call fellow Bostonian Zeituni who knows all the ins-and-outs on beating America’s feckless immigration system because she has already done it. . .

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