Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chickies vs. Babies

I’d like to say that I’m bemused at stories of animal cruelty but such stories are abhorrent to me and so bemusement is not an option.

Nevertheless, I’m always entertained by the writers and producers of animal cruelty tales and videos and by groups such as PETA who get livid over videos like this on chicken farmers who apparently routinely grind up millions of live male chicks because they are useless:

It’s a pretty ugly sight whether one is an animal lover or not. Causing such excruciating pain to any living creature has to warp the minds of the perpetrators who tell themselves it is instant euthanasia.

No doubt many women’s libbers delight in the poetic justice of any male being chopped and diced but I think it’s nothing short of disgustingly brutal even if male chicks are not economically viable: They can’t lay eggs and don’t fatten up fast enough.

We usually think of pictures like these when we think chicken:

There’s more to a chicken than meets the eye or the palate.

On the other hand, we don’t consume human babies–yet–but we have the more popular practice of abortion.

In some ways, aborted, pre-born babies have it worse than post-born male chickens. PETA and other animal lovers have no empathy for the human animal since there are so-called valid reasons for abortion–just as there are valid reasons for grinding male chicks into pulp.

Various parallels can be drawn between chick-grinding and baby murder: . . .
(Read the rest at

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