Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Slavery Reparations Part Two

Waiting in the Wings: Slavery “Reparations,” Part Two

Look, I’m as reasonable and equitable as the next guy.

I think everyone in the United States of America deserves an equal chance, at success in life, access to opportunities, and fair treatment by everyone else.

I even think the Chicago Cubs should win a pennant and a World Series, that is, if they ever again deserve to win a pennant and a Series. If not, Cubbie fans should switch to the Yankees.

That same thinking applies to Black, Yellow, Green, and Purple Americans: When they merit success, a win, based on their abilities, talents and exertions, then I wish them the absolute best.

However, no matter your race, I have an odd thought quirk. I think that if you expect a free ride, if you’re a Black expecting to suckle on a White breast, call it reparations, and thereby prosper in American society, you’re suckling the wrong breast and humping the wrong dog.

That mistaken suckling/humping is the chief fallacy of so-called slavery reparations.

Rep. John Conyers has been tooting the slavery reparations horn for 40 years. (See “Waiting . . . Part one:”

Let’s assume Conyers gets his heart’s desire with the minefield of reparations and White Americans are penalized/taxed/punished for a crime they didn’t commit, unless, of course, they are at least 146 years old and as infants trained under Simon Legree.

Other minefield issues:

Shouldn’t only 146 year old, or older, Black Americans be eligible for reparations?

Wouldn’t it also be fair that Blacks would be taxed since many freed Blacks were known to be slave owners themselves? See and

Since it was mostly African chieftains who sold their brothers and sisters into slavery, should not a measure of responsibility be assigned to the descendants of those tribal leaders in various nations throughout Africa?

Those little known and ignored truths would make things a tad confusing for the reparationists, that is, Blacks taxed to pay reparations to Blacks and asking people yet living in huts with no running water, such as our president’s half brother, to pay up so that African Americans could have a second wide-screen tv.

Maybe Conyers could figure a scheme whereby only a certain percentage would be penalized?

Another dilemma would be what to do for the descendants of the thousands of Irish, Scots, and Germans imported to our shores as indentured servants, a euphemism for slaves. Do they get a share of the reparation pie?

Then there’s . . .

(Read the rest at

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