Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Slavery Reparations, Part One

Waiting in the Wings, Slavery “Reparations:” Part One

With all the sturm und drang, in a word, the uproar sweeping the nation over health care, national defense, taxes, illegals, make no mistake that another storm and more stress are a-brewing and will be visited on Americans if and when the current storms subside: reparations for slavery.

Reparations are the raison d’être for powerful Michigan Democrat, Rep. John Conyers, second longest-serving House member and currently Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

For the inquisitive, such posts are awarded on the basis of seniority and longevity and Black pols who bring home the chittlins tend to be re-elected ad infinitum.

Think Reps. John Dingell, (D. MI), and Charley Rangel, (D. NY).

One has to wonder if that system should be changed when career minority politicians are effectively governing the majority of Americans, but that’s just an aside.

Rep. Conyers has dedicated his life to seeking reparations and was un-deterred in that goal even after his wife, Monica, pled guilty to conspiracy to commit bribery in June.

Monica may be facing 5 years in the slammer,, but there are some things more important in life than bribery convictions or various charges of unethical activities against hubby, John.

Foremost is forcing White Americans in the twenty-first century to compensate Black Americans living in this century for cultural sins committed by White, and Black, Americans in the form of slavery, from the sixteenth though the nineteenth centuries. . . .

(Read the rest at

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