Friday, September 4, 2009

Next Weekend II: Friday, a Day Of Remembrance

Next Weekend, Part Two: Friday, a Day of Remembrance

(Part One reminded America that a massive march on Washington is scheduled for next Friday, a march designed to once again ignite the sleeping giant, the too-silent majority, to rise up and take back our country from the radical Leftists now running it–into the ground.

Part Two represents another reminder–of what could happen, again, if we fail to take our country back.)

The day preceding the March on Washington, Friday, September 11th, 2009, is a day that should forever be commemorated as the day on which America and all Americans were subjected to a horror exceeding any other horror visited on our nation in its 220 year history: September 11th, 2001.

That late summer day dawned with all that was good and true and beautiful in its clear skies in New York City, in Washington, D.C., and in Shanksville, PA. Regrettably, rarely can the good, the true, and the beautiful endure long on our fragile planet.

Collective memories tend to fade over years as the human psyche relegates to its recesses that which is disturbing, that which we would rather forget, that which we hope will not re-occur, and certainly not occur near us.

Unfortunately or not, that psychic tactic only affords a temporary, and perilous, self-delusion.

President Obama, America’s Delusionist in Chief, was still a lowly Illinois state senator in 2001, still a parishioner seated in a pew in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church.

He may even have heard Jeremiah’s jeremiad concerning 9/11, you know, the one when he ranted that we deserved what we got that day, when he screamed, “God damn America!” and “America’s chickens have come home to roost.”

Obama may have skipped church that day or surely he would have stormed out, Michelle and the kids in tow.

And maybe not.

Suggestive of Barack/Barry’s missing the point of 9/11 and buying into Wright’s thesis, he now absurdly wants that date to be celebrated as some vague “day of service,” more aptly called, “Obama’s Plan to Desecrate 9/11:”

That desecration, that violation of the sanctity of September 11th, is repugnant beyond imagining, except by those who consciously or unconsciously have already forgotten its meaning.

A scant eight years in our past, 9/11/2001 should not require reminders . . .

(Read the rest and see the pictures at

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